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Here are cumulative stats for Fedr and JMDP through the first 4 rounds of the USO 2017. Please make it known if you wish to be added or removed from the notification list.
High level message: With the exception of record in sets, Lord Fedr has stacked up slightly better numbers than JMDP, versus similiar opposition. Service games are similiar - difference in performance has come from return.
@Meles @Gary Duane @Chanwan @Sysyphus @Red Rick @BeatlesFan @Silence @VaporDude95 @Vrad @mightyjeditribble
@stringertom @Sentinel @73west
@Prashanth HS @Firstservingman @Fedberg20
High level message: With the exception of record in sets, Lord Fedr has stacked up slightly better numbers than JMDP, versus similiar opposition. Service games are similiar - difference in performance has come from return.
- Lord Fedr has won a lower pct of sets (dropped 4 vs. 2), but done better at winning games (60% vs. 56%) and points (55% vs. 53%).
- On serve they have been about the same
- they have an identical hold% (88%)
- they have similiar SPW% (71% vs. 70%)
- also they have outperformed the tour by the same amount vs. their opponents (11pp vs. 9pp)
- both have been woefully unclutch at saving break points - Fedr 20 pp below his regular win% and JMDP 9 pp
- The difference in performance has come from return - Fedr has broken more often (31% vs. 24%)
- Interestingly, on return points (as opposed to return games) they are quite close - Fed leads 42% to 39%
- The large difference of 7p.p. in break% comes from the fact that Fedr has been much more clutch on break points
- His break point winning% is 7p.p. higher than non-BP win%; for JMDP that number is -3 p.p.
- Fedr leads in all fatigue metrics (except points played) - this is likely to be a factor given JMDP's health situation
- Also, Fedr has a slightly cleaner game than JMDP - better winners to U/W differential, and slightly better at the net

@Meles @Gary Duane @Chanwan @Sysyphus @Red Rick @BeatlesFan @Silence @VaporDude95 @Vrad @mightyjeditribble
@stringertom @Sentinel @73west
@Prashanth HS @Firstservingman @Fedberg20
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