Hall of Fame
Here are cumulative statistics for Federer and Raonic, for the first 4 rounds of Wimbledon 2017. This one is an open and shut case.
Bookies have Fed as a 77% favourite, which sounds about right.
- Level of competition is similiar
- Federer with higher overall level - more points won (57% vs. 54%), more games won (62% vs. 55%), much higher dominance ratio (1.77 vs. 1.32) etc. etc.
- Serves are about the same - Fed won 77% of points vs. 74%; both won 94% of service games; both won 9 p.p. more service points against their opponents, than the top 100 managed on grass in the last two years, against the same opponents
- Fed's return is out of sight - broke 30% of games vs. 15%; won 41% of return points vs. 34%; won 10 p.p. more return points against his opponents than the top 100; whereas Raonic managed the same as the top 100
- As a result Raonic played 8 close sets out of 15; whereas Federer only played 2/10
- Fatigue might be factor - Raonic has been on court 88% longer, played 62% more points, and run 70% more distance
Bookies have Fed as a 77% favourite, which sounds about right.

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