I finally got mine back fully customized and got a few hours of hitting in and here are my initial thoughts of the new 16x19 LTD vs the original:
They did make some subtle changes to the frame but it still looks and feels to be the exact same mold as the original. I have mine extended to 27.5” and weighted up to 357g strung at 31.5 cm balance.
From the ground the frames feel very similar but with a few small differences. Some have commented the sweet spot is smaller on the new version but I think it is about the same size, but it took me awhile to find it because in my opinion it is in a different spot. On the new version it feels like it is slightly higher in the string bed which took some time to get used to. Once I did the frame felt better and I was back to hitting my normal ball. For most shots my depth, spin and power were the same as with the original.
You can tell the frame is just slightly stiffer than the original, but not by much. It also seems a little more dampened, it took me a bit to get used to the fact they do have a different sound when you hit the ball. But you do get a decent flex in the frame when you hit the sweet spot. I hate to use the word, but the new version feels somewhat brassy to me compared to the original (don’t know another word to describe that feeling).
Volleys and serves and the same feel, a lot like the original just with a slightly different sound and feel. All in All I can switch back and forth easily and play about the same, just takes a minute to adjust for the sweet spot. I need more time with the frame to get a better feel for it, but in my opinion it is the same frame with just some minor tweaks done to it.