Diary of a Diabetic Racketaholic....


New User
A little about me….

I am 44, and born/raised/currently live in Houston, Texas. I grew up playing just about every sport under the sun; but focused primarily on baseball until high school, where I played golf. I went to UT Austin where I partied, waited tables, played in a band, and somehow managed to get a degree. And other than wiffle ball and ping pong, got away from most sports all together. As the real world set in, I did what many do: put on weight, get healthy, lose weight, rinse and repeat. In 2014 at 37 had my first son, and then another in 2016. Life got busy, family got busy, work got busy and, with the help of lots of work golf, travelling, big dinners, and a healthy dose of boondoggling, I wasn’t doing too much in the way of taking very good care of myself. On January 15th, 2020 I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. My blood work had always been fairly abysmal, and I have diabetics on both sides of my family. So I saw it coming to some extent. As a slight framed guy, I was 200 lbs, and just about every relevant marker in my bloodwork was in a range from really bad to “dude, come on now”. So, I was at a crossroads. Changes needed to be made, and not just one less queso run per week. Turns out, it was the wake-up call I need…

I always enjoyed playing tennis, was already a member at Westside Tennis Club, and live about 5 miles from **************’ retail location (blasphemy, I know, on this forum!). All perfect nutrition for a growing holic….

So my journey began….

I came into this chapter with (2) 2013 APDs which, at the time, I thought was the perfect frame. I bought a beat-up old Neos 1000 stringer, and did a sh!tload of research and TT forum stalking. I was in the vortex, and was happy to be there…
What I quickly found was that due to my still-developing technique and taking the ball a bit late on both sides (incl. OHBH), the ole APD would quickly take its toll on the wrist and elbow (exacerbated by full bed of poly at 55#). So I started demoing and buying racquets with great frequency (while taking lessons and focusing primarily on my technique and footwork…the real answer). Started with the Prince Phantom 100x 305 due to the positive reviews and flexy nature. Sold it, and moved on to a steady diet of Radicals (MPs and Pros, including the 2021 Pro, which I really like), Speeds, Volkls, Ezones and Vcores (just to name the ones I’ve owned, but have demo’d many, many others). I thought the Ezone 100 was it, and amassed 3 of them. What I quickly noticed after playing with them for several months exclusively, is that 1) They are really comfy and muted, and play so easy in all areas; but a bit too much free power for me to swing out, and still hard on the wrist/elbow (for me anyway) and 2) The more my game progressed and evolved, the more I began to appreciate feel and precision in a frame. So the search was not yet over….
Fast forward to today….

I went from 200 lbs, down to a low of 148 lbs (now settled in at about 155). My bloodwork, blood pressure, resting heartrate, blood sugar, and overall physical well-being have all swung into optimal levels. I generally feel great, and it has been almost exclusively due to an almost daily regimen of tennis, low carbs, and lots of red wine. So if we are good with hyperbole, I can credit tennis for basically saving my life. I never have to motivate to play. I could play every singe day, and when I am not playing, I am reading about it. ****, I read reviews and forum threads about rackets I already own! Full blown holic stuff.

As for my holic journey, for the first time since this all started, I think I have hit paydirt. On a whim, I decided to demo a blade a few months back. V7 16x19 (also the 18x20). Yep, from the first session, I knew I was on to something with the 16x19. Given that I had just bought the VCore 98, leaded it up, and was enjoying it, I thought it best not to go buy a blade. But I demo’d it again, then a couple of weeks later a 3rd demo. Quickly realizing that all of the noise about Wilson QC was 1,000% true, I noticed this: there are 2 kinds of blades in stock form, good ones and bad ones. Praise to whomever that the first demo I got was one of the “good” ones or I would not have been back. The second demo was over spec, sluggish (as so many here have noted), and oddly a little stiff feeling. Pretty much a garbage feeling racquet, compounded by the fact that the demo was strung tight. Feeling confused and lost, the 3rd demo brought me back to life. So I now bag the blade, string with Tour Bite Soft at 50 to 52# (my favorite string for this frame so far) and am in total bliss. I cannot believe it took me this long to get to the blade given so many good players use these and Strikes. Better late than never! I had to pick up the recent Roland Garros Version as one last act of unchecked holic defiance, and now I am set. Got 3 “good” ones and am not looking back. Famous last word, right?

All of this to say simply, thank you. I have learned so much about this game from you all…..


Hall of Fame
Good on ya!
I lived in Texas much of my life(Round Rock mostly, but also Austin and San Antonio). I dunno how anyone in Texas can be healthy with all the awesome food available. :(
Man, I miss Shipley's kolaches so much, and don't get me started on the BBQ...
Must be crawfish season right about now, too...


Ha! I'm also 44 and live in Houston. Although I'm on the north side in Spring. I also settled on the Blade as my primary - 18/20 in my case. Message me if you ever want to get together for a hitting session or a match.

Steve Huff

Almost daily tennis in the heat and humidity of Houston would either get you into shape or kill you. Glad you are one of the former.


New User
Good on ya!
I lived in Texas much of my life(Round Rock mostly, but also Austin and San Antonio). I dunno how anyone in Texas can be healthy with all the awesome food available. :(
Man, I miss Shipley's kolaches so much, and don't get me started on the BBQ...
Must be crawfish season right about now, too...
It's hard man! Between the Tex-Mex and the rest, there's quality everywhere here! As for Shipley's, I had a good run there. Tough to beat. Now I have to live through my kiddos and sneak a bite here an there....
Haven't had crawfish yet this year. Kicking myself. Hearing they are great this year though. I'll have to remedy that soon....
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New User
Ha! I'm also 44 and live in Houston. Although I'm on the north side in Spring. I also settled on the Blade as my primary - 18/20 in my case. Message me if you ever want to get together for a hitting session or a match.
May just take you up on that. Have racquet, will drive...
I live Memorial and Wilcrest, so a quick shot up the beltway!


New User
Almost daily tennis in the heat and humidity of Houston would either get you into shape or kill you. Glad you are one of the former.
No doubt, the latter it feels most of the time! I play at 5:30 in the morning most days; which is about the only way to do it here 5 months out of the year! when i see people playing at 2:00 in the afternoon in August I tip my cap and find shade....


New User
A little about me….

I am 44, and born/raised/currently live in Houston, Texas. I grew up playing just about every sport under the sun; but focused primarily on baseball until high school, where I played golf. I went to UT Austin where I partied, waited tables, played in a band, and somehow managed to get a degree. And other than wiffle ball and ping pong, got away from most sports all together. As the real world set in, I did what many do: put on weight, get healthy, lose weight, rinse and repeat. In 2014 at 37 had my first son, and then another in 2016. Life got busy, family got busy, work got busy and, with the help of lots of work golf, travelling, big dinners, and a healthy dose of boondoggling, I wasn’t doing too much in the way of taking very good care of myself. On January 15th, 2020 I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. My blood work had always been fairly abysmal, and I have diabetics on both sides of my family. So I saw it coming to some extent. As a slight framed guy, I was 200 lbs, and just about every relevant marker in my bloodwork was in a range from really bad to “dude, come on now”. So, I was at a crossroads. Changes needed to be made, and not just one less queso run per week. Turns out, it was the wake-up call I need…

I always enjoyed playing tennis, was already a member at Westside Tennis Club, and live about 5 miles from **************’ retail location (blasphemy, I know, on this forum!). All perfect nutrition for a growing holic….

So my journey began….

I came into this chapter with (2) 2013 APDs which, at the time, I thought was the perfect frame. I bought a beat-up old Neos 1000 stringer, and did a sh!tload of research and TT forum stalking. I was in the vortex, and was happy to be there…
What I quickly found was that due to my still-developing technique and taking the ball a bit late on both sides (incl. OHBH), the ole APD would quickly take its toll on the wrist and elbow (exacerbated by full bed of poly at 55#). So I started demoing and buying racquets with great frequency (while taking lessons and focusing primarily on my technique and footwork…the real answer). Started with the Prince Phantom 100x 305 due to the positive reviews and flexy nature. Sold it, and moved on to a steady diet of Radicals (MPs and Pros, including the 2021 Pro, which I really like), Speeds, Volkls, Ezones and Vcores (just to name the ones I’ve owned, but have demo’d many, many others). I thought the Ezone 100 was it, and amassed 3 of them. What I quickly noticed after playing with them for several months exclusively, is that 1) They are really comfy and muted, and play so easy in all areas; but a bit too much free power for me to swing out, and still hard on the wrist/elbow (for me anyway) and 2) The more my game progressed and evolved, the more I began to appreciate feel and precision in a frame. So the search was not yet over….
Fast forward to today….

I went from 200 lbs, down to a low of 148 lbs (now settled in at about 155). My bloodwork, blood pressure, resting heartrate, blood sugar, and overall physical well-being have all swung into optimal levels. I generally feel great, and it has been almost exclusively due to an almost daily regimen of tennis, low carbs, and lots of red wine. So if we are good with hyperbole, I can credit tennis for basically saving my life. I never have to motivate to play. I could play every singe day, and when I am not playing, I am reading about it. ****, I read reviews and forum threads about rackets I already own! Full blown holic stuff.

As for my holic journey, for the first time since this all started, I think I have hit paydirt. On a whim, I decided to demo a blade a few months back. V7 16x19 (also the 18x20). Yep, from the first session, I knew I was on to something with the 16x19. Given that I had just bought the VCore 98, leaded it up, and was enjoying it, I thought it best not to go buy a blade. But I demo’d it again, then a couple of weeks later a 3rd demo. Quickly realizing that all of the noise about Wilson QC was 1,000% true, I noticed this: there are 2 kinds of blades in stock form, good ones and bad ones. Praise to whomever that the first demo I got was one of the “good” ones or I would not have been back. The second demo was over spec, sluggish (as so many here have noted), and oddly a little stiff feeling. Pretty much a garbage feeling racquet, compounded by the fact that the demo was strung tight. Feeling confused and lost, the 3rd demo brought me back to life. So I now bag the blade, string with Tour Bite Soft at 50 to 52# (my favorite string for this frame so far) and am in total bliss. I cannot believe it took me this long to get to the blade given so many good players use these and Strikes. Better late than never! I had to pick up the recent Roland Garros Version as one last act of unchecked holic defiance, and now I am set. Got 3 “good” ones and am not looking back. Famous last word, right?

All of this to say simply, thank you. I have learned so much about this game from you all…..

Hmm, which Ezone 100 was hard on your wrist/elbow? 2020?


New User
Hmm, which Ezone 100 was hard on your wrist/elbow? 2020?
2020 - Great stick! I'll likely not part with them. They are just so fun to play with.
It was mainly the wrist, and likely the Hyper G as much as anything. My only issue with that frame for my game was that I had to up the tension to get control of it. I tried several strings in there and HG17 gave the best results; but it came at a cost... Arm health has had to become a focus for me...


Hall of Fame
How is your diabetes now? There have been promising studies WRT fasting and resetting insulin sensitivity (reversing diabetes) in those with type ii.



A little about me….

I am 44, and born/raised/currently live in Houston, Texas. I grew up playing just about every sport under the sun; but focused primarily on baseball until high school, where I played golf. I went to UT Austin where I partied, waited tables, played in a band, and somehow managed to get a degree. And other than wiffle ball and ping pong, got away from most sports all together. As the real world set in, I did what many do: put on weight, get healthy, lose weight, rinse and repeat. In 2014 at 37 had my first son, and then another in 2016. Life got busy, family got busy, work got busy and, with the help of lots of work golf, travelling, big dinners, and a healthy dose of boondoggling, I wasn’t doing too much in the way of taking very good care of myself. On January 15th, 2020 I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. My blood work had always been fairly abysmal, and I have diabetics on both sides of my family. So I saw it coming to some extent. As a slight framed guy, I was 200 lbs, and just about every relevant marker in my bloodwork was in a range from really bad to “dude, come on now”. So, I was at a crossroads. Changes needed to be made, and not just one less queso run per week. Turns out, it was the wake-up call I need…

I always enjoyed playing tennis, was already a member at Westside Tennis Club, and live about 5 miles from **************’ retail location (blasphemy, I know, on this forum!). All perfect nutrition for a growing holic….

So my journey began….

I came into this chapter with (2) 2013 APDs which, at the time, I thought was the perfect frame. I bought a beat-up old Neos 1000 stringer, and did a sh!tload of research and TT forum stalking. I was in the vortex, and was happy to be there…
What I quickly found was that due to my still-developing technique and taking the ball a bit late on both sides (incl. OHBH), the ole APD would quickly take its toll on the wrist and elbow (exacerbated by full bed of poly at 55#). So I started demoing and buying racquets with great frequency (while taking lessons and focusing primarily on my technique and footwork…the real answer). Started with the Prince Phantom 100x 305 due to the positive reviews and flexy nature. Sold it, and moved on to a steady diet of Radicals (MPs and Pros, including the 2021 Pro, which I really like), Speeds, Volkls, Ezones and Vcores (just to name the ones I’ve owned, but have demo’d many, many others). I thought the Ezone 100 was it, and amassed 3 of them. What I quickly noticed after playing with them for several months exclusively, is that 1) They are really comfy and muted, and play so easy in all areas; but a bit too much free power for me to swing out, and still hard on the wrist/elbow (for me anyway) and 2) The more my game progressed and evolved, the more I began to appreciate feel and precision in a frame. So the search was not yet over….
Fast forward to today….

I went from 200 lbs, down to a low of 148 lbs (now settled in at about 155). My bloodwork, blood pressure, resting heartrate, blood sugar, and overall physical well-being have all swung into optimal levels. I generally feel great, and it has been almost exclusively due to an almost daily regimen of tennis, low carbs, and lots of red wine. So if we are good with hyperbole, I can credit tennis for basically saving my life. I never have to motivate to play. I could play every singe day, and when I am not playing, I am reading about it. ****, I read reviews and forum threads about rackets I already own! Full blown holic stuff.

As for my holic journey, for the first time since this all started, I think I have hit paydirt. On a whim, I decided to demo a blade a few months back. V7 16x19 (also the 18x20). Yep, from the first session, I knew I was on to something with the 16x19. Given that I had just bought the VCore 98, leaded it up, and was enjoying it, I thought it best not to go buy a blade. But I demo’d it again, then a couple of weeks later a 3rd demo. Quickly realizing that all of the noise about Wilson QC was 1,000% true, I noticed this: there are 2 kinds of blades in stock form, good ones and bad ones. Praise to whomever that the first demo I got was one of the “good” ones or I would not have been back. The second demo was over spec, sluggish (as so many here have noted), and oddly a little stiff feeling. Pretty much a garbage feeling racquet, compounded by the fact that the demo was strung tight. Feeling confused and lost, the 3rd demo brought me back to life. So I now bag the blade, string with Tour Bite Soft at 50 to 52# (my favorite string for this frame so far) and am in total bliss. I cannot believe it took me this long to get to the blade given so many good players use these and Strikes. Better late than never! I had to pick up the recent Roland Garros Version as one last act of unchecked holic defiance, and now I am set. Got 3 “good” ones and am not looking back. Famous last word, right?

All of this to say simply, thank you. I have learned so much about this game from you all…..
Nice job with the Blade, awesome frame. This v7 will probably go down as one of the better versions. I use the 16/19 as many do in my area, just more maneuverable and easy to use than the 18/20. Personally I’ve been enjoying head velocity and OG sheep micro, gonna try some hybrids with some poly and see if my elbow can handle that.


Hall of Fame
How is your diabetes now? There have been promising studies WRT fasting and resetting insulin sensitivity (reversing diabetes) in those with type ii.

I am pre-Diabetic. My doctor here in Ireland and I had a conversation regarding fasting just yesterday. It was rather basic, but he did mention diet is the most important part about managing diabetes, and preventing it. All in all, he said not only to avoid carbs, but also make the meals as small as possible. Similarly to the study you cited, he suggested a low calorie meal for lunch and the rest be more of a snack like almonds/nuts, or a small serving of peanut butter(the PB in Europe has nowhere near the salt and sugar it does stateside - much to my disappointment).
I have gained so much weight this year being locked up, and it finally triggered my diabetic issues. I have to admit I had been eating rather poorly... it was a good run.
Man, I could go for a Ben Millers fried chicken plate right about now :)


Hall of Fame
I am pre-Diabetic. My doctor here in Ireland and I had a conversation regarding fasting just yesterday. It was rather basic, but he did mention diet is the most important part about managing diabetes, and preventing it. All in all, he said not only to avoid carbs, but also make the meals as small as possible. Similarly to the study you cited, he suggested a low calorie meal for lunch and the rest be more of a snack like almonds/nuts, or a small serving of peanut butter(the PB in Europe has nowhere near the salt and sugar it does stateside - much to my disappointment).
I have gained so much weight this year being locked up, and it finally triggered my diabetic issues. I have to admit I had been eating rather poorly... it was a good run.
Man, I could go for a Ben Millers fried chicken plate right about now :)

Have no idea who that is but sounds YUMMM haha

The clear solution is to play more tennis like you have been. I hope they haven’t tried to restrict that for you wherever you live. I’ve heard people have been arrested in Canada for playing tennis during government declared lockdowns
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New User
How is your diabetes now? There have been promising studies WRT fasting and resetting insulin sensitivity (reversing diabetes) in those with type ii.

I am doing great. My A1C is 5.5, which is on the high side of normal, and my blood sugar is usually right in range. I usually check it in the morning just to get a reference, but my doctor said that isn't necessary. All-in-all, I am well.... I actually dropped too much weight along the way, so it was fun putting a little of it back on. Now I am on cruise control, just playing tennis and other sports, and allowing myself indulgence here and there; but not everywhere....

Very interesting study. Amazing how people doing insulin injections were able to get away from them in such a short period of time. I'll be interested to see where that goes with a wider sample set. Intermittent fasting has all kinds of benefits, doesn't it?


New User
I am pre-Diabetic. My doctor here in Ireland and I had a conversation regarding fasting just yesterday. It was rather basic, but he did mention diet is the most important part about managing diabetes, and preventing it. All in all, he said not only to avoid carbs, but also make the meals as small as possible. Similarly to the study you cited, he suggested a low calorie meal for lunch and the rest be more of a snack like almonds/nuts, or a small serving of peanut butter(the PB in Europe has nowhere near the salt and sugar it does stateside - much to my disappointment).
I have gained so much weight this year being locked up, and it finally triggered my diabetic issues. I have to admit I had been eating rather poorly... it was a good run.
Man, I could go for a Ben Millers fried chicken plate right about now :)
Best of luck with getting your arms around it. Diet is huge in this struggle, no matter how much we move around. Out of pure ignorance, I took the approach of eating things that I could eat a lot of. Lots of protein, huge salads (with ranch & thousand island), tons of nuts, and non-starchy vegetables. I found some low carb tortillas that are actually pretty good so I can somewhat replicate tacos, quesadillas, and little flatbread pizzas...I also didn't worry about the sugar from fruit, and eat a lot of it, although I stay away from watermelon and limit the bananas. To your point about peanut butter, I usually end the night with a glob of extra crunchy Jif and cool whip in a 50-50! Probably not nutritionist approved but a nice little treat....
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2020 - Great stick! I'll likely not part with them. They are just so fun to play with.
It was mainly the wrist, and likely the Hyper G as much as anything. My only issue with that frame for my game was that I had to up the tension to get control of it. I tried several strings in there and HG17 gave the best results; but it came at a cost... Arm health has had to become a focus for me...
EZone with HG Soft in the mid-40s is where it's at.


New User
EZone with HG Soft in the mid-40s is where it's at.
I am going to have to try that. I put HG Soft 17 in my Rad Pro and it plays great, but I have not tried it in the EZ. The Blade with Tour Bite Soft is just so delightful that I am finding monogamy much easier!


I am going to have to try that. I put HG Soft 17 in my Rad Pro and it plays great, but I have not tried it in the EZ. The Blade with Tour Bite Soft is just so delightful that I am finding monogamy much easier!
If you really want a treat, try Silver 7 Tour in your Blade.


New User
If you really want a treat, try Silver 7 Tour in your Blade.
Funny you mention that. I have (3) blades, (2) strung with TB soft, and (1) with S7T! The S7T plays fantastically in that frame. I keep a packet or two of that on-hand at all times. I didn't jive with it in my EZ, but in my VC98, it played great. In the blade, it is money. That 3rd blade is a bit headlight compared to the other two, so I usually use it for the ball machine and messing around on the driveway on the rebound net. I should probably try it in one of the two main frames.... thanks!


Hall of Fame
Have no idea who that is but sounds YUMMM haha

The clear solution is to play more tennis like you have been. I hope they haven’t tried to restrict that for you wherever you live. I’ve heard people have been arrested in Canada for playing tennis during government declared lockdowns

They only just reopened clubs in Ireland....
We've been excrutiatingly slow at rolling out our jabs...
The good news, sort of, is I now qualify for the jab regardless of age due to being pre-diabetic...

BTW, today I had a banana, 2 eggs, chicken soup, and an oatmeal biscuit with almond butter on it(which is fabulous).
I would murder a small child with my bare hands for a Round Rock donut right now.


New User
They only just reopened clubs in Ireland....
We've been excrutiatingly slow at rolling out our jabs...
The good news, sort of, is I now qualify for the jab regardless of age due to being pre-diabetic...

BTW, today I had a banana, 2 eggs, chicken soup, and an oatmeal biscuit with almond butter on it(which is fabulous).
I would murder a small child with my bare hands for a Round Rock donut right now.
Round Rock Donuts!!!! So good... lived in Austin for 7 years; miss those...
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Hall of Fame
Round Rock Donuts!!!! So good... lived in Austin for 7 years; miss those...
I was a fan of Gus's World Famous Fried Chicken when I stopped by there. I never got to try Lucy's Fried Chicken though. Ugh.

Speaking of which, I'm about to eat Antony's Fried Chicken straight from my air fryer!!! (I have air fryer breading but I usually skip it for wings)

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Hall of Fame
Round Rock Donuts!!!! So good... lived in Austin for 7 years; miss those...

Spent a long time in Round Rock. I worked for the Hester family(Of Hester's crossing 'fame') for years.
Good people. Jeff Hester is a character. His BIL, John Ransom introduced me to Nolan Ryan.