Diary of a Racketaholic


One of my friends on Wednesday night stayed after our doubles for some 1 on 1. He was giving me very interesting feedback on the different string setups in the 351s.

He said the Hawk 1.30 created the most difficult ball for him to hit by far. Said on his end the ball was very heavy and very difficult to hit cleanly because of how the ball bounced aggressively forward after the bounce.

The half blew my mind, because it did not always look that way from my end. The Hawk was also the most difficult string to consistently control with my strokes. I kept pushing things long or wide, but I'll chalk most of that up to fatigue.

In contrast, he said the full bed of Pure Rush had a ton of spin, but the balls sat up and slowed down more after contact. Again, almost the exact opposite of what I felt from my end. I still have a lot more confidence in placing balls with Pure Rush.

Lastly, he said my PSVS was closer to thr Head Hawk on his receiving end.

So, my lord, what am I supposed to do with this! Haha. Turned my whole world almost upside down. Now I will likely put two additional round strings in the other 351s and see how i start to feel. May need to up the tension even on 1.30 strings to 44 or 46lbs. Using the TW string tool, Head Lynx has one of the highest spin potentials for a round string, so may try that soon too.ood
If you're gonna insist on round then try out black zone. It's slick, consistent, good power, heavy rotation due to snap back. Not very durable but one of the better round strings I've tried.


Had a Tuesday kind of a Friday today, but mostly because I'm out of shape and been traveling a ton. Plus it's likely my last hit before my PRP on Tuesday (Tuesday!)

Chiefly played with my 2014 Graphene Prestige Pro since it has a new string setup in it (FireWire/Bussard) and a new synthetic grip. The feel isn't quite as raw as when it had leather but it's still very good, and the strings are a huge improvement over the RPM it came with. What's weird is the static weight is evidently crazy low -- it was 317g strung! I added an overgrip so it's probably about 322g now but all my other rackets are over 330g. The SW is a perfectly fine 326, and the balance (pre-OG) is 4 pts HL which is also fine.

Question: if I want to add static weight but not change balance or add SW, should I just stick 4g or so to the throat? That may have the added benefit of increased stability and maybe a touch more power (not that it needs it) but shouldn't affect much else. I'm really liking the depth it gives me on groundstrokes; volleys are a little weak and unstable but the forehand topspin is working, and so is the flat 2HBH, not to mention the backhand slice. I dunno, maybe I just continue to play it stock?


Had a Tuesday kind of a Friday today, but mostly because I'm out of shape and been traveling a ton. Plus it's likely my last hit before my PRP on Tuesday (Tuesday!)

Chiefly played with my 2014 Graphene Prestige Pro since it has a new string setup in it (FireWire/Bussard) and a new synthetic grip. The feel isn't quite as raw as when it had leather but it's still very good, and the strings are a huge improvement over the RPM it came with. What's weird is the static weight is evidently crazy low -- it was 317g strung! I added an overgrip so it's probably about 322g now but all my other rackets are over 330g. The SW is a perfectly fine 326, and the balance (pre-OG) is 4 pts HL which is also fine.

Question: if I want to add static weight but not change balance or add SW, should I just stick 4g or so to the throat? That may have the added benefit of increased stability and maybe a touch more power (not that it needs it) but shouldn't affect much else. I'm really liking the depth it gives me on groundstrokes; volleys are a little weak and unstable but the forehand topspin is working, and so is the flat 2HBH, not to mention the backhand slice. I dunno, maybe I just continue to play it stock?
Maybe put 2g in the hoop (3/9???) and counter balance with 2g or so on the handle or buttcap. This might address unstable volley issue.


Yeah I feel like my racket journey/experimentation has ended, at least for the foreseeable. Started with the PA98 which was incredible, but switching forehand technique with it made me wreck my arm. Went to a Gravity Pro which is also an elite racket and I wasn't finding anything wrong with it at all really, but the racketaholic in me was too tempted to try out a 2013 AeroPro Drive with the things I'd heard about it, and considering I've always had a whippy forehand, as soon as I hit forehands with this I couldn't put it down, and was once against appreciating the free power but also the enhanced capability for spin to keep everything in, and also the lighter weight and SW did have me feeling fresher throughout matches, admittedly. In fairness I still whipped and got a lot of spin with the GPro, just not near as much,

I then actually went back to a PA98 momentarily because my arm was better, but something felt off. I'm not sure if the spec was too different or if I was too used to the 2013 APD, but the feeling was harsher than I remembered (I know it's a harsher racket but it wasn't so alarmingly different when I used it previously) and all of a sudden I missed the easier depth I was previously getting. For whatever reason I didn't gel with the PA98 this time around. Curiosity then got the better of me and as I was for whatever reason enjoying standard Aero's a lot again, I re-purchased the standard 2023 Aero that I'd bought on release and later sold, but strung this lower than I previously had, 48lbs with Hyper G soft and I was shocked by the softness and comfort. Had to get used to that little bit of extra power from the lower tension but did quickly adjust and yeah, this is an insane racket if you have the spinny technique to go with it, and I'm enjoying it more than the 2013 APD that I loved. Once you utilise the angles you can get and how much your ball consistently drops in just before the baseline, it's very hard to imagine using anything else. Nothing new here said regarding an Aero I know!


Had a Tuesday kind of a Friday today, but mostly because ...
Of the wind, myself :) On one side of the court, that was also against the sun.

Why not add a big Wilson snake dampener if you want 5g?

I am happy, my new prostocks have landed in Montreal via Swiss Air from Germany :) Soon to be home! No more sweaty hands problems with 3-4 identical sticks. And they shall be measured, strung, treasured.


Oddly, I liked my low SW more than the two I got closer to 294. I had to put a lot of weight at 12. I think these frames may like some lead at 12. So I am changing gears, adding some weight 12, putting back the stock grip and stuffing some putty under the butt cap.
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Hall of Fame
I'm not trying to sound too dramatic or anything but I love the 2024 Extreme Pro. I tried it three times so far and felt confident enough to already use it for my doubles matches yesterday.

For some reason it feels quite close to the 2023 VC95, which is home for me.


New User
Ok, last night was the end. I just cannot for the life of me play with the Ezone 98. This was the last one after selling the first 2. I took it out of the bag ust to give it a final shot....It just feels bad. Serves, backhand, forehand - all just bad and timing is completely off. And, WHY do I feel shoulder discomfort with this racket? It's so weird. Don't feel it with any of my other rackets.

That said, Pure Strike VS? :chef's kiss: So comfortable but I'm finding a good amount of power and precision where I need it. Personally, I really like it at the net. Volleys come easy. Really enjoyed my doubles play last night.

And in true racketaholic fashion, I picked up the last vcore pro 100 lying around the shop.


I'm not trying to sound too dramatic or anything but I love the 2024 Extreme Pro. I tried it three times so far and felt confident enough to already use it for my doubles matches yesterday.

For some reason it feels quite close to the 2023 VC95, which is home for me.
What string setup do you have on it? I currently have tour M8 @50lbs on my TGT348.1


Ok, last night was the end. I just cannot for the life of me play with the Ezone 98. This was the last one after selling the first 2. I took it out of the bag ust to give it a final shot....It just feels bad. Serves, backhand, forehand - all just bad and timing is completely off. And, WHY do I feel shoulder discomfort with this racket? It's so weird. Don't feel it with any of my other rackets.

That said, Pure Strike VS? :chef's kiss: So comfortable but I'm finding a good amount of power and precision where I need it. Personally, I really like it at the net. Volleys come easy. Really enjoyed my doubles play last night.

And in true racketaholic fashion, I picked up the last vcore pro 100 lying around the shop.
Maybe have the Ez98 setup the same as the PSVS and see if it is still bad…..
I'm not trying to sound too dramatic or anything but I love the 2024 Extreme Pro. I tried it three times so far and felt confident enough to already use it for my doubles matches yesterday.

For some reason it feels quite close to the 2023 VC95, which is home for me.
I know we like a lot of the same stuff but I literally came online this morning specifically to post about how good the EP is haha. None of that jarring uncomfortable stuff that was the only downside of the 360+ for me, probably a bit more vague than I prefer, similar to how I felt about the aux EMP, but a trade off I’ll take. Lots of action and pace on serve, plenty of spin and control on groundies, just want to add a little bit of weight for volleys.


Hall of Fame
What string setup do you have on it? I currently have tour M8 @50lbs on my TGT348.1
I went trusty Hawk Touch 1.20 for the first string job to get a good feel for the frame. I actually forgot if I went 46 or 46/44.

I'm waiting on a Tru Pro delivery but it seems to be stuck in Austria. It's been 15 days so far already since ordering.
Got some Pure Rush in there that I would also like to try in the EP.


Hall of Fame
I know we like a lot of the same stuff but I literally came online this morning specifically to post about how good the EP is haha. None of that jarring uncomfortable stuff that was the only downside of the 360+ for me, probably a bit more vague than I prefer, similar to how I felt about the aux EMP, but a trade off I’ll take. Lots of action and pace on serve, plenty of spin and control on groundies, just want to add a little bit of weight for volleys.
Haha yeah there we are again, liking the same frame once more.

Agreed, it's pretty vague/muted so one has got to like or not mind that, otherwise it'll get annoying. Like I said, for me it's got similarities to the 2023 VC95 which has comparable feel. The 2024 EP however has a bit more free juice and I think slightly more control. I gotta try it more to know for sure.

As of right now, I'm at 335.3g, 31.8 cm and 322.5 SW. 2.7g lead at 12 and 9.5g tungsten putty under the butt cap. Swapped the Hydrosorb Pro for Head Ultimate. This might be a nice frame for some leather too.

What specs and string setup are you using?


It seems my suspicion was right and C100 likes some weight @12 regardless if low SW or more normal. Just added 1g for fluxx frame and 2g for wasabi frame. Just getting them very close to being matched. In both cases played better for me. It put them at 330SW but my very low older one had tons of weight @12 and played very nicely around 325.


Ok, last night was the end. I just cannot for the life of me play with the Ezone 98. This was the last one after selling the first 2. I took it out of the bag ust to give it a final shot....It just feels bad. Serves, backhand, forehand - all just bad and timing is completely off. And, WHY do I feel shoulder discomfort with this racket? It's so weird. Don't feel it with any of my other rackets.
what's your string setup for the ez98?
bad feel and ez98, no truer words have been said.

--from an ez98 user


New User
what's your string setup for the ez98?
bad feel and ez98, no truer words have been said.

--from an ez98 user
Latest was 4g @52. Tried poly tour rev, kirschbaum orange, lynx tour, hyper G. All of it. It’s the weirdest thing and I’m probably the anomaly


Latest was 4g @52. Tried poly tour rev, kirschbaum orange, lynx tour, hyper G. All of it. It’s the weirdest thing and I’m probably the anomaly
i'm not familiar with KB orange, but the remaining polys are pretty stiff, which i found to be pretty rough with the ezone. the hoop seems to be stiff and unforgiving, so any poly to help with pocketing worked better for me. currently using grapplesnake tour sniper/alpha at 52, but the feel is still bad and string life is awful. i've heard msv focus hex soft to be really good, but haven't tried it myself. of the more popular strings, YPTP worked better than expected, but most of the strings i've tested on this stick have been hard fails tbh


Got the CTR custom painted sticks back from the stringer. Trying a couple new set ups to share with you guys as well

Main: RPM rough 17
Cross: Volkl Cyclone Tour 18


Fell bud: Volkl v square 18


Main: Rpm soft 17
Cross: Volkl v square 18



Latest was 4g @52. Tried poly tour rev, kirschbaum orange, lynx tour, hyper G. All of it. It’s the weirdest thing and I’m probably the anomaly
That makes three. I borrowed it several times from a buddy of mine, with different strings as well, hyper-G, sniper, .., both tight and loose, but just didn’t like it at all.


Hall of Fame
Haven’t been active here in a while but reading through the posts doesn’t seem like much has changed :)
Can anyone help me get a Radical Tour from TWE to the US? Or know if it’s actually coming here? TWE won’t export it


My clamps are fixed. May need to get a flying clamp though. Good utility to have and would probably solve this.
Just jumping in here - I have the same issue with my Stringway. In this situation Fred from Stringway recommends going from the third last cross to the last cross then back through the second last and pulling these two together, then tying off - a bit like when starting crosses with a starting knot. Hope this makes sense. I’m leaning towards getting a flying clamp instead, so I don’t have to think too much!


Haven’t been active here in a while but reading through the posts doesn’t seem like much has changed :)
Can anyone help me get a Radical Tour from TWE to the US? Or know if it’s actually coming here? TWE won’t export it

Pretty sure T***is P**nt’s global shop have them in stock


New User
Here I am, 2 months later ready to look for something new...

Current Specs: Blade Pro 16x10: 340g , 350sw , Balance 32.5cm/5HL

Some might say it's way to heavy for a 4.5 NTRP but honestly I love the weight. I am looking to move on as I do have a loss of control and there is too much "pop" on it and it doesn't help me in anything.

Tried out some rackets and this is where I am currently at.. would love some advice from fellow Racketaholics.

Gravity MP: Too light, everything bout it didnt like
Percept 100D: Didn’t like the feel or anything about it - hard to explain
Gravity Pro: Not stiff enough. Even when i tried to hit aggressive, felt I got nothing out of it
Speed Pro: Liked the stiffness but absolutely zero feel
Blade: Doesn’t give me anything
Ezone: Hated it on every level, couldn’t get my depth right, hard to get more spin, too light - ball was going to the fences
Vcore: Too light, don’t like the high sweetspot
Rafa Origin: Loved everything about it, just felt sore (no pain just felt like I did a lot of bicep curls) after hitting. Worried I can’t play everyday with it
Last edited:


Here I am, 2 months later ready to look for something new...

Current Specs: Blade Pro 16x10: 340g , 350sw , Balance 32.5cm/5HL

Some might say it's way to heavy for a 4.5 NTRP but honestly I love the weight. I am looking to move on as I do have a loss of control and there is too much "pop" on it and it doesn't help me in anything.

Tried out some rackets and this is where I am currently at.. would love some advice from fellow Racketaholics.

Gravity MP: Too light, everything bout it didnt like
Percept 100D: Didn’t like the feel or anything about it - hard to explain
Gravity Pro: Not stiff enough. Even when i tried to hit aggressive, felt I got nothing out of it
Speed Pro: Liked the stiffness but absolutely zero feel
Blade: Doesn’t give me anything
Ezone: Hated it on every level, couldn’t get my depth right, hard to get more spin, too light - ball was going to the fences
Vcore: Too light, don’t like the high sweetspot
Rafa Origin: Loved everything about it, just felt sore (no pain) after hitting. Worried I can’t play everyday with it

I’m a huge Blade Pro fan and the only racket that can compete for me is Pure Strike VS; it has better feel than most other Babs and pretty nice pop (when you lead it up at 12) but it’s still a control-oriented 97” stick. If you want a little more forgiveness the Strike 98 16x19 should be good (I’ve only played the gen 3 but they say the gen 4 is more comfortable).
Haha yeah there we are again, liking the same frame once more.

Agreed, it's pretty vague/muted so one has got to like or not mind that, otherwise it'll get annoying. Like I said, for me it's got similarities to the 2023 VC95 which has comparable feel. The 2024 EP however has a bit more free juice and I think slightly more control. I gotta try it more to know for sure.

As of right now, I'm at 335.3g, 31.8 cm and 322.5 SW. 2.7g lead at 12 and 9.5g tungsten putty under the butt cap. Swapped the Hydrosorb Pro for Head Ultimate. This might be a nice frame for some leather too.

What specs and string setup are you using?
I just got mine in a trade not too long ago so I've only had limited court time but enjoying it a ton over just a few sessions. Feels so natural. It came with Hyper G, playing with it stock currently. It's weighing in at just short of 320g static and is balanced at 32.7cm, so I'm assuming it's a little over-spec by way of additional weight toward the head. Once I restring, I plan on going to my preferred ET set up which is Lynx Tour with leather and a tiny bit of weight at 3 and 9.


Here I am, 2 months later ready to look for something new...

Current Specs: Blade Pro 16x10: 340g , 350sw , Balance 32.5cm/5HL

Some might say it's way to heavy for a 4.5 NTRP but honestly I love the weight. I am looking to move on as I do have a loss of control and there is too much "pop" on it and it doesn't help me in anything.

Tried out some rackets and this is where I am currently at.. would love some advice from fellow Racketaholics.

Gravity MP: Too light, everything bout it didnt like
Percept 100D: Didn’t like the feel or anything about it - hard to explain
Gravity Pro: Not stiff enough. Even when i tried to hit aggressive, felt I got nothing out of it
Speed Pro: Liked the stiffness but absolutely zero feel
Blade: Doesn’t give me anything
Ezone: Hated it on every level, couldn’t get my depth right, hard to get more spin, too light - ball was going to the fences
Vcore: Too light, don’t like the high sweetspot
Rafa Origin: Loved everything about it, just felt sore (no pain just felt like I did a lot of bicep curls) after hitting. Worried I can’t play everyday with it

Considering that the Rafa Origin is the only one you felt any bit positive about, and I know the layups (as well as of course the weight) are a bit different, but would you consider a Pure Aero weighted up a bit? Assuming the soreness of the Rafa came from the weight of it and not the stiffness. Seems like it may be something that's not too departed from something you loved playing with.

dr. godmode

Hall of Fame
Here I am, 2 months later ready to look for something new...

Current Specs: Blade Pro 16x10: 340g , 350sw , Balance 32.5cm/5HL

Some might say it's way to heavy for a 4.5 NTRP but honestly I love the weight. I am looking to move on as I do have a loss of control and there is too much "pop" on it and it doesn't help me in anything.

Tried out some rackets and this is where I am currently at.. would love some advice from fellow Racketaholics.

Gravity MP: Too light, everything bout it didnt like
Percept 100D: Didn’t like the feel or anything about it - hard to explain
Gravity Pro: Not stiff enough. Even when i tried to hit aggressive, felt I got nothing out of it
Speed Pro: Liked the stiffness but absolutely zero feel
Blade: Doesn’t give me anything
Ezone: Hated it on every level, couldn’t get my depth right, hard to get more spin, too light - ball was going to the fences
Vcore: Too light, don’t like the high sweetspot
Rafa Origin: Loved everything about it, just felt sore (no pain just felt like I did a lot of bicep curls) after hitting. Worried I can’t play everyday with it
Have you considered adding some tail weight to a Rafa 290? I personally don’t have any launchiness issues with the more open pattern on the 290 vs the Origin but You can artificially make the pattern denser by going to a thicker string.


New User
Have you considered adding some tail weight to a Rafa 290? I personally don’t have any launchiness issues with the more open pattern on the 290 vs the Origin but You can artificially make the pattern denser by going to a thicker string.
Haven’t thought about going lighter, the thing is I love everything about it. I just play 2-3 hours, 5 days a week so after a few days I’m worried I’ll fatigue out.

When it comes to open patterns, unless it’s on the heavy side I struggle.

Any thoughts on then RF 01 Pro? I was interested but then all the reviews aren’t looking too good


Hall of Fame
It seems my suspicion was right and C100 likes some weight @12 regardless if low SW or more normal. Just added 1g for fluxx frame and 2g for wasabi frame. Just getting them very close to being matched. In both cases played better for me. It put them at 330SW but my very low older one had tons of weight @12 and played very nicely around 325.
You are spot on, the c100 like most of the apd, pa's, take weight well at the poles. 12' and in the buttcap just opens up the frame nice for better overall performance and playability.


Have been consistently using my BP 16x19 for several weeks straight now and I'm almost positive this is the frame. My only hesitation is that it's a 4 1/2 grip, where I'm normally a 4 3/8, and I seem to be hitting just a tad long on normal groundstrokes.

I have it strung with Gut/Cream at 55x52. Is it worth sticking with gut/poly but perhaps do something like 58x55 with gut/max power or something like that? Or should I go back to the dark side (poly)?

Fed Kennedy

Have been consistently using my BP 16x19 for several weeks straight now and I'm almost positive this is the frame. My only hesitation is that it's a 4 1/2 grip, where I'm normally a 4 3/8, and I seem to be hitting just a tad long on normal groundstrokes.

I have it strung with Gut/Cream at 55x52. Is it worth sticking with gut/poly but perhaps do something like 58x55 with gut/max power or something like that? Or should I go back to the dark side (poly)?
X-One Biphase 15g at 58#
Let the healing begin


@tim-ay ? Just realized you’ve been MIA for a bit. Hoping the 2 hurricanes didn’t mess you up too bad. Anyway, just post or not depending on whether you have electricity.

edit Just saw that you’re logged on.


@tim-ay ? Just realized you’ve been MIA for a bit. Hoping the 2 hurricanes didn’t mess you up too bad. Anyway, just post or not depending on whether you have electricity.

edit Just saw that you’re logged on.
Yeah it’s been a mess down here. Lost power for 2 days and that didn’t even happen during Ian/2022. A little damage and some clean up, but nothing like the people on the west coast (of Florida). Cell coverage is finally decent today. I’ve had a few web pages open on my phone but until today nothing really worked unless at home.

Good news is these Oct hurricanes bring in awesome weather when they get out of town. Having to play on different courts as the club doesn’t open until tomorrow.

Hope that’s it for Hurricane season 2024!


Hall of Fame
Have been consistently using my BP 16x19 for several weeks straight now and I'm almost positive this is the frame. My only hesitation is that it's a 4 1/2 grip, where I'm normally a 4 3/8, and I seem to be hitting just a tad long on normal groundstrokes.

I have it strung with Gut/Cream at 55x52. Is it worth sticking with gut/poly but perhaps do something like 58x55 with gut/max power or something like that? Or should I go back to the dark side (poly)?
Nothing wrong with gut / poly in the BP. @PrinceYonex and I have gut / poly in ours. VS / MaxPower Rough 55/51 in mine.


Here I am, 2 months later ready to look for something new...

Current Specs: Blade Pro 16x10: 340g , 350sw , Balance 32.5cm/5HL

Some might say it's way to heavy for a 4.5 NTRP but honestly I love the weight. I am looking to move on as I do have a loss of control and there is too much "pop" on it and it doesn't help me in anything.

Tried out some rackets and this is where I am currently at.. would love some advice from fellow Racketaholics.

Gravity MP: Too light, everything bout it didnt like
Percept 100D: Didn’t like the feel or anything about it - hard to explain
Gravity Pro: Not stiff enough. Even when i tried to hit aggressive, felt I got nothing out of it
Speed Pro: Liked the stiffness but absolutely zero feel
Blade: Doesn’t give me anything
Ezone: Hated it on every level, couldn’t get my depth right, hard to get more spin, too light - ball was going to the fences
Vcore: Too light, don’t like the high sweetspot
Rafa Origin: Loved everything about it, just felt sore (no pain just felt like I did a lot of bicep curls) after hitting. Worried I can’t play everyday with it
Prince ATS 100P, 100 or 98
Diadem Elevate V3


Yeah it’s been a mess down here. Lost power for 2 days and that didn’t even happen during Ian/2022. A little damage and some clean up, but nothing like the people on the west coast (of Florida). Cell coverage is finally decent today. I’ve had a few web pages open on my phone but until today nothing really worked unless at home.

Good news is these Oct hurricanes bring in awesome weather when they get out of town. Having to play on different courts as the club doesn’t open until tomorrow.

Hope that’s it for Hurricane season 2024!
Dude, that sucks, hope no more for you guys.


X-One Biphase 15g at 58#
Let the healing begin
Unfortunately, I think based on my Triax experience, multis may be out as a full bed. I went through that in about 2.5 hrs :/
Nothing wrong with gut / poly in the BP. @PrinceYonex and I have gut / poly in ours. VS / MaxPower Rough 55/51 in mine.
Hmmm I might go with a stiffer/deader cross then. Cream may be too lively and maybe that'll be enough to tone it down.
Bought a couple of Blade Pro's recently. Initially had the 16x19 which I liked but found it a little erratic. So I sold it and went for the V9 18x20 Pro instead.

It's a weapon.
Everything in me wants to try the 18x20 but I feel like the BP is already the top end of my swing weight range.


Dude, that sucks, hope no more for you guys.
Yeah, I'm always happy when we get into November. I'm also well aware many many people have had it so much worse.

The biggest casualty for me is that my caveman dream is dead. Living without power and internet for just a few days made me realize I'm not wired to be a caveman. I'm evolving the dream to be a loincloth dream instead. I want to wear a loincloth, but be a modern guy, not a caveman..... maybe on the beach instead of a cave.


Yeah, I'm always happy when we get into November. I'm also well aware many many people have had it so much worse.

The biggest casualty for me is that my caveman dream is dead. Living without power and internet for just a few days made me realize I'm not wired to be a caveman. I'm evolving the dream to be a loincloth dream instead. I want to wear a loincloth, but be a modern guy, not a caveman..... maybe on the beach instead of a cave.

That’s okay. Now you can be a Carve man.


Yeah, I'm always happy when we get into November. I'm also well aware many many people have had it so much worse.

The biggest casualty for me is that my caveman dream is dead. Living without power and internet for just a few days made me realize I'm not wired to be a caveman. I'm evolving the dream to be a loincloth dream instead. I want to wear a loincloth, but be a modern guy, not a caveman..... maybe on the beach instead of a cave.
That will make your bike riding very interesting for you hahaha


Played this evening with a buddy that I normally beat comfortably. Today I was trying out the T-fight iso 305, freshly strung with Rush Pro. Was really struggling throughout. Hit some great balls, followed by complete misses. It got to 5-6 15-15 in the first set. My other buddy was playing next to me, and had the Gravity Pro with him that he borrowed from me.
I took the racket and won 14 out of 18 points . I should just sell my rackets and just play with GPro….

But I won’t of course


Played this evening with a buddy that I normally beat comfortably. Today I was trying out the T-fight iso 305, freshly strung with Rush Pro. Was really struggling throughout. Hit some great balls, followed by complete misses. It got to 5-6 15-15 in the first set. My other buddy was playing next to me, and had the Gravity Pro with him that he borrowed from me.
I took the racket and won 14 out of 18 points . I should just sell my rackets and just play with GPro….

But I won’t of course
Very simple pro is your Flagship Racquet and any other dalliance with any other Racquet is just a barometer to match up with the GPro or do better than the G Pro. Anything less will be discarded.


Hall of Fame
Played this evening with a buddy that I normally beat comfortably. Today I was trying out the T-fight iso 305, freshly strung with Rush Pro. Was really struggling throughout. Hit some great balls, followed by complete misses. It got to 5-6 15-15 in the first set. My other buddy was playing next to me, and had the Gravity Pro with him that he borrowed from me.
I took the racket and won 14 out of 18 points . I should just sell my rackets and just play with GPro….

But I won’t of course
Was the difference in the quality of the ball produced or the personal timing/cleanliness of ball striking? Or something else?