Speedy recovery, hopefully you won't need a cast or anything!
My friend rolled his ankle Saturday and two days later it got swollen and painful really badly?!! Probably b/c of his gout. So it could be worse.
My ankle tested me just a little bit two weeks ago, but it healed/got strong again, on its own.
It's funny (or not), but not only are my shots worse with gut/poly, I also don't hit as hard as with the poly/poly hybrid
@galapagos reviewed as "mushy, so it inspires confidence to swing fast"
Oh well I just did 2 more gut/poly and one poly/poly on the new 3 prostocks so at least one more month of gut/poly on 3 sticks. The good news being that my elbow is telling me that I don't seem to need gut, as long as I cut the poly hybrid after no more than 20h or so. Once I went 40h.