Tennis is all about the balance between aggression and errors.
Well, the Prestige is also actually a 95….I got to try the new Prince 95. Pretty awesome frame. Reminds me a lot of the Tec and the Prestige MP. The spin generation is excellent and you can really wail on the ball with it.
I wouldn't say the feel is incredible, but it is a very comfortable frame. It also seems to have a lot of pop on it, which was surprising. Only curiosity is why the frame is not a 98, as it would have made it a little easier to defend with.
Well, the Prestige is also actually a 95….![]()
Not sure, there's just something about this 95 head size… I have never found the same qualities in a 98 racquet.Oh I do know. I wish it was a 98 as well.
Not sure, there's just something about this 95 head size… I have never found the same qualities in a 98 racquet.
All that being said, im going to string the tec and prestige up with poly at 45 and see how it fairs.
do tell.. also, what the weather at your area? for me now at peak summer some consideration on tension is advisable (not too low)..
hard to go down in size once used to 98...maybe if I wasn't quite as
Have to say, spending hours going back and forth between the Tec and the GPMP I'm beginning to really miss the open string pattern. Thats probably the only complaint I can leverage against the GPMP. The open pattern is just more forgiving to me in terms of netcords and also balls staying in. Both of these frames are pretty advanced racquets, but incredibly satisfying to hit with.
In terms of easier to use frames, I always try the Extremes and walk away, but I really like the Head grip shape and the new release is looking like it could be worth a look. Of course so is the Prestige Pro, but thats going back to the more difficult to use category.
Demoing the Prince was pretty eye opening to me in terms of the benefits of an open pattern.
Sounds like the redhead better watch her back!![]()
I guess. I don't know. I really like the frame. Im going to string it low with full poly next to see what that does.
I only play tennis 1-2 times a week now so this is why I think about grabbing an open pattern tweener again. I want to ramp up my power and spin for USTA fall.
I guess. I don't know. I really like the frame. Im going to string it low with full poly next to see what that does.
I only play tennis 1-2 times a week now so this is why I think about grabbing an open pattern tweener again. I want to ramp up my power and spin for USTA fall.
Anyone catch "7 Days in Hell" on HBO this weekend? Funny stuff!
is it really good or just meh?
Sounds like a mission for the GS Speed MP!
Anyone catch "7 Days in Hell" on HBO this weekend? Funny stuff!
Ya I got a chance to demo it years ago, I remember it drives the ball really flat which is how I play actually. Hmmm we'll see if I can track one down. I string all my sticks with a soft multi or full gut (I'm not a string breaker) so that should help. I assume you had a poly or a hybrid in it?Yeah, its really good. Very stiff though and one of the few frames that gave me actual elbow pain rather quickly. It just vibrates a little odd, but you should be fine. Highly recommended if you like lower trajectory, less arcing spin. Essentially if you like Warwinkas game you will love it.
funny, but silly funny. I would think any tennis fan would like it.
Today played a set with the Yonex 89 V Core 330g with Cyclone at 48.
I tried the same racquet a year back and dismissed it outright after five minutes!
Thought then it lacked power with a terrible sweet spot.
Today it was much better but still far from convinced.
The hoop at the top is very wide,wider even than other Yonex frames. This results in off centre strikes at the top still providing decent power.
However at the bottom of the hoop its very narrow. Very easy to mishit the ball,especially on return of serve.
I did find it very easy to whip a low ball on my forehand up and over.
I really struggle with this shot but with this frame it was magic.
Power on centre strikes was excellent but on framed or half framed shots the power level drops alarmingly!
I seem to get heaps of spin on this frame,more than just about any other frame short of the PK Q Tour.
For this reason im going to give it a second test tomorrow.
At this stage I put the Yonex RDiS 93 and the 325g PK 98 Q Tour as the best two frames I've so far tested.
The RDiS trajectory is extremely flat while the PK is the opposite being very loopy.
The 89 V Core is somewhere n between.
Must have tested at least 50 Tour spec frames.
Well I have a month to figure it out, but I got an IG Extreme Pro 2.0 coming that Ill jam out with for a bit. It will probably replace my Yonex, or at least thats the plan. I could also hate it, but I demoed the frame before and really liked it, I was just in hardcore Yoko mode at the time.
Goal here is to aggressive baseline for USTA Fall. I think it will either be one of my Prestigey frames with low tension full poly or the Extreme. Either way, I'm going to go back to full poly for a bit. Haven't done it in years.
Specs look good...I just don't like that lollipop round head shape. I don't know any other frames like that.
The APD is fairly similar. I'd have to get exact measurements to know for sure. I also suspect the PJ makes a difference. For example, Gasquet uses something else, but his PJ still makes his frame look like a lollipop on camera.
What always grabbed me about the Extreme (and why I keep trying them) is the feel is rather plush and the potential for huge power and spin is obviously there. But it also has a little more control than other tweeners in it's category and I like that as well. It will take some court time to see if I benefit from that or if the precision of the Yoko and GPMP is better for how I am playing now. I figure I have about 6 weeks to get it sorted.
Not sure what woofer grommets are.
specs are very similar between the APD and Extreme MPA. Key difference is the stiffness of 66 for the Head.
You can also see the hoop shape is a touch rounder for the Extreme.
Anybody mainly wielding a Babolat Pure Control on this thread? If so, what headsize? Any of you guys using a one-hander with it?
Appreciate the feedback, if you can give any
Tried a friends way too low powered. The Pure Control Tour though is a nice stick, nice control and spin with more pop than the regular Pure Control.
The low powered frames have been my choice for a while because the feel and control is sublime. But even going to the new Prestige, the advantage of the extra pop is obvious.There is a lot to be said for overpowering another player because it results in a lot of short balls and easy put aways. The trick is keeping the ball in the lines. If you can do that and keep the ball deep and heavy with a Pure Control, it would be a great stick to wield.
Very small sweet spot. Very low margin for error.
Do you happen to know what string he had in there? The low powered nature doesnt scare me away, I am just curious about it's plowthru and ability to generate spin
So what I gather here is that you think it's an unforgiving stick, but provides just enough pop ? I am using the Pro Staff 97, and I am just looking for something more similar to a Six.One 95 16x18 (my racket of choice for about 10 years), which a larger headsize and more forgiving feel. The RA and flexibility is important to me too @Power Player