Diet and Workout Plan


What is a great workout and good diet to go with to gain some weight. Of course I would like to gain muscle and not fat. I am 5'9 and 125 pounds. I want to gain muscle and can do pretty much anything. I don't have a gym but I do have weights, resistance band, etc. So any workout and diet that go along and produce great results!


eat lots of protein. At least 1.5 grams per pound of body weight. Make sure your meals are balanced with meat portions being the size of your palm and the other 2 sides being a vegetable and a fruit. Eat 6-8 times a day or every 2 hours or so.
A lot of people have success in gaining muscle through the program detailed at stronglifts dot com (no affiliation).

If by 'weights' you mean 'dumbbells', there's a version of the program on the site that uses dumbbells only, so at a bare minimum all you'll need is a chin up bar and the dumbbells. (The resistance band will come in useful if you can't do 5 chin ups - loop one end around the bar and the other end around your knee to do assisted chin ups).

If by 'weights' you mean a power cage, lifting platform, olympic bar, bumper plates, dumbbells, medicine balls, adjustable flat bench and a Concept 2 rower then ... good for you (I'm very jealous)!!