Differences between Synthetic Gut and Multifilament strings ?

multi is more playable than synthetic gut and multi are little more pricey but synthetic gut such as prince w/ duraflex is really good and multis i'd say technifbre x-one biphase or nxt


As far as string construction is concerned, synguts are comprised of a single fiber - a solid core, while multis have many fibers/filaments twisted to create the string. Multifilaments are generally said to have more playability than synguts, but it's better to evaluate each string individually, rather than generalizing.


Thanks :)

I now use Babolat VS Nat Gut hybrid with Babolat VS 16 Touch in the mains and VS 15L in the crosses - but also need two rackets for play in moist, humid conditions and when playing just after a rain delay.

Nat Gut and water/moist don't work at all - so currently play with a hybrid of X-on BipHase and Prince Recoil in 2 of my 6 rackets - but wondered if I should give Prince Syn Gut Duraflex a try.........if I want a feel as close to Babolat VS Natural gut as possible, while still playable in some what wet & humid conditions.

Have never tried a Synthetic gut - that's why I asked. Multifilaments are OK, but get mushy too fast compared to the real thing, Natural Gut ;)
I guess Synthetic gut also will loose tension and feel mushy just as fast as well - nothing beats natural gut.....nothing :D