distinguishing groundstrokes doubles v. singles


New User
Please detail differences in forehand and backhand groundies follow through for NTRP 4.0 to 4.5 mens doubles VERSUS singles.
My skipping singles matches and playing doubles instead of the last few weeks resulted tonight in my ground strokes landing extremely short in the court of my sin
gles opponent.
And what drills using the ball machine would be helpful to ingrain those differences in follow through?


Please detail differences in forehand and backhand groundies follow through for NTRP 4.0 to 4.5 mens doubles VERSUS singles.
My skipping singles matches and playing doubles instead of the last few weeks resulted tonight in my ground strokes landing extremely short in the court of my sin
gles opponent.
And what drills using the ball machine would be helpful to ingrain those differences in follow through?

Use the extra time to get a little extra shoulder turn, which will add some depth, but
also try to take advantage of the angles your current strokes will make work so well. Check the thread on Practice Smarter Targets.


Bionic Poster
Just hit higher in singles, lower in doubles to avoid the netperson.
Simple, even you can figure that out.