DIY Balance board


-its pretty easy to make one
-hardware store will have everything you need
-you can buy "screw eye" screws at most hardware stores and/or wal-mart
-i also buy the wooden round stick/dowels there as well

Size of the paper is A4 ? so I need to print 2 papers of the 8.5 right ????


I made one with a piece of board, 2 curtain hooks and a dowelling rod. Piece of pish.


Or you can just use the edge of the table and tape...
Unless the table has a well defined sharp edge, this method is prone to inaccuracies. The accuracy is better if the buttend is hung off the table rather than the head since this avoids the tilt from the buttcap. However, the precision can be just about sufficient if one is matching racquets.


Talk Tennis Guru

this is a picture of measuring weight and balance with 2 scales. The points where the apparatus the racket sits on are razor points. The apparatus has a stop you can rest the butt of the rackets against. If the points that rest on the scale are 20 cm and 40 cm from the butt stop it is easy to calculate weight and balance. after placing the apparatus on the scales xero or Tare the scales and lay the racket on the apparatus. The total weight is the total of the 2 scales. The balance is (20m1 + 40m2) / total weight.

EDIT: Credit to bfroxen for providing the image.


Box lid
2 screw hooks slightly bigger than 3/8
Dowel 3/8 dia
Printed measurement sheet
Scotch tape

Measuring tape


Talk Tennis Guru
Bfroxen and crazydoc showed me their balance boards. It’s actually a jig to measure weight and SW accurately. Here is bfroxen’s jig:

It is a very accurate and fast way to measure weight and balance. The racket rest on the jig with a stop. The points where the jig rests on the scales needs to be a sharp point. I used BBs on the bottom of my jig, one rests on the first scale and 2 rests on the second scale. Place the jig on the scales and Tare both scales. Then place the racket on the jig against the stop. For my jig the point where the jig rests on the fist scale is 22.05 cm. The point where the jig rest on the second scale is 40.1 cm from the stop.

weight is W1+W2

Balance is ((W1*22.05)+(W2*40.1) / (W1+W2)

Very fast and very accurate assuming your distances from the stop to resting points are accurate. Accurate or not you always get the same readings or error for one or more rackets.