These threads aren't useful.
History isn't going to give a crap about the amount of competition in 2006, 2015, 1996, 1984, 1969, or 1929.
All that matters is whether you win something, or you don't.
No extra points are given/taken for competition, five set matches, wind, hawkeye ability, Mono, Pascal Maria, knees, back, wrists, running into the net, French people, percentage of points won/lost, "keys to the match", gluten, "Tier 1" titles, open eras, closed eras, split fields, split ends, fast grass, slow grass, slow clay, fast clay, indoors, outdoors, underground, on the moon, Babolat, Wilson, or an effing frying pan.
If you play Wimbledon, you either walk away with the trophy or you don't.
The same trophy is always given, also. They don't haul out a wooden one instead if someone does/doesn't think Bjorkman was an ATG.
Is that unfair? Maybe. But that's how it is.
If you have tougher competition to face, you can either win anyway, or you're just going to have to settle for less achievements.
You don't get extra compensation for hard luck - what do you think that $2M cheque they just gave them is?