Does Djokovic have a legal case against the tournament? He complained numerous times on camera, to the supervisor, about the condition of the topsoil, and was ignored by the powers-that-are. His falls likely the direct cause of the tear.
Winner's prize money, lost subsequent tournament earnings, plus pain and suffering?
Depends, if he signed a waiver of liability. The tournament according to Djokovic had both actual and constructive notice as you said he asked grounds people if they could sweep the court more often as he felt they had removed clay and because of the sun and drier conditions it become more slippery (his words in the conference not mine). I don't think there is any slam-dunk on premises liability depending on French liability laws and the assumption of risk and also due to the nature of the sport which inherently carries contributory negligence. Of course, with any complaint there would be relief and damages sought that includes loss earnings with pain and suffering.
Defendants were reckless, careless and negligent in failing to maintain the premises and court in a safe condition; failing to provide the players with a safe
means of playing without being exposed to a hazardous, slippery, defective, and dangerous condition; in allowing the removal of clay to create a wet and slippery condition; in causing, allowing and permitting to remain in a dangerous, slippery, hazardous, unsupervised, and unsafe condition; in causing, allowing and permitting a dangerous and slippery condition to exist without notice or warning of same; failing to properly sweep the court as necessary to preserve the clay surface in a safe condition; allowing a trap-like dangerous, and defective condition to exist; failing to take proper care of the court; making a haphazard and non-workmanlike repair/patch; failing to hire, furnish and provide competent, qualified, skilled trained and diligent servants, agents and/or employees to perform such services as were required to be make sure the court was safe to compete on; allowing the premises to remain in disrepair; in allowing the defective, broken, hazardous, and trap-like condition to exist and remain for an excessive and unreasonable period of time; failing to promulgate, enforce, instruct, advise, abide by, require or ensure the appropriate rules, regulations, guidelines, procedures, policies or protocols to alleviate, correct, remove, patch, and/or fix the dangerous court; no negligence on behalf of Plaintiff contributed to the occurrence alleged herein whatsoever. bla bla bla