Djokovic just gifted TTW with a classic gif



Poisoned Slice

Bionic Poster
The stubble gives him the Hollywood Hogan bonus points. Reminded me of Hogan mocking the crowd when he did his point to ear thing.

Novak Djokovic is bigger than the sport of professional tennis, dude. Sinner was not ready to talk turkey today, Jack.


Bionic Poster
If he carries on like this I'm in danger of becoming a fan.
Honestly, had Novak come on the scene in 2006 and not done the immature imitations, quit in endless matches and been so desperate for adoration, I would have been his fan and possibly even have dumped Fed. Come out like a nasty villain like his father and give the finger to everyone. None of the fake boob throws, nicey-nice P.C. boredom. Go for the jugular Novak would have been fun, and he would have been MUCH more popular being authentic.

World Beater

Hall of Fame
i used be put-off by these types of gestures, now i think they are funny.
djokovic loves taking the **** out of the crowd and that energy seems to fuel him.
Even though he loves to talk about how we plays with love and not hate...he does a great job at using the rage, anger to supercharge his game.