Do Adidas shoes come with a warranty card?

I don't recall getting one with my first pair of Barricade V's that I bought at a sporting goods store (I wore through them and tossed them in the trash long before I found out that they had an warranty).

My 2nd pair of Barricade V's didn't come with a card either.

Were my cards missing or do they just not come with them?

My shoes are ready to be sent in... at least in my opinion... I have gone through the outsole in 3 places. I might play in them over the weekend but after that I am going to send them in since they are wearing down really quickly now. Noticeable difference after each time I play.

Right Shoe:


Left Shoe:




I don't recall getting one with my first pair of Barricade V's that I bought at a sporting goods store (I wore through them and tossed them in the trash long before I found out that they had an warranty).

My 2nd pair of Barricade V's didn't come with a card either.

Were my cards missing or do they just not come with them?

My shoes are ready to be sent in... at least in my opinion... I have gone through the outsole in 3 places. I might play in them over the weekend but after that I am going to send them in since they are wearing down really quickly now. Noticeable difference after each time I play.

Right Shoe:


Left Shoe:



Yeah, they'll replace those. The warranty card isn't really critical. More important is the receipt to prove your date of purchase. Adidas is pretty good about their return policy, so I suspect you won't have any problem.


Not all adidas shoes come with 6mo outsole guarantee, and not all barricades even, but the V's should be covered, I don't know why you wouldn't get the warranty card with your pair. Anyway, if you have the receipt might as well send them in, you're only risking the postage, let us know how it works out for you.


You don't need the warranty card for barricade V warrnty claim.
I've done several warranty claims and never sent the warranty card but I got replacement shoes. Just send it with the receipt and check of $8.30.