Do players hit harder in practice than in matches?


New User
I've seen many practice videos of Federer etc. and sometimes it seems like they hit the ball harder and with less effort than in real matches, and i mean just practice rallies, not even practice sets.

Is this maybe just the usually lower, closer angle of the practice videos?


I've seen many practice videos of Federer etc. and sometimes it seems like they hit the ball harder and with less effort than in real matches, and i mean just practice rallies, not even practice sets.

Is this maybe just the usually lower, closer angle of the practice videos?

Lower court view makes it look faster. The average practice stroke speed might be faster, maybe, because average match stroke speed takes into account touch shots and all that but really who knows?


Hall of Fame
Well, its easier to hit hard if the other player hits it directly to you. In a match, they dont tee off constantly like in practice, they'll make too many errors.


Hall of Fame
Not all players do. Nadal definitely hits A LOT harder in practice. He does not care about accuracy.


Hall of Fame
Depends on everything. For example

Sometimes a player plays "in the zone" sometimes not.

Some players practice well, some poorly, and this would affect everything.

I am sure there are countless factors that make it impossible to tell.


Hall of Fame
Depends. Nadal hits hard in practice, while Federer pretty much looks like he doesn't care much lol.


Hall of Fame
Lol, no way. They hit MUCH harder in matches.

What you see players do in practice is only 30% of what they can do in a match.

That's why sometimes you see top 50 pro's hitting with their training partners (who are often ranked outside the top 100) quite competitively, yet, put them in a match and that hitting partner is not going to be able to handle one single shot of the pro - even if it's hit directly at them.


Hall of Fame
What is practice? If it is high intensity of course they will hit harder. You do not have time in matches, in practice you know most of the time where the ball is coming. Also most players will utilise spin more for safety and rely on their footwork.

It depends on the player. Nadal will never hit like he does in practice, he flattens his shots more.

Earnest One

Lower court view makes it look faster. The average practice stroke speed might be faster, maybe, because average match stroke speed takes into account touch shots and all that but really who knows?

It is a clear-cut visual effect caused by the lower court angle of videos and the closer proximity to the players. Science and technology have figured out the true answer but the propaganda system is keeping it an open question to keep the masses occupied. The true numbers are locked in a vault.

You rarely see practice videos at the televised angles. They would not look "exciting" enough. These guys are really really good. If they showed real tennis to the masses, then the number of cable channels would shrink precipitously. There are huge struggles taking place in corporate offices the world over. Blood is flowing.


Hall of Fame
in practice the return shot is consistent and usually meant for you to hit your best, so doing so is easy. In a match the expected return is something you don't want, or can't get to, so apples to oranges. Hell I watched the gorgeous Marta warming up Caro in New Haven, and she looked like the superior player, but as we know that doesn't transfer to matches.


It is a clear-cut visual effect caused by the lower court angle of videos and the closer proximity to the players. Science and technology have figured out the true answer but the propaganda system is keeping it an open question to keep the masses occupied. The true numbers are locked in a vault.

You rarely see practice videos at the televised angles. They would not look "exciting" enough. These guys are really really good. If they showed real tennis to the masses, then the number of cable channels would shrink precipitously. There are huge struggles taking place in corporate offices the world over. Blood is flowing.

What exactly are you talking about


Depends on everything. For example

Sometimes a player plays "in the zone" sometimes not.

Some players practice well, some poorly, and this would affect everything.

I am sure there are countless factors that make it impossible to tell.

Bingo. ANy other answer is silly. I've been on court with pros in practice....depends on player......depends on the day.

As a very general rule - the player is aiming for 80% in matches....might be more or less depending on match/opponent/feeling/surface etc. In practice, it could be anywhere from 100 to 25....depends on the mindset.

This is one area where YOU GUYS can be compared to the pros. To TW members hit harder in practice?? Answer: some do, sometimes....

You rarely, rarely see a player going all out 100% in a match so in that sense there are practices which are the hardest hitting of all - I've seen some! Quite remarkable....but in general a lot of practices are long drilling - so therefore not all out, or warm-ups/timing/mechanics run-throughs which are generally low-powered.


Lol, no way. They hit MUCH harder in matches.

What you see players do in practice is only 30% of what they can do in a match.

That's why sometimes you see top 50 pro's hitting with their training partners (who are often ranked outside the top 100) quite competitively, yet, put them in a match and that hitting partner is not going to be able to handle one single shot of the pro - even if it's hit directly at them.

ROFL. Uh...NO. Just no. :)


Nadal absolutely cracks the ball in practice. Infinitely harder than he hits in matches. That being said he is hitting with (presumed) lower RPMS.



Lol, no way. They hit MUCH harder in matches.

What you see players do in practice is only 30% of what they can do in a match.

That's why sometimes you see top 50 pro's hitting with their training partners (who are often ranked outside the top 100) quite competitively, yet, put them in a match and that hitting partner is not going to be able to handle one single shot of the pro - even if it's hit directly at them.

You are basically completely wrong on everything in this post.


Lol, no way. They hit MUCH harder in matches.

What you see players do in practice is only 30% of what they can do in a match.

That's why sometimes you see top 50 pro's hitting with their training partners (who are often ranked outside the top 100) quite competitively, yet, put them in a match and that hitting partner is not going to be able to handle one single shot of the pro - even if it's hit directly at them.
Say what????
as Tlm said: everything is wrong in this post.
Sometimes you really do baffle me Thomas.

Capulin Zurdo

Hall of Fame
I'll just leave this here for you...

Rafa rarely hits with this average level of net clearance in matches. His match ball has way more spin.


Great practice video, I like watch it sometimes.

I'd say pro players really hit out during some practice sessions; since it's not a match setting, I feel they hit without fear, without fear of failing and so you may see intensity not seen sometimes in matches.


It's kind of interesting that Rafa's finish is different most of the time while practicing.

Yea, it made me wonder if he was compensating for opponent level and expected time for the ball to come back. He also has those shots as optional during match play. It looks like Nadal plays a margins game to win, as opposed to Power v. Power. He is definitely a tactician.


Yea, it made me wonder if he was compensating for opponent level and expected time for the ball to come back. He also has those shots as optional during match play. It looks like Nadal plays a margins game to win, as opposed to Power v. Power. He is definitely a tactician.

I've seen him practice like that with some top quality players as well. He doesn't hit buggy whip that much in practice.



Great practice video, I like watch it sometimes.

I'd say pro players really hit out during some practice sessions; since it's not a match setting, I feel they hit without fear, without fear of failing and so you may see intensity not seen sometimes in matches.

Definitely! Pro's definitely hit out more in practice. What do they have to lose by missing in practice? Nothing. It's a time to just get used to court conditions and possibly work on any new technique stuff as well.



Hall of Fame
We talkin' bout practice?

Man look, I hear you... it's funny to me too, I mean it's strange... it's strange to me too, but we're talking about practice man, we're not even talking about the game... the actual game, when it matters... We're talking about practice …