I do a combination of forearm exercises with part of the throwers 10 program which is for the shoulders. If you look up throwers 10 they have programs for youths also.@tlm What specific exercises do you do for your forearm, shoulder and wrist?
I start with wrist curls, then reverse curls doing 2-3 sets of 10 reps. Then I do a couple sets of wrist roll ups which is a devise that has a thick handle with a rope attached to a light weight like 5-8 lbs that you roll up and down. I also have a dumbbell bar that has weight only on one end and you hold the bar and let the weighted end down and then raise it back up slowly.
I combine that forearm workout with part of the throwers 10 shoulder program and my wrists, elbows and shoulders are now strong enough to withstand the shock of tennis. I do this workout 2-3 times a week and have no arm problems even though I play a lot and use poly strings.
This workout takes around 15 minutes or so and is very beneficial to tennis players. So many players have wrist, shoulder and elbow injuries and many could be prevented with a little strength training. How many players have sedentary jobs and do no training off the court then use stiff rackets and poly strings and can’t understand why they get injured? A lot of younger guys can get away with it but after a certain age it with catch up to you.