The coach is also upfront with adults players. He said that it is not worthwhile for him to teach them if they do not practice everyday and that they will be wasting money taking lessons from him. But many of his adult students have money so they don’t mind paying $145/hr
That coach is a smart man. Very smart.
Want to fix your strokes? Playing 2x a week won't do it.
Most adult players are frozen at the same ability for decades. 3.5, etc.
They don't do any drill or practice, so they will never get better.
They will just keep playing their permanent game.
A small percentage of these people will realize tennis strokes are about repetition.
These people figure out that hitting lessons and drills will fix their flaws.
Playing twice a week will never fix your game.
But, even 2 lessons a week won't do it.
I'm now totally convinced that immersion is the key to permanent skills acquisition.
2 weeks ago, I decided to play as many days as physically possible this summer.
This means taking a hitting lesson literally every single day, if I can. ($3500)
I've done this for 14 of the last 15 days. (singles, doubles, rallying, lessons, serve hoppers)
I feel the strokes are finally beginning to creep over the old bad habits.
Each day, the new habit chips away at the old one. My coaches have noticed the difference.
You want your coaches tips to sink in? Drill them every day for 2 months straight.
I bet that will be more productive than one lesson a week spread over an entire year.
2x a week is probably enough to maintain your game.
You will never correct strokes playing 2x a week.
No competitive player on the planet has reached 5.0 by playing 2x a week.
Just casually playing tennis is not going to cut it.
There are countless people who play 5x a week and suck.
And they will die still sucking, and have atrocious looking serves, volleys, and overheads.
I am talking to get to the point where your strokes look like 4.5
Or maybe a 4.0 with inconsistent 4.5 strokes.
Once you have your strokes, then go play 5x a week for consistency.
But, you will never get 4.5 looking strokes without coaching.
Maybe there are exceptions to the rule, but I'll play the odds.
There is just way to much that is simply unnatural that you would never do unless told.
And being told something is 1% of the solution. It takes MONTHS to make a habit.
Oh, I will add another comment most of you will hate.
Even 6x a week is not enough.
At some point, when trying to correct decades old flawed habits,
you will need to hit more than once a day.
Just like the pros.
There were a few days when I played or drilled 3x in a day.
Morning, afternoon, evening.
This is what it takes to build new habits.
New habits are not built in one hour a day.