The YouTube clip of Djokovic is exactly illustrating the Game Action. And RF and RN do exactly the same. It looks like they are actually looking at the ball at contact. They don't. With their peripherial vision they let the ball come to the point where they constructed the intersection point of the latent outgoing ball trajectory.
constructed the intersection point of the latent outgoing ball trajectory??? Sound like you are trying too hard.
Novak does not (usually) do the same thing that Roger & Rafa do. Shortly after he starts his forward swing, Roger turns his head and fixes his eyes on the expected contact point. He keeps his
head still and his gaze on that contact point for the during of the contact phase and most of his follow-thu. Rafa adopted Roger's gaze technique after a few years on the tour. Rafa doesn't appear to do this every time but, I believe, he does it most of the time.
Novak does not seem to be consistent in his gaze technique at all. Once in a while, he does something similar to Roger's gaze technique but, quite often, he does not. In the video above, Novak appears to track the ball as he starts his forward swing. Unlike Roger however, his gaze does not jump to the expected contact point. His eye never get to the CP at all in this video. Also, unlike Roger, Novak is moving his head during the contact phase. His eyes and head rotate back forward before he even makes contact. I do not recommended this gaze sequence for the average player. Even most advanced players might be better off with something similar to Federer's head/gaze technique.