Do you like only one of the Big 3 or do you like them all?

Which of the Big 3 do you like?

  • Djokovic

    Votes: 24 24.5%
  • Nadal

    Votes: 12 12.2%
  • Federer

    Votes: 25 25.5%
  • All of them

    Votes: 35 35.7%
  • None of them

    Votes: 2 2.0%

  • Total voters


Bionic Poster

jk, I see what you mean. For me, it's really all about how fun the tennis is to watch. I get that excitement more from Fed (and to a lesser extent Nadal) than from any other player. I don't really care a whole lot about the personalities (and it wouldn't make a difference to me since all three seem to be pretty nice)... unless it's Zverev.

I've always liked Nadal's personality but I like Federer's tennis better. I'm always confused when people group them together because their styles are nothing alike. Personality is probably what I look at 1st tbh. I don't think Fed is a bad guy or anything, just guarded.
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Third Serve

Talk Tennis Guru
I've always liked Nadal's personality but I like Federer's tennis better. I'm always confused when people group them together because their styles are nothing alike. Personality is probably what I look at 1st tbh. I don't think Fed is a bad guy or anything, iust guarded.
Regarding this point, for me I like their games for different reasons. Fed for the brilliant shotmaking and Nadal for clawing back into the rallies (in MN's words, epicness). It's always a blast for me whenever any of those two players utilize both shotmaking and excellent rallying. For example, Fed on clay in general and Nadal in the RG 2017 final.


Bionic Poster
Regarding this point, for me I like their games for different reasons. Fed for the brilliant shotmaking and Nadal for clawing back into the rallies (in MN's words, epicness). It's always a blast for me whenever any of those two players utilize both shotmaking and excellent rallying. For example, Fed on clay in general and Nadal in the RG 2017 final.

I like to watch both of them play the game but I just find it weird how often they are grouped together. Some of their matches are awesome, but overall, nothing tops Djokodal for me from 2011-2013.


Talk Tennis Guru
ну не знаю чем тебе джокович не угодил, может просто связи с опр. биосом мы прощаем моменты своего любимчика,и наоборот заостряем любую мелочь нашего нелюбимчика, то что он пародировал в начале всех или то что он хотел быть любимым больше людьми или ты знаешь что-то вне корта? конечно я не так слежу за ними вне корта так что могу не ззнать некоторые моменты, мне наоборот кажется (чувсвтуется) (и не думай конечно что это следствие возможного биоса с моей стороны, конечно нет, я стараюсь независимо оценивать от того кому больше симпатизирую как игроку) что фед самый неприятный из них, слишком высокомерный по отношению к другим, типа я такой крутой а вы все никто тут.. надаль понятно трудно к чему то придраться, но вот насчет джо скажи коротко если не трудно самая преглавная причина что раздражает?:laughing:

I feel like Djokodal are more opinionated on how things should be in tennis or otherwise. Stuff like Nadal advocating for a two-year ranking, defending his stalling practices or disapproving of overly attacking tennis / faster courts. For Djokovic, take the recent activity, first on the tennis political front then the alternative theories; plus he's been rather expressive about crowds rooting against him (suck my dick etc). I don't like this because I don't like self-righteousness because such people don't typically take disagreements well, and I disagree with them.

I feel like Federer is less opinionated, perhaps he's simply more vapid but he appeals to me as a tennis player not an intellectual. He used to be more arrogant in his youth (for example, his former distaste for dropshots) but has mellowed down since then. The negative comments he's made sometimes are mostly just him being pissed off about losing (such as dissing murray early on, and of course the infamous 2011 USO press conference) - entirely relatable as an emotional weakness - rather than an expression of a general attitude towards some issue.

To say it concisely, I feel like he's less judgmental than the other two, simply not paying attention to lower beings that cross his path; whereas Djokodal are more opinionated/passionate and more apt to take a genuine liking to some of the ordinary people they deal with (staff, fans), but more apt to dislike someone who annoys them as well.

King No1e

Not criticizing a personal opinion, but genuinely curious. Federer is possibly the least "robotic" player I can think of. He is the epitome of variety, shotmaking skill and graceful movement. For most people, a robotic player is someone like Raonic or Isner, or Sharapova. What is robotic about Federer, it seems to me the antithesis of what he's been the last 20 years.
I meant his personality and his on-court attitude. He's as efficient, emotionless, cut-and-dry as it gets. Of course his actual playing style is beautiful and creative, but his attitude, especially post-2004 was almost eerily stoic (of course that's what made him so consistent, and it's obviously the best mentality to have).
Easy to respect, hard to relate.


Yep, I like and admire all 3, but root the least for Roger.
I've been following tennis a lonnng time, and while I've taken to many (men and women) players over that span, I also know that players this great don't come along too often. And while none are saints, on the whole they are all quite likable.

Deleted member 758560

To say it concisely, I feel like he's less judgmental than the other two, simply not paying attention to lower beings that cross his path; whereas Djokodal are more opinionated/passionate and more apt to take a genuine liking to some of the ordinary people they deal with (staff, fans), but more apt to dislike someone who annoys them as well.
окей понял тебя, хотя быстрее бы понял на русском если, да хрен с ним кто более vapid (банальный или скучный? ладно неважно) по-моему personality важнее рассматривать душевные качества, и думаю не такая страшная вещь хотеть нравиться людям, как корону на голове носить, т.е. это характеризует тебя как более приятную личность (более безобидно для чистоты душевной так сказать), ну как же меньше осуждает других он если много моментов было, и тот момент что джоковичу пора заканчивать, и откуда мы знаем так четко кто больше ненавидит(dislike) из них если же человек не нравится?
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King No1e

Ship already sailed, look at all the chokes and dips.

Feels good enjoying his physical advantage over both for seven years and counting :)
He's not even a year younger than Nadal. I swear some Vamosalaplayans here pretend that Nadal is 7 years older than Djokovic and past his prime since 2008.


I only like Fed.

I tried to like the other guys. But Rafa's behavior toward Kyrgios and Medvedev, and Djokovic's madness during COVID...I'm done with both of them.


Talk Tennis Guru
окей понял тебя, хотя быстрее бы понял на русском если, да хрен с ним кто более vapid (банальный или скучный? ладно неважно) по-моему personality важнее рассматривать душевные качества, и думаю не такая страшная вещь хотеть нравиться людям, как корону на голове носить, т.е. это характеризует тебя как более приятную личность (более безобидно для чистоты душевной так сказать), ну как же меньше осуждает других он если много моментов было, и тот момент что джоковичу пора заканчивать, и откуда мы знаем так четко кто больше ненавидит(dislike) из них если же человек не нравится?

I don't recall Fred saying Djokovic was done, what gives?

Likes and dislikes are feelings born out of (some degree of) passion, as a hypothetical truly dispassionate person would not feel any emotional disturbances. As I said, Fedr seems a blander type outside of tennis than the other two. Don't see him as outwardly arrogant like you weirdly do, rather he doesn't care. His passions seem more limited within tennis and family, quite simply.

Deleted member 758560

I don't recall Fred saying Djokovic was done, what gives?

Likes and dislikes are feelings born out of (some degree of) passion, as a hypothetical truly dispassionate person would not feel any emotional disturbances. As I said, Fedr seems a blander type outside of tennis than the other two. Don't see him as outwardly arrogant like you weirdly do, rather he doesn't care. His passions seem more limited within tennis and family, quite simply.
ну ладно у каждого свое мнение, может ты что-то не видишь, может я не знаю его вне корта, мое мнение основано скорее на кортовском ощущении


Talk Tennis Guru
ну ладно у каждого свое мнение, может ты что-то не видишь, может я не знаю его вне корта, мое мнение основано скорее на кортовском ощущении

That Fed is much less of a time waster is already reason enough for me to prefer his on-court demeanour to theirs. :) I hate being made to wait on return, it's super annoying.

The Guru

I root against Federer and Nadal only if Djokovic is still in the tournament so he can have an easier path to the title. I actually really like both of them and think they are fun to watch. I would want a Fedal final everyday of the week over some random **** like Coric-Anderson. Unlike most other sports I think all the top guys are pretty much good people which makes them hard to hate. Except Zverev of course. ABZ

Third Serve

Talk Tennis Guru
I root against Federer and Nadal only if Djokovic is still in the tournament so he can have an easier path to the title. I actually really like both of them and think they are fun to watch. I would want a Fedal final everyday of the week over some random **** like Coric-Anderson. Unlike most other sports I think all the top guys are pretty much good people which makes them hard to hate. Except Zverev of course. ABZ

The Guru

Why is everyone warming up to the King? :D
I hated him when I was younger and the Djokodal rivalry was in it's prime years. I not only have gotten over that but he's grown to be one of my favorite players. His gamestyle is so entertaining and he seems to be such a great guy. It's so hard not to like him so now I do :)


Bionic Poster
I hated him when I was younger and the Djokodal rivalry was in it's prime years. I not only have gotten over that but he's grown to be one of my favorite players. His gamestyle is so entertaining and he seems to be such a great guy. It's so hard not to like him so now I do :)

Exactly 8-B


Subway Tennis

Fan of the big 4. Nadal would be my favourite, then Murray, Djokovic and Federer in that order.

Absolutely love watching Djokovic vs Federer matches. I might favour Djokovic slightly over Federer but don't actively barrack for either player. Without a dog in the fight I can just sit back and admire the quality of the tennis and drama whenever they play.


Bionic Poster
I dislike all Big There equally, because after more than 15 years of competition none of them has become a clear GOAT, nor it’s expected for any of them to become that, which has turned these forums so painful to watch with grown up people fighting each in the most uncivil fashion day after day.


Hall of Fame
I love Fed's game and demeanour on and off court. I even liked it more when he was a bit arrogant, but the humblerer seems a bit contrived sometimes.

I like Nadal's game and absolutely love his off court personality. Gamesmanship is sometimes an issue for me.

I used to like Djokovic's game, now I don't. He seems like a nice person off the court, and I don't really have a problem with his "wanting to be loved", though it can be cringeworthy at times. The retirements and the occasional gamesmanship irk me sometimes.


I'll admit I do prefer Fed and would like the other 2 to fail, bit that's just a normal sport instinct and not a desire of mine.

I do consider Djokodal exciting to watch sometimes, especially Nadal. I liked Djokovic's play back in 2007-2008 and 2011 when he was more aggressive. Not really a fan of his style since 2015.

At this point I have outgrown the GOAT debate a bit. Whoever becomes GOAT has earned it.
There will never be a GOAT. Cannot compare eras. Do we ever hear Borg was better than McEnroe or Connors? No. We just here they were legends. And Borg was actually clearly ahead. In this era the 3 will be equally revered.


Like Nadal although he is very media trained so hard to know the real Nadal even after all these years but love his macho tennis.
Like Federer at times, dislike him when he refuses to give players who have beaten him credit.
Less keen on Djokovic. Tries too hard to be liked and comes across fake. That said he is the most gracious loser of the three.


Hall of Fame
Favourite: Sampras - Safin - Djokovic.

I don't know why.

One Boring Greek, one Russian Playboy and one Serbian Villian. No common thing at all.


Hall of Fame
Nadal fan, but I admire all of them as players.

I didn't used to like Federer as a person (thought he was comically arrogant at one point), but he's mellowed a lot as he's gotten older, and I now think he comes off as a very likable and chill guy.

As a person, I really dislike Djokovic. He revealed a very unsavoury and selfish side to himself during the pandemic that made me think less of him as a person. Still admire him as a tennis player, and that will probably never change.

I support Nadal, but also find him the most likeable of the three off-court. The humility thing isn't an act. It's simply how he was raised. To not see himself as better than anyone else, just because he is one of the most gifted tennis players who ever lived. It's inspiring to see someone of such high achievement and status be so down to earth.


Is everyone here a fan of only one of the players of the Big 3 and always want the other two ATGs to do poorly? If you read most of the posts in the Pro Player section, you would get that impression that everyone is in one of the camps and hates the fans in the other two camps.

Is there anyone who likes the tennis played by all of them and counts their blessings when they get to watch one of their matches live? I am fairly neutral when I watch one of their matches and usually want the player playing the best tennis on that particular day (by my ‘eye test‘ as the match progresses) to win as I feel that they deserved to win. The truly epic matches are the ones where the ’eye test’ does not show one player being dominant and you don’t know who will win until the last point is over - 2008 Wimbledon final, 2011 USO semifinal, 2012 AO final, 2013 FO semifinal, 2017 AO final and 2018 Wimbledon SF. I felt elated after all those matches just from the high level of tennis I got to appreciate even if it was only on TV. (PS: In contrast, I stopped watching the 2019 Wimbledon final late in the fourth set and went to play tennis because I thought both Federer and Djokovic played poorly for large stretches of the match and I didn‘t care who won after that).

Tennis Channel is showing a replay of Anderson/Zverev and Fritz/de Minaur matches tonight - yikes! In a few years, we won’t have any of the Big 3 to kick around and we will be forced to watch these other players who haven’t impressed so far in Slam finals. I for one am appreciating these last few years of the Big 3 even more - like an aged fine wine that will go bad in a few years if I don’t drink it right now.

Is there a ‘silent majority’ out there who likes all three players?
Least Favorite- Federer


Obviously I like Fed the best. For all the reasons everyone knows.

I have grown to like Nadal and his epic fight and no-nonsense presence. It helps that he and Fed seem to genuinely like each other and do stuff for each other even though they are such rivals. It makes them both look bigger to me.

I want to like Novak - esp since I've found some of his fans here to be great folks. Like @Hitman, @King No1e , @NoleFam and others.

But I have to admit - (probably informed more than I realize by his beating Fed in such epic and weighty matches) - I find him hard to take.

I have a hard time w his shirt ripping and screaming-crazy faces - it seems ungracious to his opponents and just super weird in a mentally unstable way. I find his trying to be funny, not funny to me, and his trying to be sincere - coming across to me as too much to process or possibly coming from more of a place of need/control rather than a place of peace and contentment.

Ironically I think if he toned it down more and tried less (like the post-match love cup stuff) I think he would eventually be loved more.

But who can deny that he is an incredible athlete who never gives up and has come so far from his conditions starting out in war-torn Serbia. He's shown that he can withstand the greatest pressure and that his early health woes were real and that he worked hard to get past them.

...And who can deny that he's matured a lot for someone with a dad like Srdan. I can't imagine what he had to deal with as a kid w a father like that.

But yeah - still haven't quite been able to like him like I wish I could. Cause he's everywhere and he wins everything. But I do like him better than a few years ago. Maybe I'll get there.
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Is everyone here a fan of only one of the players of the Big 3 and always want the other two ATGs to do poorly? If you read most of the posts in the Pro Player section, you would get that impression that everyone is in one of the camps and hates the fans in the other two camps.

Is there anyone who likes the tennis played by all of them and counts their blessings when they get to watch one of their matches live? I am fairly neutral when I watch one of their matches and usually want the player playing the best tennis on that particular day (by my ‘eye test‘ as the match progresses) to win as I feel that they deserved to win. The truly epic matches are the ones where the ’eye test’ does not show one player being dominant and you don’t know who will win until the last point is over - 2008 Wimbledon final, 2011 USO semifinal, 2012 AO final, 2013 FO semifinal, 2017 AO final and 2018 Wimbledon SF. I felt elated after all those matches just from the high level of tennis I got to appreciate even if it was only on TV. (PS: In contrast, I stopped watching the 2019 Wimbledon final late in the fourth set and went to play tennis because I thought both Federer and Djokovic played poorly for large stretches of the match and I didn‘t care who won after that).

Tennis Channel is showing a replay of Anderson/Zverev and Fritz/de Minaur matches tonight - yikes! In a few years, we won’t have any of the Big 3 to kick around and we will be forced to watch these other players who haven’t impressed so far in Slam finals. I for one am appreciating these last few years of the Big 3 even more - like an aged fine wine that will go bad in a few years if I don’t drink it right now.

Is there a ‘silent majority’ out there who likes all three players?
I like ALL but my favorite is Djokovic, then Rafa, then Roger


Hall of Fame
I'm only a Fed fan but without the other 2, Fed's story isn't as entertaining. So I'm a Big-3 fan, defaulting to Fed.