Obviously I like Fed the best. For all the reasons everyone knows.
I have grown to like Nadal and his epic fight and no-nonsense presence. It helps that he and Fed seem to genuinely like each other and do stuff for each other even though they are such rivals. It makes them both look bigger to me.
I want to like Novak - esp since I've found some of his fans here to be great folks. Like
@King No1e ,
@NoleFam and others.
But I have to admit - (probably informed more than I realize by his beating Fed in such epic and weighty matches) - I find him hard to take.
I have a hard time w his shirt ripping and screaming-crazy faces - it seems ungracious to his opponents and just super weird in a mentally unstable way. I find his trying to be funny, not funny to me, and his trying to be sincere - coming across to me as too much to process or possibly coming from more of a place of need/control rather than a place of peace and contentment.
Ironically I think if he toned it down more and tried less (like the post-match love cup stuff) I think he would eventually be loved more.
But who can deny that he is an incredible athlete who never gives up and has come so far from his conditions starting out in war-torn Serbia. He's shown that he can withstand the greatest pressure and that his early health woes were real and that he worked hard to get past them.
...And who can deny that he's matured a lot for someone with a dad like Srdan. I can't imagine what he had to deal with as a kid w a father like that.
But yeah - still haven't quite been able to like him like I wish I could. Cause he's everywhere and he wins everything. But I do like him better than a few years ago. Maybe I'll get there.