I have always wondered about this, so I'm going to ask:
Why do some people wear flip flops or suchlike while driving to the courts and then change into their tennis shoes when they get there? And then change back again before getting in the car?
I have seen people do this on clay courts, so I figure they just don't want to get their floors or cars dirty. But I've also seen people do it for hard courts. Is there some advantage to doing it this way?
I've always been worried I will forget my shoes and have to default, so I like to be fully dressed when I get into the car.
Why do some people wear flip flops or suchlike while driving to the courts and then change into their tennis shoes when they get there? And then change back again before getting in the car?
I have seen people do this on clay courts, so I figure they just don't want to get their floors or cars dirty. But I've also seen people do it for hard courts. Is there some advantage to doing it this way?
I've always been worried I will forget my shoes and have to default, so I like to be fully dressed when I get into the car.