I currently play a Prince Tour Diablo mid. (standard 27" length and about 12.4 ounces strung) My tennis level is 4.3 and I play 3 times a week.
I've been thinking about trying some new racquets and thought about a longer racquet as an option 27.5".
My question is whether .5" really makes any difference with racket speed. Theoretically, based on the physics I get that it should make a difference, but I'm curious if anyone has really seen a change in practice.
I'll also mention that I am only 5'7" tall so people might say that the "extra reach" wouldn't be a bad thing. Again...does 1/2" more reach really make any difference?
Thanks for your opinion.
I've been thinking about trying some new racquets and thought about a longer racquet as an option 27.5".
My question is whether .5" really makes any difference with racket speed. Theoretically, based on the physics I get that it should make a difference, but I'm curious if anyone has really seen a change in practice.
I'll also mention that I am only 5'7" tall so people might say that the "extra reach" wouldn't be a bad thing. Again...does 1/2" more reach really make any difference?
Thanks for your opinion.