Does anybody have a review on the Prestige 660 tour??

dont know if you know the currency rates but that stick would end up costing almost $200 shipped to US or Argentina, why not just buy the LMprestige MP then, the Prestige tour 660 has amazing feel for an OS, probably the best OS stick on the market


I just bought one new that Head in Argentina had left at $90.
Is the Prestige 600 tour similar to the 660 tour??

Ray Wong

c10, I haven't tried Prestige Tour 660, but I agree with Radical, the 102sq. in. is little bit clumsy, so I dislike oversize, but may be suitable for baseliner. I own Prestige Tour 600, PC600, IP600 and LM600, for LM, I just play twice, so I can't give any suggestion, but my opinion P. tour 600 is the best(except Prestige Pro, I really want to try it!). PT may be less feel than PC600, but it's very comfort(with suspension grip) and a little bit powerful. The paintjob and finishing of PT & PC also better than i & LM( the LM QC is quite poor).

At last, on collector's view, I think 600cm2 is more traditional and original for Prestige lineage, the MP, I attribute that to another lineage, NOT Prestige.

Ray Wong

c10, I forget to say that all the prestige are great control sticks!PT, PC & LM are better than i. Although LM have a poor finishing, but the directional control is great and it's realizable to get it if PT, PC is too hard & expensive to have nowaday!


Bionic Poster
Btw, Prestige Tour 660, Prestige Classic, Trysis 300(my fav) has the hottest, most open, sweetest sweetspot of any racquet on earth as we speak IMHO. Airy, unlike any 93" head stick. 600 serves better. nuff said