Does anyone play a power game with Pure Drive and non-Poly ?

I am in the process of moving away from Pure Drive + Poly at 50.

I have tried some Prince Phantom stuff and it did not click for me.
The 100 Phantoms felt like flimsy toys with zero power.

I am also having a hard time with strings.
Multi needs to be clicked back into play after every point.
Then it gets loose and stuck and what not.

I have a POG 93, but don't like the 14x16, and 93 size may be too expert for me.
I tried gut at 60, and it seems overrated hype, to be honest.
At 60, it felt as just harsh as Poly at 50.

There are just too many variables, and I am thinking of going back to my PD.
The problem with PD was that with Gut at 45, it was launching like crazy.
But, I might have strung it too low.

Does anyone play a power game with Pure Drive and non-Poly ?
What are your specs ?

Power Player

Bionic Poster
You are overthinking this. Of course people can play a power game without poly. But that really has no bearing on whether you can do it or not.

Why would you string full gut at 45#s in a pure drive? String it at 58-60#s like a normal person. Gut at 60#s in a Pure drive should not feel harsh unless you are missing the sweet spot.

If you tried gut at 60#s in a 93 size head, than yeah, it may be harsh. thats a small frame - common sense.

If you want Try synth gut first at around 56#s and see how powerful it is. then add 2-4 pounds of tension with natty gut and go play tennis.

Trying out frames without knowing the string and tension you prefer is a total fail. Start at the basics with cheap prince synthetic gut at 55#s and determine power level and stiffness. Then choose your string and tension from there.


I've heard from some other people, and tend to agree somewhat, natural gut feels good after a match or casual hitting session. Plays awesome just right before it breaks, when it's got some fray.

If you can't generate power with a PD @50, even with poly, your going to need to look in the mirror.....

I have no idea what your strokes look like, your age, how "built" you are, sooooo many variables it wouldn't even matter what other people's setups are.

Need more info before a good assessment can be made.

mad dog1

There are so many great racquets that fall between the spectrum of the 2 extremes that the frames you have tried represent.

At the super stiff end is the Pure Drive. At the soft as wet noodle end is the Prince Phantom line.

Perhaps try demoing more racquets that fall between these 2? There are so many. Yonex VCORE, ezone, Head Prestige MP and Radicals, Wilson Blades...demo demo demo. Nothing in life is BLACK or WHITE. There are many shades of grey. Learn to find the shade of grey that works for you.
If you can't generate power with a PD @50, even with poly, your going to need to look in the mirror.....


Where did you get this conclusion?
I generate loads of power and spin with my PD @ 50.
However, I am retiring the PD+Poly to avoid arm injury.

My problem is the Prince stuff.
Nothing has been to my liking

So, I am thinking of going back to PD but without the Poly.
My question is if PD must be used with a Poly, since it's so high powered.
Powerful PD racket and low powered Poly strings were perfect for me.
Powerful PD racket and high powered trampoline Gut/Multi might be a rocket launcher
I tried PD w/ gut, and everything went long, but not sure if it was due to low tension or the powerful PD racket, or both.
Do people play PD without Poly ?


New User
Try Kevlar mains with Zyex crosses. Prestetch both using body weight. Keep stretching until you get 2.5 inches elongation out of Kevlar and 20 inches out of the Zyex. Then string Kevlar at 64, Zyex at 60. Be careful stringing the Zyex, it can break while stringing if you nick it.

Plays like a full bed of fresh soft poly at maybe 50 pounds but doesn’t go dead until 4 to 6 months later when the Kevlar finally gets sawed through. Great snapback, never have to move strings.


Where did you get this conclusion?
I generate loads of power and spin with my PD @ 50.
However, I am retiring the PD+Poly to avoid arm injury.

My problem is the Prince stuff.
Nothing has been to my liking

So, I am thinking of going back to PD but without the Poly.
My question is if PD must be used with a Poly, since it's so high powered.
Powerful PD racket and low powered Poly strings were perfect for me.
Powerful PD racket and high powered trampoline Gut/Multi might be a rocket launcher
I tried PD w/ gut, and everything went long, but not sure if it was due to low tension or the powerful PD racket, or both.
Do people play PD without Poly ?
I played some of my best tennis with both the PA and PD with Kevlar hybrid. Was either 58 or 60ish. But then again I hit the shootzie out of the ball. So I get good control and more balls land in. Only way i could tame either racquet.

I also had a PD Tour with 15L mains around 50 and Cyber Blue crosses same tension I think. Serves were BOMBS. It only lasted 2 sessions though before it went to mush and I cut it out. I'm more flat hitter or "drive", but can hit or impart spin if I want. I just prefer almost a straight arm drive. And my arm hates me but it feels so good until after you're done playing and your arm feels like it survived a gator roll. Oh well


Try Kevlar mains with Zyex crosses. Prestetch both using body weight. Keep stretching until you get 2.5 inches elongation out of Kevlar and 20 inches out of the Zyex. Then string Kevlar at 64, Zyex at 60. Be careful stringing the Zyex, it can break while stringing if you nick it.

Plays like a full bed of fresh soft poly at maybe 50 pounds but doesn’t go dead until 4 to 6 months later when the Kevlar finally gets sawed through. Great snapback, never have to move strings.

I like your idea. The Crossfire ZX hybrid has been an elbow saver for me!

But mine is actually strung at +3kg / -5kg. So where I had 26kg for poly, the Crossfire is now 29kg / 21kg ( 64lb / 46lb ). Feels slightly looser (maybe a 1kg looser) than the poly I had at 26kg, but it did not take me long to get used to it. Originally planned to go +4kg / -4kg but then wanted to save the racket by not stringing the mains too heavy.
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Where did you get this conclusion?
I generate loads of power and spin with my PD @ 50.
However, I am retiring the PD+Poly to avoid arm injury.

My problem is the Prince stuff.
Nothing has been to my liking

So, I am thinking of going back to PD but without the Poly.
My question is if PD must be used with a Poly, since it's so high powered.
Powerful PD racket and low powered Poly strings were perfect for me.
Powerful PD racket and high powered trampoline Gut/Multi might be a rocket launcher
I tried PD w/ gut, and everything went long, but not sure if it was due to low tension or the powerful PD racket, or both.
Do people play PD without Poly ?

My coach plays with a PD Team strung w/ Excel... He had elbow surgery some time ago and found that this combo worked for him despite having to go back to woodies previously because of the elbow. He plays everything... literally, he loves to S&V, but I've seen him push like there's no tomorrow against the juniors. Against me I say he's a very opportunistic all courter, If I'm not pushing him back, he's coming in.

The thing is, when you watch him hit he doesn't look like Nadal or Thiem... He looks like he's on cruise control, very fluid, never rushed. When I was playing with a PD Tour (VS x Alu @ 55x51) it worked very well as long as I didn't try to murder the ball and stayed smooth. The main reason I switched to the PS 18x20 is because the gut/poly in the PD was only lasting around 6 hrs., that and I can hit out a bit more with the PS. I'd say you can use a PD with whatever string you want, you may have to make some adjustments, and whether or not you can live with those adjustments is kind of up to you.


Hall of Fame
Try full bed Head Velocity at 50lbs for both mains and crosses. Pay attention to launch angle when you swing out. If launch angle too high, string crosses tighter by 2lbs next time. If land too deep then string both mains and crosses higher by 2lbs next time.


Yes, I tried a hybrid PD setup.
58 gut/ 50 Poly cross.
The ball was flying long by 6 feet when I swung out.

Change your swing plane and racquet angle and the balls will land in. Depth and spin are far more technique than racquet/string dependent. If you swing with a more vertical plane and closed face, those same long balls will be landing in even if you "swing out".

And a higher tension poly cross would have lowered the launch angle a bit.



VS Touch 16 66lbs


Li Na

Xcel at 63/61 with pre-stretch (2009).

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New User
I like your idea. The Crossfire ZX hybrid has been an elbow saver for me!

But mine is actually strung at +3kg / -5kg. So where I had 26kg for poly, the Crossfire is now 29kg / 21kg ( 64lb / 46lb ). Feels slightly looser (maybe a 1kg looser) than the poly I had at 26kg, but it did not take me long to get used to it. Originally planned to go +4kg / -4kg but then wanted to save the racket by not stringing the mains too heavy.

I also tried the extreme tension differential between mains and crosses. I played for a while with Kevlar mains at 82 pounds and Zyex crosses at 49 pounds. It squashed the racquet by a little over 1/8 of an inch which changed swing weight and made the racquet more circular shaped.

For me 64/60 feels the same as 82/49 but without the racquet squashing and the tension maintenance is just as good.


For me, I never could play the stiff Babolats. But going ever more arm friendly, the Phantoms are bound to be very different, not useful. The Clash 100 tour, on the other hand, ticks quite a few boxes for me, and I will test drive it soon. (I tried the lighter one a few weeks ago and felt like a toy, but actually played quite well.)

mad dog1

It's like this dude just talks in circles and doesn't fully read or understand the replies people give him.

It would be understandable if he was a little kid or a senile old person but he is neither of these. The crazy posts are from a man who is in his mid 40s and claims to be very intelligent. :eek:

Power Player

Bionic Poster
It would be understandable if he was a little kid or a senile old person but he is neither of these. The crazy posts are from a man who is in his mid 40s and claims to be very intelligent. :eek:

He’s hyper sensitive yet abrasive and boorish so as a result he has ignored anyone on this forum who calls him on it. I bet he can’t read half the threads on TT so he has to ask a million foolish questions to get an answer now. Lol. Kind of funny, really.


As stated before, there are a hell lot of options in between PDs and Phantoms. Just because you don't like phantoms it doesn't mean you need to go for PDs.

If you want to use something with more free power, there are some options that are more arm friendly and will still give you some power boost, as the Prince Textreme Beast 98/100 or some Yonexes like Vcore 98/100 and Ezone 98. Or maybe even the Wilson Clash.


I string for a couple of people who are PD users and non-poly. One plays with straight natural gut, the other uses synthetic gut. Both seem to be happy with their choices and play well.
Change your swing plane and racquet angle and the balls will land in. Depth and spin are far more technique than racquet/string dependent. If you swing with a more vertical plane and closed face, those same long balls will be landing in even if you "swing out".


The point is that I am not looking to change my strokes.
I've already learned how to hit a tennis ball.
My heavy topspin stroke is now permanent.

I hit heavy spin balls with Pure Drive and Poly at 50.
I could swing 100% and land the ball in.

Need to do the same with a new racket.


Hall of Fame
Heavy topspin isn’t going to go out by 6 ft with a gut/poly setup unless your swing/footwork is bad. Fix your strokes first, not the racket. Then evaluate your equipment after your strokes are cleaned up.

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
The point is that I am not looking to change my strokes.
I've already learned how to hit a tennis ball.
My heavy topspin stroke is now permanent.

I hit heavy spin balls with Pure Drive and Poly at 50.
I could swing 100% and land the ball in.

Need to do the same with a new racket.

What did you do in the past when you played outdoors and there was wind behind your back blowing your normal strokes long? Or if someone hit the ball harder at you and the increased incoming ballspeed caused more outgoing ballspeed on your part, causing the ball to go long?

Just do those things.

Wanting to have the exact same swing only works if you are competing against a ball machine stuck on one setting.


The point is that I am not looking to change my strokes.
I've already learned how to hit a tennis ball.
My heavy topspin stroke is now permanent.

I hit heavy spin balls with Pure Drive and Poly at 50.
I could swing 100% and land the ball in.

Need to do the same with a new racket.

With that setup... can you drop a ball on your service line, take a full cut at the ball, and have it bounce 3 times before it passes the opposite baseline?
What did you do in the past when you played outdoors and there was wind behind your back blowing your normal strokes long? Or if someone hit the ball harder at you and the increased incoming ballspeed caused more outgoing ballspeed on your part, causing the ball to go long?

Just do those things.

Wanting to have the exact same swing only works if you are competing against a ball machine stuck on one setting.

I'm not looking to bunt.
I mostly play indoors.


I doubt it, I have been trained to hit the ball deep near the baseline.

As have I... but you're not always at the same spot on the court, and depending on what you're trying to do, you may not have much court to work with. Your 'one stroke' is actually a quite variable, as it needs to be. You can hit that same deep spot a number of ways, you may have a favorite, and that's fine, but what you're dealing with is the adjustments that you have to make to hit your favorite shot with a different setup. You may not like the adjustments, but how far can you go from your current setup (and I'm assuming there's a reason for leaving that setup) without needing adjustments? If you don't need adjustments, have you really changed the setup? much?
This guy just posted that Fed is a pusher. Dont waste your time trying to explain anything to him.
The problem with the internet is that people are exposed to ideas they can not grasp.
Then they get angry and confused and start yelling "troll troll.".

I will take my valuable time to unpack this for those who continue to not understand that semantics are nuanced.
Yes, pushing is relative to the level. Everyone knows that. That is why Murray and Hewitt are called pushers. [1]

When I cite Federer as a pusher, which is always qualified by the statistic of 35% of his BH are defensive slices,
do I mean Federer is a 3.0 level bunting pusher with his Walmart racket and nylon strings? Of course not.
Even a 6th grader can discern the nuance I am employing.

The vast majority of rec players are 3.0 and 3.5
What do the serious ones who have developed offensive shots tend to have in common?
Lack of any defensive skills. They try to go crush crush on any shot.
Deep ball to their BH? On the run?. 3.5 will try to win the point right there with a running DTL hero shot.
Meanwhile, ATP pros don't even do this, and they wait to attack the right ball.

Even Federer, the #1 GOAT, does not attack every ball.
Instead, he uses "pusher" tactics, since he slices 35% of his BHs.
Federer slices more backhands than a typical aggro 3.5 who literally does not hit a slice all match.
Is there a lesson in there? You bet.
For most people, this was an obvious point, and a select vocal minority have reading ability of a 7 year old.

[1] How on earth can Hewitt/Murray be considered a pusher?

Power Player

Bionic Poster
Op claims his time is valuable yet makes multiple new threads on here almost daily.

Doubt anyone is buying that claim, but just another example of a lack of nuanced communication skills and why he rubs people the wrong way.

Also he mistakes his poorly worded and reasoned posts as others “not grasping” what he is saying. He further has to add that anyone who challenges or laughs at his reasoning has the reading ability of a 7 year old. That also speaks for itself.

mad dog1

Op claims his time is valuable yet makes multiple new threads on here almost daily.

Doubt anyone is buying that claim, but just another example of a lack of nuanced communication skills and why he rubs people the wrong way.

Also he mistakes his poorly worded and reasoned posts as others “not grasping” what he is saying. He further has to add that anyone who challenges or laughs at his reasoning has the reading ability of a 7 year old. That also speaks for itself.
As the saying goes, “A leopard cannot change its spots.”

TTPS is who he is...he’s returned from multiple extended timeouts. You’d think would’ve learned something from those prior prison sentences, but I guess not.
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Talk Tennis Guru
The problem with the internet is that people are exposed to ideas they can not grasp.
Then they get angry and confused and start yelling "troll troll.".

I will take my valuable time to unpack this for those who continue to not understand that semantics are nuanced.
Yes, pushing is relative to the level. Everyone knows that. That is why Murray and Hewitt are called pushers. [1]

When I cite Federer as a pusher, which is always qualified by the statistic of 35% of his BH are defensive slices,
do I mean Federer is a 3.0 level bunting pusher with his Walmart racket and nylon strings? Of course not.
Even a 6th grader can discern the nuance I am employing.

The vast majority of rec players are 3.0 and 3.5
What do the serious ones who have developed offensive shots tend to have in common?
Lack of any defensive skills. They try to go crush crush on any shot.
Deep ball to their BH? On the run?. 3.5 will try to win the point right there with a running DTL hero shot.
Meanwhile, ATP pros don't even do this, and they wait to attack the right ball.

Even Federer, the #1 GOAT, does not attack every ball.
Instead, he uses "pusher" tactics, since he slices 35% of his BHs.
Federer slices more backhands than a typical aggro 3.5 who literally does not hit a slice all match.
Is there a lesson in there? You bet.
For most people, this was an obvious point, and a select vocal minority have reading ability of a 7 year old.

[1] How on earth can Hewitt/Murray be considered a pusher?

Anyone with a brain stem knows that Fed is not a 3.0 level pusher. That doesn't need to be explained.

What you dont seem to understand is that his slice is a weapon and he uses it offensively.

Fed is not a pusher by any standard, either 3.0, 4.5, professional or mythological Greek god.

Maybe go watch Fed in person or something.


Hall of Fame
Anyone with a brain stem knows that Fed is not a 3.0 level pusher. That doesn't need to be explained.

What you dont seem to understand is that his slice is a weapon and he uses it offensively.

Fed is not a pusher by any standard, either 3.0, 4.5, professional or mythological Greek god.

Maybe go watch Fed in person or something.

Or watch any pro in person. None are pushers, they are taking full hard cuts at the ball.

mad dog1

Or watch any pro in person. None are pushers, they are taking full hard cuts at the ball.
TTPS has been taking lessons for the past 2 years from a coach who played D1. Therefore he is a tennis guru now and if you disagree with him, it is because you are clueless. :laughing:


I play with a Pure Drive, hitting hard and with topspin. For several years now I have used Double AR 666 in the mains around 50-52 pounds and Ashaway Monogut ZX in the crosses around 52. The 666 is a nylon monofilament that seems to have the spin and control of a poly. Although it's a nylon you don't want to go over 52 pounds. The package states the range as 48-52 pounds. Feels a trifle hard but nothing like poly on my arm.

Another option is to use a Pure Drive with a smaller grip size, then put on a thicker grip like the Tourna Pro Gel


The point is that I am not looking to change my strokes.
I've already learned how to hit a tennis ball.
My heavy topspin stroke is now permanent.

I hit heavy spin balls with Pure Drive and Poly at 50.
I could swing 100% and land the ball in.

Need to do the same with a new racket.

Strokes should always be adjustable. How do you hit topspin from 6 feet inside the baseline vs 6 feet behind the baseline?

Theoretically those strokes should land 12 feet apart if you hit the exact same stroke.

How do you hit topspin with a Racquet with fresh strings vs a Racquet with old strings.

Theoretically the tension difference should lead to a big difference in landing spots with the same stroke.


I am in the process of moving away from Pure Drive + Poly at 50.

I have tried some Prince Phantom stuff and it did not click for me.
The 100 Phantoms felt like flimsy toys with zero power.

I am also having a hard time with strings.
Multi needs to be clicked back into play after every point.
Then it gets loose and stuck and what not.

I have a POG 93, but don't like the 14x16, and 93 size may be too expert for me.
I tried gut at 60, and it seems overrated hype, to be honest.
At 60, it felt as just harsh as Poly at 50.

There are just too many variables, and I am thinking of going back to my PD.
The problem with PD was that with Gut at 45, it was launching like crazy.
But, I might have strung it too low.

Does anyone play a power game with Pure Drive and non-Poly ?
What are your specs ?

I can suggest combination which really work for me.
U can use Prince O port racquet with low powered control string at low/mid tension.
(in my case Prince Warrior 100 with Yonex poly tour spin).
You get great comfort and big sweetspot from O ports, while still maitaing great control from string.
I think that it is much better all round setup than PD with gut.


Hall of Fame
Try your Pure Drive with NXT Control. Really nice string that is soft and controlled oriented. For a multi it gives pretty good spin, actually has poly woven into it but you would never know it by the feel.


Hall of Fame
My PD was originally strung as gut poly hybrid. Felt harsh just like the PS and AP Babolats I demoed. Only Babolat with any semblance of feel are my pure storms. PD is currently strung with Velocity, still a firm and hollow feeling stick IMO but better.


Hall of Fame
Anyone with a brain stem knows that Fed is not a 3.0 level pusher. That doesn't need to be explained.

What you dont seem to understand is that his slice is a weapon and he uses it offensively.

Fed is not a pusher by any standard, either 3.0, 4.5, professional or mythological Greek god.

Maybe go watch Fed in person or something.

Defensive BH slice - 100% pusher level shot right here. ;)
