does it really matter what gear the pros use?


Paul B 40-15

why is everyone so concerned with what gear the pros are using, does it really matter or make any difference?
for example, the racket used by roger federer or any other pro has been made or customised for one player, so if you got your hands on it, the grip, strings, string tension, string pattern, frame stiffness, head size and racket weight will all be custom to the pro it was made for and not for you.
isn't tennis mainly about picking the best racket and string combo that suits you and your style of play? what works for you might not work for someone else.

is it just that people want to turn up at their local club or court with the same racket as a professional player?

can anyone explain this
No It Doesn't

100% agree with you. the people on this board obssess over what pros use. it doean't matter what they use because it was made specifically for them. but i think you have it right they just want to feel like their favorite pro when they use their racket. :twisted::???::)

Paul B 40-15

it doesn't make any sense though, I have always had a thing for Wilson rackets, maybe one day if I had enough money I would trade up to a babolat aeropro drive or something similar (I have tried one of these rackets at my local sports shop with the luxilon big banger string and it felt great)
but it doesn't make any difference to me which pros use a Wilson racket, it just so happened to be the first racket I tried and used and I have stuck with them ever since.

Paul B 40-15

I don't know about others who use this forum, but I watch a tennis match for the pure joy of watching tennis, which usually puts me in the mood to get out and play myself.
not that I need this kick but it is always nice to play after being inspired by the pros you have watched for years.

I don't watch a match just to see what racket, strings, grip, shoes, bag, dampener or clothing a pro is using, just watch the match for god sake.
it doesn't make any sense though, I have always had a thing for Wilson rackets, maybe one day if I had enough money I would trade up to a babolat aeropro drive or something similar (I have tried one of these rackets at my local sports shop with the luxilon big banger string and it felt great)
but it doesn't make any difference to me which pros use a Wilson racket, it just so happened to be the first racket I tried and used and I have stuck with them ever since.

same thing with me instead i picked up a HEAD racket.:neutral:
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I think it's a mental thing for a lot of people. Many people think their abilty and technique are just fine, so they concentrate on the rackets because they feel it's what's holding them back. So if they use what the pros use, customize it, lead it up up like they do, do the who "polarizing" BS thing, - hit the ball cleanly once, then they'll feel like that's whats missing in their game. Until bad technique catches up with them, then it's rinse repeat, and find another pro setup they think will work.


Hall of Fame
It doesn't matter. IMO, I try to get the clothes they use, as they are the most comfortable for playing.

Paul B 40-15

clothes I can understand, shoes and hats too.
but a racket should be your own.


It doesn't matter. IMO, I try to get the clothes they use, as they are the most comfortable for playing.

Wish I could justify $60, $80, $100 dollar shirts, when a Champion "dri-fit" shirt does the trick just fine. I credit those who can, but man, that's just way out what I would be willing to pay, to go out and sweat in.


Hall of Fame
I like the clothes they wear. Most times, it looks good on them and on me too.
Equipment, i dont change often. Clothes & shoes--i change them frequently.


Bionic Poster
why is everyone so concerned with what gear the pros are using, does it really matter or make any difference?
for example, the racket used by roger federer or any other pro has been made or customised for one player, so if you got your hands on it, the grip, strings, string tension, string pattern, frame stiffness, head size and racket weight will all be custom to the pro it was made for and not for you.
isn't tennis mainly about picking the best racket and string combo that suits you and your style of play? what works for you might not work for someone else.

is it just that people want to turn up at their local club or court with the same racket as a professional player?

can anyone explain this
You're making way too much sense. You're probably going to get banned from this board for being too logical. :shock:


Bionic Poster
Wish I could justify $60, $80, $100 dollar shirts, when a Champion "dri-fit" shirt does the trick just fine. I credit those who can, but man, that's just way out what I would be willing to pay, to go out and sweat in.
Like the old saying goes - "It's better to look good than to play good." :)


Wish I could justify $60, $80, $100 dollar shirts, when a Champion "dri-fit" shirt does the trick just fine. I credit those who can, but man, that's just way out what I would be willing to pay, to go out and sweat in.

The most I've EVER paid for a tennis shirt is 30 bucks! :) There are some amazing outlet stores by my house, (Winners, Nike, etc) that have some crazy deals on "last years" models! I even got a new Under Armour comfy shirt, for like 12.99! :shock:

I'm a sucker for deal hunting for clothes. I love getting sweet deals! Hats on the other hand.....


Shangri La

Hall of Fame
why is everyone so concerned with what gear the pros are using, does it really matter or make any difference?
for example, the racket used by roger federer or any other pro has been made or customised for one player, so if you got your hands on it, the grip, strings, string tension, string pattern, frame stiffness, head size and racket weight will all be custom to the pro it was made for and not for you.
isn't tennis mainly about picking the best racket and string combo that suits you and your style of play? what works for you might not work for someone else.

is it just that people want to turn up at their local club or court with the same racket as a professional player?

can anyone explain this

It depends on in what sense you meant 'make any difference'. Change my level of play? No. But that's something I'm interested in knowing, and I think that's the whole point of this 'pro's gear' sub-forum. Does it 'matter to me' who wins the US Open? No. But I'm interested in know that as well :)


I pick my butt like Nadal. When I do, I can run down more rally balls. So it should make sense that if I pick up a Babolat that I can serve like Roddick right?


It was a Djok =P

star 5 15

If I get the pros racquet I will play like the pro I got it from... Yeah dont think so or everyone would be using a BLX90 like Roger.

Paul B 40-15

this is not a troll for those who think it is, it is a serious observation.
by make any difference, I mean that it doesn't really matter what racket the pros use, they are using a racket and string combo that best suits them and their style of play.
such a racket probably wouldn't suit any other player, so does it really matter what racket the pros use?
everyone could use a BLX 90 like federer, it might not suit them or their style of play but they could use one anyway.
as for picking up a babolat and being able to serve like roddick, you could use the same racket he has and even the same strings, grip, weight and balance of racket if you so wish, but you don't have his style of play so it probably wouldn't suit your style of play.
with this in mind my question still stands.
does it really matter what gear the pros use?
you can have the same make of racket and strings as your favorite pro, but your racket won't be set up or customized like a pro racket.

as for making too much sense, is that possible?


New User
I would say there's lots of fun of tennis. Game is big part, but not all. Talking pro, collecting racket, research strings are others. So I think that's why some people enjoy talking the pro racket. Make sense for me.


Hall of Fame
The clothes issue is pretty much just a dork wannabe thing. Racquets are different. Players with a high skill set will always get the most out of a true control oriented players racquet.

You dont have to pay big bucks though. Most of the older vintage player racquets are as good or better than the junk out there now and can be had for very little money on the used market.

A good pair of shoes is nice as well. You dont have to pay $100 for a pair though. Thats what the dorks do.

Everything outside of that is just training, practice, match play, and most of all time. Lots and lots of time hitting balls over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Then comes losing and more losing. Followed by hitting balls over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Paul B 40-15

I have seen loads of people in this forum talking about what gear the pros are using and I can't help but ask why.
what strings are they using, what grip did they use, what shoes are they wearing, what racket paint job do you like.
does any of it even matter?
watch the match and enjoy it, buying the same gear the pros use and wear won't make you play or look any better on the court, so stop thinking it will.

Paul B 40-15

this is almost as silly as talking about what boots David beckham was wearing during his last game, what studs he had on his boots, what logo or writing was on the side or the bottom of the boots, even what laces he was using.
it doesn't matter, hence the reason for my post.


I have seen loads of people in this forum talking about what gear the pros are using and I can't help but ask why.
what strings are they using, what grip did they use, what shoes are they wearing, what racket paint job do you like.
does any of it even matter?
watch the match and enjoy it, buying the same gear the pros use and wear won't make you play or look any better on the court, so stop thinking it will.

Those are ALL teenagers aspiring to be a Professional ATP level players. and they all think if they can just copy their favorite pro exactly, that they will play just like them.

Paul B 40-15

Those are ALL teenagers aspiring to be a Professional ATP level players. and they all think if they can just copy their favorite pro exactly, that they will play just like them.

someone else talking sense.
welcome :)


I think you need to take the posts in the pro's racquets and gear section with a lot of salt.

Most people are interested in the specs, especially racquet specs, just for the sake of knowing. Add to that the PJ practice these racquet companies do, makes you really want to find out what the hell player a or b uses.

But wanting to find out is very different from imitating / copying.

For me, Fabfed putting Roger, Rafa, and Djoko's racquet in a weighing scale and examining the string they use is interesting, but that doesn't mean I'm going to find myself a Pro stock frame.

Knowing that Federer uses a heavy ass racquet that I have no business using just makes me respect his game even more. Knowing the strings Djoko uses with a 18x20 frame just tells me the kind of power this man has. Knowing Rafa uses an old frame not available to the public makes me more aware that racquet companies are out there to get my money.


Hall of Fame
Wish I could justify $60, $80, $100 dollar shirts, when a Champion "dri-fit" shirt does the trick just fine. I credit those who can, but man, that's just way out what I would be willing to pay, to go out and sweat in.

I didn't mention that I always buy last season's stuff. I try to buy them on sale because I won't ever pay 80 bucks for a shirt every season. Example: I bought the Fed DC Polo for $45.


Hall of Fame
Those are ALL teenagers aspiring to be a Professional ATP level players. and they all think if they can just copy their favorite pro exactly, that they will play just like them.

I won't be a pro. I know it, so I try to focus on my studies rather than tennis. The good thing about Fed's stuff is that it looks good for casual wear.



this is not a troll for those who think it is, it is a serious observation.

You are trolling. Why would you be asking a question for which you already know the answer to? It's blatant enough that people want to know what their favorite pros use in order to emulate them. You are just looking to call out those people for their silly obsession.

Yet you even took your time to sift through the extremely articulate threads holding the sacred specs of various pros' racquets. You're a hypocrite, and so are the rest of the people agreeing with you.


Hall of Fame
You are trolling. Why would you be asking a question for which you already know the answer to? It's blatant enough that people want to know what their favorite pros use in order to emulate them. You are just looking to call out those people for their silly obsession.

Yet you even took your time to sift through the extremely articulate threads holding the sacred specs of various pros' racquets. You're a hypocrite, and so are the rest of the people agreeing with you.

Are you saying I'm a hypocrite for agreeing? I like to know what they use, but I use what I like and what works for me, not Federer.


Bionic Poster
Knowing that Federer uses a heavy ass racquet that I have no business using just makes me respect his game even more. Knowing the strings Djoko uses with a 18x20 frame just tells me the kind of power this man has. Knowing Rafa uses an old frame not available to the public makes me more aware that racquet companies are out there to get my money.
But why? Maybe the racquet that Nadal uses works better for him while the retail racquet works better for you?

BTW, Federer's racquet is not that heavy (I'm actually surprised his racquet is not heavier), and Djokovic gets his power from the weight (and swingweight) of his racquet and not the type of strings.


Hall of Fame
I think it's a mental thing for a lot of people. Many people think their abilty and technique are just fine, so they concentrate on the rackets because they feel it's what's holding them back. So if they use what the pros use, customize it, lead it up up like they do, do the who "polarizing" BS thing, - hit the ball cleanly once, then they'll feel like that's whats missing in their game. Until bad technique catches up with them, then it's rinse repeat, and find another pro setup they think will work.

yuuuupppppppp i would have said the same thing.
Why do we want to know? Mostly it's just curiosity. As far as customization, I read some pros customize a lot, and some do it just a little. So the racquet you buy may be pretty similar to the pro's racquet if he is one of those who doesn't customize a lot. Of course even with his racquet, you won't be playing like him, or we would see you on TV.


To the OP, this is a message board dedicated to tennis and all things tennis. What more do you expect? People on here are fantics about ALL things tennis.



Those are ALL teenagers aspiring to be a Professional ATP level players. and they all think if they can just copy their favorite pro exactly, that they will play just like them.

i never change my racquet + string setup but i still ask what does player x use.

I think you need to take the posts in the pro's racquets and gear section with a lot of salt.

Most people are interested in the specs, especially racquet specs, just for the sake of knowing. Add to that the PJ practice these racquet companies do, makes you really want to find out what the hell player a or b uses.

But wanting to find out is very different from imitating / copying.

For me, Fabfed putting Roger, Rafa, and Djoko's racquet in a weighing scale and examining the string they use is interesting, but that doesn't mean I'm going to find myself a Pro stock frame.

Knowing that Federer uses a heavy ass racquet that I have no business using just makes me respect his game even more. Knowing the strings Djoko uses with a 18x20 frame just tells me the kind of power this man has. Knowing Rafa uses an old frame not available to the public makes me more aware that racquet companies are out there to get my money.

because of this.

imo its interesting


I have seen loads of people in this forum talking about what gear the pros are using and I can't help but ask why.
what strings are they using, what grip did they use, what shoes are they wearing, what racket paint job do you like.
does any of it even matter?
watch the match and enjoy it, buying the same gear the pros use and wear won't make you play or look any better on the court, so stop thinking it will.

The people who ask don't all go out and buy their gear for fun, though. Most inquiries on there are for curiosity's sake, not so people can have their specs match the pros'. Honestly, us mere mortals would have a hard time playing with their gear, but it sure is a lot of fun to know what they're using.

I'd say less than five percent of the inquiries on here regarding pro gear are so that the person could go out and match their specs to a professional's.

Paul B 40-15

You are trolling. Why would you be asking a question for which you already know the answer to? It's blatant enough that people want to know what their favorite pros use in order to emulate them. You are just looking to call out those people for their silly obsession.

Yet you even took your time to sift through the extremely articulate threads holding the sacred specs of various pros' racquets. You're a hypocrite, and so are the rest of the people agreeing with you.

in that case, you must be one of the people who think that using the same racket, string and grip combo as a pro tennis player will make you play like one.

Paul B 40-15

I read somewhere else on this forum, someone said that nadal was reported to be using a particular make of strings when in fact he was using something totally different.
it just seems to me that equipment companies want you to know what the pros use so you will go out and spend your money on the same gear when there really is no need for you to do so.


Hall of Fame
To the OP, this is a message board dedicated to tennis and all things tennis. What more do you expect? People on here are fantics about ALL things tennis.


Exactly. For the x number of TW members who comes here and talk about pro gear there are hundred of times more people who plays tennis but knows nothing about what the pro use. The fact that anybody has the freedom to come here to discuss or choose not to come.


I read somewhere else on this forum, someone said that nadal was reported to be using a particular make of strings when in fact he was using something totally different.
it just seems to me that equipment companies want you to know what the pros use so you will go out and spend your money on the same gear when there really is no need for you ton do so.



New User
I've read the replies to this thread and agree that many people are just curious about pro racquets. I also know that I've struggled for years to find the right racquet and the right combination of weight and balance. I have hit with some of the pro's racquets (and have a few) and it's been enormously helpful in understanding and setting up my own racquets and knowing what works (or doesn't work) for me. I was also a session musician in NY for many years. Many times non-professionals would ask to try my instrument to see how it was set up. To me that makes sense.

Paul B 40-15

I've read the replies to this thread and agree that many people are just curious about pro racquets. I also know that I've struggled for years to find the right racquet and the right combination of weight and balance. I have hit with some of the pro's racquets (and have a few) and it's been enormously helpful in understanding and setting up my own racquets and knowing what works (or doesn't work) for me. I was also a session musician in NY for many years. Many times non-professionals would ask to try my instrument to see how it was set up. To me that makes sense.

yes that does make sense and I have no problem with that.
but people who want to know what gear a pro is using just so they can buy the same gear because they think it will make them play like said pro is just a joke.


I think you need to take the posts in the pro's racquets and gear section with a lot of salt.

Most people are interested in the specs, especially racquet specs, just for the sake of knowing. Add to that the PJ practice these racquet companies do, makes you really want to find out what the hell player a or b uses.

But wanting to find out is very different from imitating / copying.

For me, Fabfed putting Roger, Rafa, and Djoko's racquet in a weighing scale and examining the string they use is interesting, but that doesn't mean I'm going to find myself a Pro stock frame.

Knowing that Federer uses a heavy ass racquet that I have no business using just makes me respect his game even more. Knowing the strings Djoko uses with a 18x20 frame just tells me the kind of power this man has. Knowing Rafa uses an old frame not available to the public makes me more aware that racquet companies are out there to get my money.

I'll have to agree on this one. I really don't care about owning what ever they're using. Merely something to do with curiosity. And besides, stuff like that keeps this forum alive.


yes that does make sense and I have no problem with that.
but people who want to know what gear a pro is using just so they can buy the same gear because they think it will make them play like said pro is just a joke.

I agree. But that crowd that you mention does generally not hang around here. We do get a couple of fanboys who want to switch to their favorite professional's setup because a) because it will give them more confidence and/or b) they play like that pro and think their games will benefit. However, these people are one in maybe...every five hundred threads? So it's not that big of a deal.