does it really matter what gear the pros use?


Hall of Fame
just personal preference. for clothing and shoes, I go for the comfort and appearance. Monfil's outfit may be comfortable, but I'd rather be hit by a bus than go out on the court in lime green and yellow. strings? I couldn't even tell you what's in my frame. I know the brand, but not tensions and stuff. I told the guy at the pro shop, 'string to spec,' and guess what, the racquet works. some people obsess over string specs, but not me.


Hall of Fame
i like to know what the pros are using just because i am curious to know. but i do think that some think by using what the pros use will make there game go up.


Bionic Poster
yes that does make sense and I have no problem with that.
but people who want to know what gear a pro is using just so they can buy the same gear because they think it will make them play like said pro is just a joke.
Many people buy a pro's racquet because they may play a similar STYLE to that pro (e.g., massive topspin and 2HBH like Nadal or classic all-court game with 1HBH like Federer, etc.) and NOT because they think the new racquet will make them play AS WELL as that pro. Most people are not that delusional. But it makes total sense to choose a racquet based on the style of play that a certain pro also plays. I mean if you have a style like Nadal's where you swing vertically with massive topspin using reverse forehands and two-handed backhands, the AeroPro Drive is probably going to work better for your game than a BLX 90 would.

Paul B 40-15

I'm sorry I brought the question up now.
I can understand that people do like to know what gear the pros use, even if they have no intention of buying said gear.
but for those who are, why not just keep looking until you find the right racket that works for you instead of thinking that what works for a pro will work for you.
it seems to me that the kind of people who buy a racket or other item of sports equipment just because their favorite pro uses that equipment have no real understanding of the sport they are interested in.
you could buy the same racket as federer or nadal, it doesn't mean it will work for you, but if you are stupid enough to think so then who is going to stop you.


New User
why is everyone so concerned with what gear the pros are using, does it really matter or make any difference?
for example, the racket used by roger federer or any other pro has been made or customised for one player, so if you got your hands on it, the grip, strings, string tension, string pattern, frame stiffness, head size and racket weight will all be custom to the pro it was made for and not for you.
isn't tennis mainly about picking the best racket and string combo that suits you and your style of play? what works for you might not work for someone else.

is it just that people want to turn up at their local club or court with the same racket as a professional player?

can anyone explain this
Dude, gtfo of this forum with comments like that


Those are ALL teenagers aspiring to be a Professional ATP level players. and they all think if they can just copy their favorite pro exactly, that they will play just like them.

everything was working fine for me and then one day, this djokovic clone appeared :( :D



Many people buy a pro's racquet because they may play a similar STYLE to that pro (e.g., massive topspin and 2HBH like Nadal or classic all-court game with 1HBH like Federer, etc.) and NOT because they think the new racquet will make them play AS WELL as that pro. Most people are not that delusional. But it makes total sense to choose a racquet based on the style of play that a certain pro also plays. I mean if you have a style like Nadal's where you swing vertically with massive topspin using reverse forehands and two-handed backhands, the AeroPro Drive is probably going to work better for your game than a BLX 90 would.
This post really catches the whole point of knowing what pro's use, I mean one day I decided to make my k90s similar to Fed just for fun and what a pleasent surprise I had, I got better depth on my shots and got more power thanks to the lead added @12 o' clock. I really think that understanding your
game style and comparing to a pro is a good satarting point in terms of equipment and technique you can get some improvement from watching professional tennis and good tips also.

Just my .02


everything was working fine for me and then one day, this djokovic clone appeared :( :D

Where did you get this picture! :confused: It looks awfully similar to the 3.0 who's loaded that plays at my local park!!!!!




Where did you get this picture! :confused: It looks awfully similar to the 3.0 who's loaded that plays at my local park!!!!!



haha. i took it at home but i am northern california :D
i am probably little bit more hardcore than he is because i have another bag with four k90s :shock:

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why is everyone so concerned with what gear the pros are using, does it really matter or make any difference?
for example, the racket used by roger federer or any other pro has been made or customised for one player, so if you got your hands on it, the grip, strings, string tension, string pattern, frame stiffness, head size and racket weight will all be custom to the pro it was made for and not for you.
isn't tennis mainly about picking the best racket and string combo that suits you and your style of play? what works for you might not work for someone else.

great post! I have played with a POG forever...because it's a solid players racquet. it never fazed me that it wasn't the popular choice. my college kids would borrow my frame and would be amazed and act like, "why haven't we heard of this?". people have to quite obsessing about what the pro plays with. find what you play well with and go from there.


I think most of the ones asking questions and trying to mimmic what the pros use and wear are younger people. Probably up to age 16-17. I don't have an issue with the ladies wearing things the female pros wear ( except anything the Williams sister wear) because they usually look nice in them. The guys wearing the same outfits, meh. Not really a fan of seeing mini me's of Nadal, D Joker, etc.. Just my opinion.


New User
I think most of the ones asking questions and trying to mimmic what the pros use and wear are younger people. Probably up to age 16-17.


The love/hate obsession with the pros on this forum is beyond creepy. It just sounds like a bunch of middle-schoolers bickering on the playground, and it pretty much ruins the forum.

And anyone who uses the suffix '-****' identifies himself/herself as a child.



The love/hate obsession with the pros on this forum is beyond creepy. It just sounds like a bunch of middle-schoolers bickering on the playground, and it pretty much ruins the forum.

And anyone who uses the suffix '-****' identifies himself/herself as a child.

Great post


This thread is freaking stupid if not right down inappropriate. This is a place for tennis and all thing tennis enthusiasts. Unlike pros who mostly do tennis for a living, we do tennis for fun and distraction. In that context, we should do more of everything that we could think of.
Asking this kind of question is like asking why go to movies, why having halloween, why life?
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Even though this was an older thread brought back to life, I'd still like to say that most people ask the question because of curiosity. I really just like to know these things, but never intend to use any of the pro's gear for myself unless it really works for me.

I'm not happy when Head tries to pull the wool over my eyes that Djokovic is using this specific racquet but in reality is not. Or for any other pro. I just want to know what they actually use, with no intention of using it myself.
Its not possible to hit all kinds of strokes succesfully with all rackets. The rackets characteristics decide what you can do with it, and how easy/hard it is to do it. Knowledge about pros rackets offer an interesting insight to this.
I play with a BLX90 at 360 grams. It forces, and allows me to hit out with a low risk of hitting out, and also has great touch/feel. I am definitely inspired by the fact that Federer plays with a racket that is not too far from this, but this is perfectly legit to me.
Years ago I thought "lighter is better", and tried to play in a way that was not possible with the rackets I used. Showed up that the rackets were a big part of the problem. So I dont use the 90 to feel like Federer, but I do think its interesting to experience what (racket)feel he is playing with, and then adjust (specs) for my purposes.
I'm glad this thread got resurrected. Sadly, I doubt the grinch who started it will ever be checking back in. But, should he or lest-even ye of those who have endorsed this hate jive, I have some words for you to ponder. You see, its called "passion for the things you love." I believe that most(us) gearheads aren't trying to emulate professional players. Contrarily, what I believe is that they(we) are just are obsessed with collecting stuff, not much differently than the likes of music, films, skin mags, pogs, stamps, bedpost knotches, smoking lamps, motorcycles, the 1st season of Archer on DVD, throwing knives, candles, etc. We get one go-around on this planet. Let us enjoy ourselves. Let's enjoy stuff we like.

People always gotta hate... :evil:


Hall of Fame
I'm glad this thread got resurrected. Sadly, I doubt the grinch who started it will ever be checking back in. But, should he or lest-even ye of those who have endorsed this hate jive, I have some words for you to ponder. You see, its called "passion for the things you love." I believe that most(us) gearheads aren't trying to emulate professional players. Contrarily, what I believe is that they(we) are just are obsessed with collecting stuff, not much differently than the likes of music, films, skin mags, pogs, stamps, bedpost knotches, smoking lamps, motorcycles, the 1st season of Archer on DVD, throwing knives, candles, etc. We get one go-around on this planet. Let us enjoy ourselves. Let's enjoy stuff we like.

People always gotta hate... :evil:

Could not have said it better myself. We definitely don't need Fed's $70 polo to play tennis, but if we get such satisfaction out of it and are still able to pay the bills, why the heck not?

BTW, I usually play in gym shorts and an old t-shirt.
There's a difference between those trying to imitate everything a player does and those who collect the gear of players for interest.

Gear enthusiasts seems to be interested in the exact specifications of a pro player's gear and obtain items because it's fun for them. They are simply curious about how different specification and equipment feel and play like, it's the closest thing non-pro players have to playing like a pro. You cannot have the skill but at least you can experience the equipment pro players play with, and who knows, it may feel good or improve their game. It's a hobby, just like collecting stamps or smoking crack; people have different interests.

On the other hand, there are those who simply purchase equipment of their favorite player without the knowledge of exact specifications simply because they are a fan and want to have the gear of their favorite player.

There is nothing wrong with either and no, it doesn't matter what gear pro players use but it's interesting for some and people should respect that.