Bill Everyman
New User
I've been practicing my serve a lot lately, mainly just watching videos of the pros, filming my own serve (propping phone on top of the ballhopper) and comparing the 2. The one main thing I notice about my serve that differs from most of the pros is my racket doesn't "scratch the back of my head" or "comb the back of my hair" as a lot of people call it. The motion where the racket sort of drops behind the head before you explode up at the ball. I've been trying to change my serve to add that for a while, but it's so difficult. I guess when you hit a shot thousands of times over years it can be very difficult to change the muscle memory. However, some pros like Federer, and I also noticed recently, Shapovalov, seem to serve more like me. They flip their racket and explode up at the ball right out of the trophy position. What do you think? Is my motion in need of changing, and holding me back,
or can I make do with a strong serve as is?
Thanks for your input!
Thanks for your input!
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