I wish more of the people posting over on the tennis side knew this simple truth. Pickleball was never intended to mimic tennis. It is its own sport. And (this former tennis player) is so glad to have tried it out. It's a ton of fun!
- Dink
I've seen some videos of advanced players (former tennis players) in PB volleying and I get the fun factor. I wish I could find where and when they play and I'd probably join in.
When all you see are older folks and beginners PB doesn't look like fun.
If I do find some players I will not be changing my tennis fh to a PB fh. My strokes worked fine in paddle tennis (a paddle and deflated tennis ball).
Hey, no surprise, the PB courts were crowded again today.
~ the problem with paddle tennis is it brought on some serious tennis elbow. Once I stopped PT and went back to tennis it went away.