I played with the exo graphite a few months ago and i now use a exo tour 18x20 which is very similar to the ozone tour. But to answer your question - No. They are very different.
Now i switched from the graphite not because i sucked with it. I can definitely say ive never hit my forehand so sharp and precise but its demanding on the feet i suppose. You gota be there to hit the ball because its not as headlight as most player racquets. BUT it actually plays quite light and easy to swing IMO and im actualy very skinny and lean. As long as you're there then its all good.
I mean sure you will notice its a bit harder to accelerate than what you're used to but the thing with this racquet is that it does all the work for you. I actually found myself tire from swinging something that was more headlight because i really had to get it through the hitting zone on heavy balls. THink of it like a bulldozer.
the graphite is very stable and pretty much eats up the balls you hit it with which makes volleying so easy. i actually found myself more comfortable at the net with the graphite than i ever was and found myself using the backhand slice more coz i never hit a slice so well that was low, deep and skids through the court so well.
the only shot i couldnt quite come to terms on it was my one handed backhand. i think being near even balanced made it harder for one hand to really wrist snap and come over the ball as much as i wanted to produce a more shorter angled cross court backhand shot. oh and ditch the leather grip.
As for the ozone tour....one can only make a slight reference to the exo tour that i got. its a lot more agile and easier to serve with being more headlight. i only just got it recently so im not sure if i have fully dialed in but i dont see my forehand sting as much. my forehand seems to have abit more spin and less pace. the balls i hit from the graphite were more 'kill' shots and i felt were harder to return and control simply from the fact that the graphite has a much higher swingweight on it.
if you like to be the aggressor that likes to dictate play from the baseline and push your opponent around and rip winners from short loopy balls....or even hit a good approach shot and finish it with a volley i say go graphite. one can certainly play defense with it but you will need to be really quick on your feet.
i would say the ozone may be for an all arounder type thing thats more forgiving and easier to swing. but as the feedback goes, the graphite is quite forgiving for a players racquet.