Does race matter in Tennis?

Well, maybe since Asians are so good at really fast eye-hand coordination sports like table tennis and badminton, that they are the ones with the superior eye hand coordination and touch traits?

Or maybe Asians simply play more table tennis and badminton than everyone else?


Bionic Poster
Or maybe Asians simply play more table tennis and badminton than everyone else?
Well, you can say that about just about any other sport and group of people. I mean, you can say that blacks play more basketball and that's why they dominate the NBA and not because of their natural ability for basketball.


The current Olympic champ in the 110 hurdles is Chinese, ending a long spell of "Black" champions. "Blacks" still compose the majority of the upperechelon in that event as well as others, but I just pointed that out to anyone who thinks that certain events are predestined to have a person of a certain race win them.

Anyway, the type of physicality that "blacks" are often recognized as having is minimially important in tennis. As long as your in shape and have good strokes, raw strength won't get you much. Speed, of course, is very important, but running straight ahead is much different than being an efficient mover with good footwork on the court.

I'm sure that there would be more successful black tennis players if more kids were introduced to it if it didn't take a back seat to other sports.

Look at all of the champions over the years - from the extremely lithe and fit (nearly swimmers build) to bulky like becker, to relatively short and not any sort of physical specimen (Mcenroe), to lanky and rangy (Kuerten), to musclebound (nadal). tennis is so much more than pure physical athletic potential. The recognized "black" physicality (which many blacks don't possess and many non-blacks do) really doesn't matter.


Bionic Poster
The current Olympic champ in the 110 hurdles is Chinese, ending a long spell of "Black" champions. "Blacks" still compose the majority of the upperechelon in that event as well as others, but I just pointed that out to anyone who thinks that certain events are predestined to have a person of a certain race win them.
But one guy out of thousands does not make a trend. In statistical terms, that makes him an outlier and would not even be included in the results.

BTW, did the Chinese team win any of the relay races? No, because you need 4 fast guys and not just one. And don't forget that China has 4 times the population of the U.S. to find 4 guys that are faster than 4 black guys from the U.S. but could not. And blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population.
Anyway, the type of physicality that "blacks" are often recognized as having is minimially important in tennis. As long as your in shape and have good strokes, raw strength won't get you much. Speed, of course, is very important, but running straight ahead is much different than being an efficient mover with good footwork on the court.
So you're saying that playing in the NBA or being a running back or wide receiver in the NFL doesn't require good footwork?

BTW, I played tennis with a NFL running back once and he hit the ball harder than anyone I've ever played tennis with. He also let me hold his Super Bowl ring. :D
Look at all of the champions over the years - from the extremely lithe and fit (nearly swimmers build) to bulky like becker, to relatively short and not any sort of physical specimen (Mcenroe), to lanky and rangy (Kuerten), to musclebound (nadal). tennis is so much more than pure physical athletic potential. The recognized "black" physicality (which many blacks don't possess and many non-blacks do) really doesn't matter.
Yeah, but none of those people had to play against many black players because, generally, most black athletes don't play tennis. What if all the black pro athletes played pro tennis instead of football, basketball, baseball, track, etc.? Do you think all those above named players would have been as successful as without the competition from the black athletes? I'll put it to you this way, would Evert, Navratilova, and Graf been as successful as they were if the Williams sisters had been playing in their eras?


New User
Why would anybody want to delete this thread? Is it not better to ask questions, to discuss answers, and to learn from each other instead of ignoring sensitive topics?
Of course people from different backgrounds may have different qualities, weeknesses and skills. Why should that be racist?
Concerning tennis - I think one of the great things about this sport are the different levels to approach it, and as somebody already pointed out there are and have been champions of all kinds of "shape" and "form", small, tall, black, white and so on, so I don't really see an advantage for any background yet.....


....but are you happy to be 'pluralised' based on being black - ie. referred to as one of a group labelled "blacks"?

Here in Aus that would be regarded as quite offensive....
Black people sounds alright to me, but blacks sounds stupid. It sounds like the whites, the yellows, etc..


Bionic Poster
BET is a meaningless example? Care to explain? Girls is a different animal altogether. Girl denotes immaturity. When women have a "girls' night out" it's meant to imply that they're going to go have immature fun. Black is a color. It doesn't denote immaturity. It's neutral, though it is a misnomer in terms of color of skin. A boss calling a woman a girl in the workplace implies that he views her, in that context, as immature. It's completely different, but thanks for playing.

If you go around calling yourself black in public, then you lose the right to be justifiably offended if someone else calls you black, regardless of race.

Black man: "Yeah man. I'm black and I'm proud."
White man: "Yeah man. You're black."
Black man: "Hey! I'm offended!"


Last time I checked Chris Rock had a whole routine on the difference between "black people" and "******s". Perhaps you should go take a look.

I take no offense in someone calling me white. I think skin color is irrelevant, so I certainly don't find it to be a thoughtful word, but I'm not offended.

You just don't get it, do you? BET is a bad example in the same sense that the United Negro College Fund is a bad example to use the term Negros.

And please, don't give me the "you can call me such and such line". It went out of fashion with the "I have nothing against Negros - in fact, one of my friends is one" line. No one really cares what you think you should be called - they care only what you call them.


Bionic Poster
Only in the US. It's funny...I've seen people go so overboard trying to be politically correct that they'll call a black British person "African-American".

Hmmm... the example would have been funny, except there is far more racism in Britain, so it isn't funny at all.


But one guy out of thousands does not make a trend. In statistical terms, that makes him an outlier and would not even be included in the results.

Dicussions like this always amuse me as it involves looking at world-class athletes and trying to make broad statements about "racial" categories based upon them.

I think it's a pretty safe bet that a 110-meter hurdle champion is not your typical physical specimen. That's part of what makes the guy a world-class athlete. In other words, world class athletes are world class athletes generally because of how little they resemble a "typical" physical specimen.

One is then left with the rather useless anecdotal observation that certain "races" (in quotes because this is generally a superficial analysis that doesn't take into account that members of the "race" in question usually have one superficial physical trait in common are more likely to produce a greater percentage of the miniscule percentage of world-class athletes in a given endeavor. Wow. I'm African-American. How far back would one have to go on our respective family trees to link me, James Blake, and Gael Monfils. Does that have anything to do with our respective athletic gifts or how we should approach the game of tennis?

The absurdity of this should be apparent if one were to try and draw some sort of similar comparison between three "white" tennis players chosen at random, e.g., a random caucasian poster on this board, Andre Agassi, and Boris Becker. It would rightly be considered absurd.


But one guy out of thousands does not make a trend. In statistical terms, that makes him an outlier and would not even be included in the results.

BTW, did the Chinese team win any of the relay races? No, because you need 4 fast guys and not just one. And don't forget that China has 4 times the population of the U.S. to find 4 guys that are faster than 4 black guys from the U.S. but could not. And blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population.

So you're saying that playing in the NBA or being a running back or wide receiver in the NFL doesn't require good footwork?

BTW, I played tennis with a NFL running back once and he hit the ball harder than anyone I've ever played tennis with. He also let me hold his Super Bowl ring. :D

Yeah, but none of those people had to play against many black players because, generally, most black athletes don't play tennis. What if all the black pro athletes played pro tennis instead of football, basketball, baseball, track, etc.? Do you think all those above named players would have been as successful as without the competition from the black athletes? I'll put it to you this way, would Evert, Navratilova, and Graf been as successful as they were if the Williams sisters had been playing in their eras?

I'm not sure if I upset you or what. I really don't think we're in disagreement about anything. I never said the Chinese hurdles champion wasn't an "outlier". I stated that Blacks still dominate that event and others, but just pointed out that people of other "races" can win.

Of course if Blacks focused on tennis, if it were as popular as basketball, there would be a lot more black tennis champions and if that focus happened thirty years ago, then I guess Evert, Navratilova, and Graf would have faced different competition and their results may have been different. I didn't say anything about that because it's purely hypothetical and it actually didn't happen.

As for your NFL friend who can hit hard - great. I'm not sure what that means in terms of tennis success. Monfils and Blake can hit the s*hit" out of the ball, but it hasn't made them champions.

No I'm not saying that being in the NBA or NFL doesnt' require good footwork. God, sometimes I think people want to assume the very worst about what is posted just so they can go off. I was sticking with the track theme - speed, as in running straight ahead in track, is somewhat different than court speed. That's all.

I don't disagree with you at all that Blacks could do very well in tennis if there any sort of broad-based attraction to the sport and opportunity to play.

BTW, I'm Black. I would love to see more Black players and champions.


New User
Black people seem to be the best athletes in the world. The best basketball players, the best soccer players, the best runners, the best football players. Their hasnt been a non-black starting running back in the NFL since 1992. I am not trying to be racist, this is just my opinion. However tennis is more than just athletic ability.
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I think the answer to this question is very simple.

Natural athletic ability(which gives varying degrees of advantage depending on the sport) is decided by genes.

If Blacks seem to be the fastest runners in the world, it is simply because they tend to have a higher incidence of some gene that attributes to athleticism. Therefore, if all the Black individuals with that "athletic" gene(or combination of genes), were to stop procreating, the following generations of Black people would not have the gene and would not be athletic. Thus, it has nothing to do with race, but gene pool.

Similarly, if a given White individual had this athletic gene and continued to procreate, while all other White individuals who did not have the gene stopped procreating, we would see the following generations of White individuals to be athletic, due to the passing of the gene.


Hall of Fame
Personally, I find this thread and more than a few posts contained in here as unacceptable in the world of political correctness. But there are some good points in here as well. I do find it odd that the OP put a disclaimer in bold following his post to which he claims to not be a racist - that is indicative of sensing that the thread alone may be offensive to some. Only my opinion, carry on...........


Hall of Fame
I think the answer to this question is very simple.

Natural athletic ability(which gives varying degrees of advantage depending on the sport) is decided by genes.

If Blacks seem to be the fastest runners in the world, it is simply because they tend to have a higher incidence of some gene that attributes to athleticism. Therefore, if all the Black individuals with that "athletic" gene(or combination of genes), were to stop procreating, the following generations of Black people would not have the gene and would not be athletic. Thus, it has nothing to do with race, but gene pool.

Similarly, if a given White individual had this athletic gene and continued to procreate, while all other White individuals who did not have the gene stopped procreating, we would see the following generations of White individuals to be athletic, due to the passing of the gene.

That's nice and all, but as of right NOW that hasn't happened. As a race blacks ARE naturally more athletic. If the top black athletes starting playing tennis when they were young, they would be the top in the sport, it's a simple as that.

As for people saying blacks is an offensive term, you are an idiot. I'm assuming you are white, and I'm also assuming you wouldn't take offense at being labeled a white man. If you think colors only apply to a certain race, well then you're the one with the racists thoughts.


Hall of Fame
Of course it matters anyone who says it doesn't is naive, people of African decent generally speaking are the best athletes in the world, but it matters less in tennis than in other sports because tennis is not based nearly as much on athleticism such as track and other sports like basketball, etc. tennis is very much about developing strokes and learning proper technique over many years, and most importantly the mental aspect of tennis which has nothing to do with athleticism, so yeah it helps to be black but its not a given that you will be successful if a black tennis player with exceptional athleticism (see Monfils, Gael)

Clay lover

At the end of the day it is down to the hard work and the talent of the individual. Race does matter, though. But different races have different "talents", so i guess God is fair.
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Hall of Fame
These stereotypes are often misleading. It's like saying asian people are the smartest people because they have slightly higher IQ on average.
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no not when you are looking at it from a skill point of view

being a pro it *might* matter to some
eg Williams sisters


It doesn't have nothing to do with skin colour, in my view. It has much more to do with cultural differences and up bringing. Blacks in the US do really well in major sports, because that is considered more of an opportunity path for them to shine. The majoraty of Blacks in the US are low income and have fewer opportunities in other areas, so growing up Playing sports they tend to dedicate themselves more and see that as an Avenue for sucess, as another person that may have more options other then focusing on sports and Athletic ability. The same happens where I am from in Brazil, a kid that grows up in a poor neighborhood (a lot being blacks) Will get a soccer ball and play with that all day long and dedicate to that activity much more then another, who will go to school and focus in other areas as well. The result? Brazil is 5 Time World Soccer Champion with an 80% Black team, while the country is made of only about 15% Blacks.

I see as much more a Cultural, Conditioned matter then actually Physical difference. Asians tend to do very well on the sports that are more focused on in Asia. Also, they do very well in the education path, because discipline, the learning drive, Parenting is that much more focus on doing well academically in the Asian Culture. Does that mean that they are smarter than the rest? no, they are just culturally conditioned to be more focus on this area. Colour and physical differences are only the tip of the iceberg, the surroundings and conditioning to focus on some areas play the essential role into what groups will exceed in certain activities, that is self-evident


New User
I agree ^^
Also, why is there no good black cross country skiier in that case they have superior athletic abilities?


Hall of Fame
It doesn't have nothing to do with skin colour, in my view. It has much more to do with cultural differences and up bringing. Blacks in the US do really well in major sports, because that is considered more of an opportunity path for them to shine. The majoraty of Blacks in the US are low income and have fewer opportunities in other areas, so growing up Playing sports they tend to dedicate themselves more and see that as an Avenue for sucess, as another person that may have more options other then focusing on sports and Athletic ability. The same happens where I am from in Brazil, a kid that grows up in a poor neighborhood (a lot being blacks) Will get a soccer ball and play with that all day long and dedicate to that activity much more then another, who will go to school and focus in other areas as well. The result? Brazil is 5 Time World Soccer Champion with an 80% Black team, while the country is made of only about 15% Blacks.

I see as much more a Cultural, Conditioned matter then actually Physical difference. Asians tend to do very well on the sports that are more focused on in Asia. Also, they do very well in the education path, because discipline, the learning drive, Parenting is that much more focus on doing well academically in the Asian Culture. Does that mean that they are smarter than the rest? no, they are just culturally conditioned to be more focus on this area. Colour and physical differences are only the tip of the iceberg, the surroundings and conditioning to focus on some areas play the essential role into what groups will exceed in certain activities, that is self-evident

also according to Chris Rock africans were bred (back in slavery times) for a stronger more athletic race so they could do their jobs better. (not right by any means treating people like dogs)

that might have something to do with it


Hall of Fame
I agree ^^
Also, why is there no good black cross country skiier in that case they have superior athletic abilities?

Because thats not a sport they were introduced to, if they were they would be great at that good, Kenyans, and other countries in that region have unbelievable natural stamina but they run, if they were introduced to skiing instead of running you better believe they would set redords


Mods, pls delete thread.

This is (to me) the more dangerous attitude. To pretend there is no difference between the races is absurd.

The OP asks a fair question (even if it is impossible to answer, the discussion could be of some interest).

I think the attitude "we are all the same" is the most bigoted of all.


Bionic Poster
also according to Chris Rock africans were bred (back in slavery times) for a stronger more athletic race so they could do their jobs better. (not right by any means treating people like dogs)
Funny how a black man can say the above and get away with it (and even joke about it) but when a white man (Jimmy the Greek) says the exact same thing, he gets fired from CBS Sports and is essentially banned from the air for life.

If that's not racism, I don't know what is.


Bionic Poster
Because thats not a sport they were introduced to, if they were they would be great at that good, Kenyans, and other countries in that region have unbelievable natural stamina but they run, if they were introduced to skiing instead of running you better believe they would set redords
It doesn't snow as much in Africa as it does in Norway. :wink:


I'm wondering if skin colour matter in success in tennis. In studies its been said that African( Black ) people had the best physique out of the 3 races: Asians, White, Black. Does this have ne truth in it? i think yes because in the womens tennis the #1 agreesive/ power players have been black. Well atleast for the womens tennis. Sharapova's serve Compared to William sisters serve doesnt stand a chance in my opinion. Even forehand and back hand speed the William sisters beat other people in. Not to mention Venus's 129mph serve at us open 2007. And in Males tennis Gael Monfil is clocked for the fastest Forehand in the history of tennis and considering his black too doesnt seem its a coincidential thing. NOT BEING RACIST HERE JUST WONDERING. I APOLOGIZE TO PEOPLE WHO MAY BE OFFENDED BY THIS THREAD.

1. The Williams sisters don't serve hard because they're black, but rather because they (especially Serena) are quite manly - very muscular (when she's in shape).

2. Gael Monfils, yes, has hit the hardest forehand ever recorded. He is also not ranked in the Top 10, has won no Grand Slam events, etc. If you want to go like that, blacks do not have the fastest recorded:


So you see, these players (Williams sisters, Monfils) are too narrow a spectrum to decide if race matters in tennis.

When arguing race, we don't say that Asians are necessarily faster - however, Michael Chang was famous for his speed and coverage of the court.

To go back to black players, look at James Blake - he is not particularly physically gifted (short), yet he is a consistent player with good results.


Bionic Poster
1. The Williams sisters don't serve hard because they're black, but rather because they (especially Serena) are quite manly - very muscular (when she's in shape).

2. Gael Monfils, yes, has hit the hardest forehand ever recorded. He is also not ranked in the Top 10, has won no Grand Slam events, etc. If you want to go like that, blacks do not have the fastest recorded:


So you see, these players (Williams sisters, Monfils) are too narrow a spectrum to decide if race matters in tennis.

When arguing race, we don't say that Asians are necessarily faster - however, Michael Chang was famous for his speed and coverage of the court.

To go back to black players, look at James Blake - he is not particularly physically gifted (short), yet he is a consistent player with good results.
1. The Williams serve hard because they are tall and athletic, both common black traits.

2. Gael Monfils is in the Top 50 in the world. Given the tiny percentage of all tennis players in the world that are black, I think that's a pretty darn good achievement. There are a lot more white, Asian, other, etc. tennis players that have never won a Grand Slam than there are black tennis players that have never won a Grand Slam.

3. Michael Chang was one guy and an anomoly. All of the other fastest tennis players on the pro tour over the past 50 years were not Asian.

4. James Blake at 6' 1" is "short"? :confused: He is also amazingly fast, which is not surprising given his athletic black genes.


New User
Because thats not a sport they were introduced to, if they were they would be great at that good, Kenyans, and other countries in that region have unbelievable natural stamina but they run, if they were introduced to skiing instead of running you better believe they would set redords

kenyans run to school, norwegians skis to school, you do the math.


Race doesn't matter. You have to look back to the success of people like Althea Gibson, Arthur Ashe, the Williams sisters, who happen to be black, Michael Chang who is Asian, and scores of South Americans like Vilas and Sabatinni, and Indians like the the Armitrage (sp?) brothers who were the best in doubles in the ' disprove this point. If anything, it is the environment that one grows up in and also natural God given talents. In my youth, I played a mean tennis game but I didn't play high school or tournaments, but I beat some guys who were in J.V and Varsity. Coming from a modest background, my family just didn't have the resources that my more privelleged counterparts had who attended tennis classes/clinics and camp. I had a job after school, so I could pay for the monthly on my '75 Honda Civic CC, which was my priority (and choice) I could pick up the girls.;-):smile:


People are seldom offended by the absurd.


bUT I AGREE WITH THE FACTS. The worlds best body builders are black. The fastest runner in the world are black. Can it effect tennis also is what im asking. Im not offending them in any way.


For the sake of argument, lets say you are correct about Blacks being physically better than other races. If such a thing was factual, then people should not be upset. However lets play devils advocate as well. How would you feel if it were stated that Whites were mentally superior to Blacks, and examples/evidence was presented to bolster that claim? Would you take it as a compliment to Whites, or a slight to Blacks?

The bottom line is that while both of the aforementioned might be true, you cannot generalize entire groups of people based on race, religion or any other common denominator and expect to be taken seriously. Not being part of the PC loving culture, I would not call you a racist for having such views, I'd just suggest that you not make such sweeping generalizations when it comes to race.
Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity.

Blacks in America dominate baseball, basketball, boxing, and football (American). These sports are available to blacks when they are growing up. Baseball and basketball is played right in the street, football training starts in public highschool, and boxing is learned during arguments, I suppose. Skiing is expensive and out of reach for blacks. So is golf. In tennis there are practically no opportunities, nada, zero, for black kids. There are no golfcourses, tennis courts, or skating rinks in ghettos so young talent can not even be recognized and not to say that someone will pay for the 10 - 12years that a kid is being trained at tennis schools. Tiger Woods is an anomaly but he did follow the usual career in golf through his father. Wms sisters the same. Don't know the history of Monfils, Blake, Althea Gibson, or Ashe. But I think of them as anomalies, just as Tiger Woods.

I picked up tennis when I was in my 20's and did so fairly easily probably because I had played basketball as a young kid and in college. Basketball develops quick reflexes and stamina. Isn't that what tennis is all about? Given the chance, I think blacks would dominate tennis, but this chance will never come.


I believe race does matter in tennis, but it's more of a cultural thing than because of athletisicm, builds etc.

Here's an example. The Swiss population is only around 7 Mio. Nevertheless, we brought up dozens of world class skiers and snowboarders (and still do). How come?

A) There are tons of mountains!
B) There is snow from November to April (at least in the mountains). The country is very small, so everybody is able to reach a good skiing region within a 1-2 hours ride.
C) Almost every kid here learns to ski from a very young age. It's still the most popular sport among kids besides football (soccer).
D) Skiing is a very expensive sport, and Switzerland is a rich country.

As a poster said before, it's all about oportunity!
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f1 tech

bUT I AGREE WITH THE FACTS. The worlds best body builders are black. The fastest runner in the world are black. Can it effect tennis also is what im asking. Im not offending them in any way.

Jay Cutler won the last two Mr. Olympia. He's white.


I'm wondering if skin colour matter in success in tennis. In studies its been said that African( Black ) people had the best physique out of the 3 races: Asians, White, Black.
A book called Taboo talks about this, and the numbers are startling. Can't remember exact numbers, but it pointed out how disproportionately huge black representation is in sports like NBA and NFL, not to mention running. Their numbers not as large in sports that are cost prohibitive, sports like tennis and hockey.


It doesn't have nothing to do with skin colour, in my view. It has much more to do with cultural differences and up bringing. Blacks in the US do really well in major sports, because that is considered more of an opportunity path for them to shine. The majoraty of Blacks in the US are low income and have fewer opportunities in other areas, so growing up Playing sports they tend to dedicate themselves more and see that as an Avenue for sucess, as another person that may have more options other then focusing on sports and Athletic ability.
I would think that in terms of sheer numbers, there more poor white people in America than poor black people.


Blacks in America dominate baseball

You are way off on this one. Baseball is dominated by non Blacks, either Whites and/or Hispanics.

Blacks in America dominate basketball

I would say that Blacks excel in basketball, but there are plenty of White players who are successful. Heck the last 3 MVP's have been White. However on a % basis, basketball has the highest number of Blacks.

Blacks in America dominate boxing

Wow, you are really behind the times. Boxing has 4 heavyweight champions, all of whom are White. The light weight divisions are predominately Hispanic. So while Blacks have done well in boxing historically, they are no longer "dominate".

Don't know the history of Monfils, Blake, Althea Gibson, or Ashe. But I think of them as anomalies, just as Tiger Woods. Given the chance, I think blacks would dominate tennis,


That alone says more about your knowledge than I ever could. They are not the only Black players in the history of tennis, or that are currently playing. Many Blacks toil in the challengers because they are not good enough. There are also Blacks on the pro tours you have never heard of because again, they lack the ability to win consistently.



I would think that in terms of sheer numbers, there more poor white people in America than poor black people.

Income is only one of the factors to the point I was making. About the cultural enviroement being more important than the Physical differences.
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Eviscerator made a really good point. If you want to really get all "scientific" about it, one could make a very strong argument that whites have demonstrated larger capacity in intelectual and Mental areas.Could site hundreds of notorious Philosophers, Physics, Psychology, Mathematics, Scientist. Are "whites" more mentally Inteligent than Balcks? No, It goes back to the cultural enviroments and opportunities.


Hall of Fame
You are way off on this one. Baseball is dominated by non Blacks, either Whites and/or Hispanics.

I would say that Blacks excel in basketball, but there are plenty of White players who are successful. Heck the last 3 MVP's have been White. However on a % basis, basketball has the highest number of Blacks.

Wow, you are really behind the times. Boxing has 4 heavyweight champions, all of whom are White. The light weight divisions are predominately Hispanic. So while Blacks have done well in boxing historically, they are no longer "dominate".


That alone says more about your knowledge than I ever could. They are not the only Black players in the history of tennis, or that are currently playing. Many Blacks toil in the challengers because they are not good enough. There are also Blacks on the pro tours you have never heard of because again, they lack the ability to win consistently.


So you are arguing that blacks are not more athletic, but also that they are lack ability? So their race as a whole lacks the ability to win?