But one guy out of thousands does not make a trend. In statistical terms, that makes him an outlier and would not even be included in the results.
BTW, did the Chinese team win any of the relay races? No, because you need 4 fast guys and not just one. And don't forget that China has 4 times the population of the U.S. to find 4 guys that are faster than 4 black guys from the U.S. but could not. And blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population.
So you're saying that playing in the NBA or being a running back or wide receiver in the NFL doesn't require good footwork?
BTW, I played tennis with a NFL running back once and he hit the ball harder than anyone I've ever played tennis with. He also let me hold his Super Bowl ring.
Yeah, but none of those people had to play against many black players because, generally, most black athletes don't play tennis. What if all the black pro athletes played pro tennis instead of football, basketball, baseball, track, etc.? Do you think all those above named players would have been as successful as without the competition from the black athletes? I'll put it to you this way, would Evert, Navratilova, and Graf been as successful as they were if the Williams sisters had been playing in their eras?