Spitz would still be a great swimmer today. Going on sheer velocity of these swimmers one could falsely conclude that Phelps is incrementally better than swimmers from eight years ago, even four years ago. Did anyone notice how all the swimming records were shattered at this year's Olympics? Did the swimmers really get that much better?
Nah. All information I've read points to changes in regulation, pools and uniforms as causes of this. Now, I'm not expert at swimming, but I read that the way these guys push off now is very different than the way they did it four years, ago due to a crucial rule change that speeds up their times considerably.
Spitz, interestingly enough, swam with a moustache - something that would probably not come as recommended today (body hair is discouraged). Spitz, at the peak of his powers, under today's conditions would probably be a dominant swimmer.
Definitely all true, and even casual swimming fans dont doubt this. Which is what makes the reasoning of so many casual and even some dedicated tennis fans who seem to think you can compare players by watching guys from the 60s and 70s on film and comparing how hard they hit the ball and look to todays directly, all the more silly.
You never hear track or swimming fans saying "so and sos best times 20, 30, 40+ years ago are so much slower then today, they obviously were weaker and would not stand up to todays best at all." However you hear tennis fans frequently say "look at how much harder so and so hits then this great 40 years ago, they would never stand up today."
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