Doubles Dillemma


Bionic Poster
Today kinda sucked.
Couldn't find my groove on first serves, so always tossed too high, too low, didn't pronate at the right time, arm didn't come thru, all the problems accumulated into one day. Of course, I hadn't played since last Tuesday, so the timing was off.
Backhand was solid, except for mishit lobs. Death to my netman.
Forehands were surprisingly good, high loopers into the corners, short angles, and solid returns of serves.
Volleys were solid, half volleys exceptional, movement almost nil. That ASO brace might help, but it can't strengthen my lack of pushoff.
3 sets of doubles, only 6 or so clean aces, as the competition is used to my game and can almost read my strengths. One guy hit at least 6 clean winners into my sideline alley, well short of the service line. Kudos to him off my serves.