DQs for mixed next year?

Moon Shooter

Hall of Fame
My league coordinator said they will start DQing people based on mixed results next year. I asked how that would work if a self rate was in the DQ range for mixed but their adult rating was not. Would they keep getting strikes if either rating was too high?

Anyone get any information on this? Is this a national rule or just for some regions?


This was rumored to have started during 2024, but I've never confirmed that happened, @Moon Shooter's note would seem to say it didn't if the source says they will start for 2025.

I assume they would simply start calculating Mixed dynamic ratings and if either of a player's ratings accrued three strikes, they'd be DQ'd. The interesting question would be if you could get 2 strikes from your Adult dynamic and the 3rd from your Mixed.


Good it should be, there were guys playing for a decade mixed only to avoid bumps. They’ve been gaming the system for a long time
If they don't play women's league for 3 years, won't they become self rated and then bump up with a new mixed only rating if they dominate mixed?


Hall of Fame
Curious how that works. If a 4.0 and 3,0 dominate, we would assume its the 4.0 putting in the work, but both of them would get potentially a strike.


Hall of Fame
This was rumored to have started during 2024, but I've never confirmed that happened, @Moon Shooter's note would seem to say it didn't if the source says they will start for 2025.
My club had a player go from 3.0M to 3.5D on a mixed team sometime between Sectionals and the start of early start leagues in September. It didn’t have any impact on active teams but the league also apparently didn’t notify him. He just noticed it when he joined a team in the fall.


My club had a player go from 3.0M to 3.5D on a mixed team sometime between Sectionals and the start of early start leagues in September. It didn’t have any impact on active teams but the league also apparently didn’t notify him. He just noticed it when he joined a team in the fall.
Interesting, that would seem to indicate they were doing it in 2024 and just being very quiet about it. Certainly if it was an administrative DQ they would have been notified (you'd hope).


Hall of Fame
Interesting, that would seem to indicate they were doing it in 2024 and just being very quiet about it. Certainly if it was an administrative DQ they would have been notified (you'd hope).

I discovered the player did have one lopsided flex league win that was played after the end of his mixed playoff matches, so the change could have been from that match instead.

Moon Shooter

Hall of Fame
This was rumored to have started during 2024, but I've never confirmed that happened, @Moon Shooter's note would seem to say it didn't if the source says they will start for 2025.

I assume they would simply start calculating Mixed dynamic ratings and if either of a player's ratings accrued three strikes, they'd be DQ'd. The interesting question would be if you could get 2 strikes from your Adult dynamic and the 3rd from your Mixed.

Is the following correct? To get a strike you need to both 1) have a dynamic rating above a certain level and 2) have a match where you perform a certain amount above level.

If so then I wonder what will happen if someone’s adult dynamic rating is below the strike level(even in the regular level) but the mixed is above and they are getting strikes for mixed - even though If they were a c rated player they wouldn’t even get bumped up at year end.

Because of some of the matchups you can get in mixed I think this is possible.


Mixed Doubles Strikes to go into effect for the 2025 League Championship Year
We’ve heard you in the yearly league survey, and in an effort to help maintain the integrity of the Mixed Doubles league program, starting Dec 4th, 2024 for the 2025 League Championship Year, the USTA League program will implement the NTRP Dynamic Disqualification process for the Mixed 18 & Over and Mixed 40 & Over National Championship Advancing League Divisions. The 2025 League National Regulations will be updated to reflect the NTRP Dynamic Disqualification process in its appropriate rules. The Major Changes of the 2025 National Regulations will soon include the following:

All National Championship advancing Mixed League divisions will enforce the NTRP Dynamic Disqualification procedures in accordance with the USTA League Regulation 2.04.


"The process in which a NTRP Dynamic Disqualification occurs in the Mixed 18 & Over and Mixed 40 & Over National Championship Advancing League Divisions is the same as the current process in the Adult Leagues that advance to the Championships. However, strikes earned in mixed doubles will not be combined with strikes earned in adult leagues, they will be separate."

They will be separate, so someone could pick up two strikes in Adult and two strikes in Mixed and still be safe.

I wonder how often players will actually be DQ'ed from mixed strikes.


Hall of Fame
Mixed Doubles Strikes to go into effect for the 2025 League Championship Year
We’ve heard you in the yearly league survey, and in an effort to help maintain the integrity of the Mixed Doubles league program, starting Dec 4th, 2024 for the 2025 League Championship Year, the USTA League program will implement the NTRP Dynamic Disqualification process for the Mixed 18 & Over and Mixed 40 & Over National Championship Advancing League Divisions. The 2025 League National Regulations will be updated to reflect the NTRP Dynamic Disqualification process in its appropriate rules. The Major Changes of the 2025 National Regulations will soon include the following:

All National Championship advancing Mixed League divisions will enforce the NTRP Dynamic Disqualification procedures in accordance with the USTA League Regulation 2.04.

Does this mean that if you are an S- or A-rated player who plays both Adult and Mixed leagues, you would be disqualified in both leagues at your current level if you strike out in either of them?


Does this mean that if you are an S- or A-rated player who plays both Adult and Mixed leagues, you would be disqualified in both leagues at your current level if you strike out in either of them?
I would expect that while they won't combine strikes between Mixed and Adult, three strikes cumulative in either would result in a DQ/promotion of your rating affecting both.


New User
If a Mixed specialist successfully appeals down at the start of 2025 with say an X+0.02 Adult rating, but carries an X+0.40 Mixed rating into 2025, will the specialist almost assuredly accrue strikes in the first three Mixed matches?

Moon Shooter

Hall of Fame
I would expect that while they won't combine strikes between Mixed and Adult, three strikes cumulative in either would result in a DQ/promotion of your rating affecting both.
Assume some 4.5S has 5 or more matches at adult tennis with a dynamic rating 4.3 but then plays 3 mixed matches and get performance ratings of 4.7 each time. Would they be dqed to 5.0? I think usta will need to understand how the women’s ratings actually stacks up against the men’s if this is going to make sense.

Moon Shooter

Hall of Fame
In the ******* it seems that if you have one strike in adult and 2 strikes in mixed you will not be dqed. You will need three strikes in one system.

I assume if your dynamic rating is in level for adult but you get 3 strikes in mixed you will default all your adult matches as well. I asked my lc to confirm this.


In the ******* it seems that if you have one strike in adult and 2 strikes in mixed you will not be dqed. You will need three strikes in one system.

I assume if your dynamic rating is in level for adult but you get 3 strikes in mixed you will default all your adult matches as well. I asked my lc to confirm this.
Stop cursing


This was rumored to have started during 2024, but I've never confirmed that happened, @Moon Shooter's note would seem to say it didn't if the source says they will start for 2025.

I assume they would simply start calculating Mixed dynamic ratings and if either of a player's ratings accrued three strikes, they'd be DQ'd. The interesting question would be if you could get 2 strikes from your Adult dynamic and the 3rd from your Mixed.
I had someone I played in mixed get DQd in the 2023 year (2024 18+ season pnw)


New User
I would expect that while they won't combine strikes between Mixed and Adult, three strikes cumulative in either would result in a DQ/promotion of your rating affecting both.
Southern started doing this in 2024. They said strikes would carry over from Spring to the Mixed season. Now, whether everyone else does this or not, that'll be the question.

Moon Shooter

Hall of Fame
Southern started doing this in 2024. They said strikes would carry over from Spring to the Mixed season. Now, whether everyone else does this or not, that'll be the question.
Interesting so someone may have 2 strikes in mixed but not get bumped based the different adult rating scale and then get dqed for everything after a single mixed rating match. USTA is a mess.


New User
Interesting so someone may have 2 strikes in mixed but not get bumped based the different adult rating scale and then get dqed for everything after a single mixed rating match. USTA is a mess.
it probably wouldn't be just one mixed match. Strikes are usually assigned for play "over time." They would have to have a large score differential over a couple matches, or defeat a few very highly rated players to generate the third strike (just like in spring).


Hall of Fame
Funny the cosplayers ( good 4.5 players) in my area that manage their (a couple teaching pros) ratings to stay at 4.0 and win everything are not doing a 7.0 mixed team. They have in years past. Hmmmmm I wonder why lol.
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