Hall of Fame
I think if someone called their hand on that the nonsense would stop. USTA I don't think would hold up that nonsense. You can't impose your standards on everyone else. You can only impose that on the people that pay to be members of your club. I think if people don't say anything others tend to think it is okay and abide by it. It would never fly here...I can tell you that. We play teams from private clubs but we play at neutral sites. Maybe that's something that your area needs to take up as an idea.
There is a difference between most of these points and the ones that deal with attire. If you are playing as a guest in a USTA league event and are required to wear, say, a collared shirt, and you don't have one, you either have to go buy one, or set that match out. For most USTA players, purchasing an extra shirt just for this facility is not a big deal, however, for some it is.
I am currently a student, and as such, don't have a lot of money to spend on tennis. If I were to find out that the league match I have this week was to be played at a club that required a collared shirt, I would have to sit that one out. I know $30 for a collared isn't a lot, but when I add in the league fees and court fees I have already paid, it starts to get difficult to justify spending this much of my small tennis budget on these events.
Now, I don't expect to show up to a club and play in a t-shirt with the sleeves ripped out. I do own appropriate tennis apparel (just not collared shirts), that I have purchased when TW is running a good deal, but that is it, I only purchase my apparel when it is on sale and I can afford it.
When I graduate I will have more money, so a $30 expense won't be such a burden, but that doesn't mean someone else won't be in the same situation.