Dressing like a winner = playing like a winner

quest01 said:
...most pros wear polyester over cotton. If you wear polyester tennis gear you will improve endurance, stamina, and speed compared to wearing cotton. Personally i wear polyester tennis gear and my game has improved dramatically.

Even some ol' schoolers (like me) are wearing modern fabrics now.
But why hasn't my game improved DRAMATICALLY? Yet.

Hey, an exception is Vinny Spadea. Looks like a Ralph Lauren cotton pique polo....with the very clubbiest of horizontal stripes. Viva 80's. I think.
Richie Rich said:
...whenever i'm playing against a guy decked out like Fed or Nadal i do try harder to beat them just because they dress head to toe like a pro. it's worse when they dress like a pro and have the same racquet as the pro they are dressing like....

Same apparel AND frame? Hmm.
Man. Talk about effort.

The three explanations I can think of for THAT guy:
1] has a contract or purchased a package,
2] lost a bet
3] got "a tennis outfit" for Christmas from his momma.


slewisoh said:
I am not ashamed to admit that my outfit can help me generate a bit of game attitude. I wear black whenever I play a particular club in my area - makes me feel like a bad a** Oakland Raider.


LOL - I do the same thing! I like to wear black or very dark colors when I'm the "visitor" or am playing against an opponent I don't particularly care for.

I do like to wear "tennis" clothes, but I got hooked on them because they feel comfortable, look great, and are fun to wear...I'm sure some people around here probably think I'm a poser, but I really don't have any illusions about being a pro; I just find it part of the whole experience I guess.


KFwinds, this is going to sound very sad...sometimes I wear red at home only so that I remember which color I am on the score cards! During a match I have actually looked down at my skirt (red) and realized I was up 4-2 instead of down 2-4.

I'm only 40! What's going to happen down the road? ;)


I definitely think dressing well = playing well. I think it's beyond the mental condition though. It's intimidating when an opponent walks in like they own the sport. Like their picture is under the word tennis in the dictionary. I always buy a new outfit before tournaments to eliminate superstition of old clothing. I'm actually pretty notorious for it around here.


Personally there's nothing more satisfying than beating up on a bad player that is decked-out head to toe in the latest nike apparel. But, IMO, wear what you want, but just don't act like a snob.

I usually wear dri-fit/climacool shirts and tennis shorts but I'm not big on "keeping up" with current tennis fashion. Too expensive - I'm in college, LOL.


Hall of Fame
I don't wear any of the newest stuff aside from the vapors. Most of the stuff I wear I found on the sale racks, and they're all moisture wicking. Russel, Starter and body glove make very good shirts for cheap.

slice bh compliment said:
Hey, while we're on the sartorial tip...
who here tucks-in anymore?...

Answering my own question here: Radek Stepanek.
He's looking very 80's with the shirt tucked in today against Davydenko (Rotterdam semi).

I added the spoiler tag for those who have the quarters taped.
I prefer to wear old t-shirts and clothes for practicing and I buy myself no-name clothes, which I like, for matches. Shoes and racquet is important. Brand of clothes is certinly not.


I can go with "if you feel good, you'll play good" nobody wants to get to the court dressed like a tramp, and shoes are impotant so why not get cool ones.


Hall of Fame
MegacedU said:
I definitely think dressing well = playing well. I think it's beyond the mental condition though. It's intimidating when an opponent walks in like they own the sport. Like their picture is under the word tennis in the dictionary. I always buy a new outfit before tournaments to eliminate superstition of old clothing. I'm actually pretty notorious for it around here.

Sounds like a true New Yorker lol


Kaptain Karl said:
30 years ago I played an Open Tourney at "The" tennis club in Rochester NY after just moving there. On reaching the Quarters, the Membership Committee bought me lunch and asked me to join their club. When I told them I knew they had at least an 18 month Waiting List, "How can you put me ahead of all those other people like that???" they said, "We want all the best players in town to be based here; you can jump to the front of the line based on 'prowess'."

I thought that was too snobby a place for me, so I ...
1 - Told them their elitism didn't agree with me.
2 - played the Semi's in running shorts and a ratty T-shirt. (I lost.)
3 - joined the newer "enemy" club across town the very next week.
4 - made a point of wearing really ratty clothes to all the tourneys at the snotty club from then on....

Nice job.

I wear long shorts, usually a sleveless top, sometimes a dark-blue/blue tennis shirt.

I like to wear athletic clothes because they're more comfortable, I don't like to wear just a T-shirt and ratty shorts.