drop weight and multiple racquet/string tensions


I am considering getting a crank or drop weight machine as my first stringing machine. I will be stringing 4 racquets for my self (2 at one tension and 2 at another) and 2 racquets for my wife (different tension than either of mine). Is it just as easy to do all of the above on a drop weight as a crank? Should I just start with the drop weight and then upgrade? Thank you all for any help in advance. Have a happy new year.


about once a 6 weeks. Budget is no more than 600. I also forgot to add in my sp blacks so up to a total of 8 racquets.

Richie Rich

if you had to do more than 1 racquet at a time, i would go for a crank. i had a drop weight and doing 2 racquets in a row was a pain - especially if stringing with multis where you have to tension the string 2 or 3 times to get the drop weight arm horizontal.

get the best machine you can afford.

Deleted member 25923

Get the LF Quantum, Alpha Revo, or Silent Partner Crump.
yup, I'd go for a crank machine. However, remember to calibrate your crank machine from time to time, and that crank machines string a couple lbs looser compared to dropweights/constant pull machines.


Hall of Fame
I own an Alpha String Pal (just got it last week) and have done four rackets. It's actually not hard at all, but my fingers were dead after every string job. Also, tensioning with the drop weight did get annoying the first two times, as I had to constantly retension, but it's gotton better.