Dropping the hands


Dropping the hands on the 2HBH
Hi guys,

I've been working with a friend who wants to improve his 2HBH. His problem is that he doesn't drop the racquet head below the ball and almost tries to straight arm it ( if you know what I mean). I've tried a number of techniques but his l arm is so tight it's hard him to flex the wrist (waggle) and not hit a boardy abbreviate stroke.

Anyone have any other imagery tips I can get him to loosen and drop the hands and racquet head?

I feel there might be a right arm/left arm dominance thing going but without some video it's hard to see from the other side of the court.


Bionic Poster
Have him hold the racket loosely in his fingers. He might also spread his hands so he has racketcontrol without deathgripping.


This is TOTALLY my problem. My coach has worked with me for a while to try to get me to loosen my wrists and lower my 2hbh. I can when I really focus, but it's so easy for me to slip back into it! I will be watching this thread for advice, because as I see it my backhand will never be a weapon until I break this habit.


Hall of Fame
if your are right-handed, try holding the racquet with only the thumb and index finger of the right hand (normal for the left hand). This may help release the pressure and free the left wrist to work.

Also, it helps to play short-court tennis (easy rally inside a service box) because it requires you to have more touch/spin and less brute force