Jimmy Connors beat Dick Stockton 6-1, 6-2, 6-4 in the Wimbledon first round, 1981 on grass
Connors would go reach the semi-final where he would lose to 5 time defending champion Bjorn Borg for the fourth time in 5 years. He would go onto win the title the following year. The two had previously met in the semi-final in 1974, with Connors having won en route to the title
Connors won 100 points, Stockton 75
Connors serve-volleyed half the time off first serves, Stockton off all serves
Serve Stats
- 1st serve percentage (56/85) 66%
- 1st serve points won (40/56) 71%
- 2nd serve points won (15/29) 52%
- Aces 1
- Double Faults 2
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (19/85) 22%
- 1st serve percentage (60/90) 67%
- 1st serve points won (31/60) 52%
- 2nd serve points won (14/30) 47%
- Aces 4
- Double Faults 5
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (25/90) 28%
Serve Patterns
Connors served...
- to FH 41%
- to BH 54%
- to Body 5%
Stockton served...
- to FH 31%
- to BH 66%
- to Body 4%
Return Stats
Connors made...
- 60 (19 FH, 41 BH)
- 7 Winners (3 FH, 4 BH)
- 21 Errors, all forced...
- 21 Forced (9 FH, 12 BH)
- Return Rate (60/85) 71%
Stockton made...
- 64 (30 FH, 34 BH), including 1 runaround FH & 1 runaround BH
- 2 Winners (2 BH)
- 18 Errors, comprising...
- 11 Unforced (4 FH, 7 BH), including 1 return-approach attempt
- 7 Forced (7 BH)
- Return Rate (64/83) 77%
Break Points
Connors 6/12 (8 games)
Stockton 1/5 (3 games)
Winners (including returns, excluding serves)
Connors 30 (10 FH, 8 BH, 5 FHV, 3 BHV, 3 OH, 1 BHOH)
Stockton 22 (4 FH, 3 BH, 9 FHV, 5 BHV, 1 OH)
Connors had 9 from serve-volley points -
- 4 first volleys (2 FHV, 2 BHV)
- 5 second volleys (1 FHV, 1 BHV, 2 OH, 1 BHOH)
- 16 passes (9 FH, 7 BH)
- FHs - 1 cc, 6 dtl (1 return), 1 inside-out return, 1 inside-in return
- BHs - 3 cc (1 return - 1-handed), 2 dtl (1 return), 2 inside-out returns,
- regular FH - 1 running-down-drop-shot dtl at net
- regular BH - 1 dtl
Stockton had 13 from serve-volley points -
- 7 first 'volleys' (5 FHV, 1 BHV, 1 FH at net)... the FH at net was a drop shot
- 5 second volleys (1 FHV, 3 BHV, 1 OH)... 1 BHV can reasonably be said to have been played off FHV side
- 1 third volley (1 FHV)
- 5 passes (2 FH, 3 BH)
- FHs - 1 cc, 1 lob
- BHs - 1 cc, 1 dtl return, 1 inside-in return
- regular FH - 1 dtl
Errors (excluding serves and returns)
Connors 26
- 15 Unforced (5 FH, 5 BH, 2 FHV, 3 BHV)... with 1 BH pass attempt at net
- 11 Forced (6 FH, 3 BH, 2 FHV)
- Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 48
Stockton 46
- 21 Unforced (6 FH, 5 BH, 5 FHV, 4 BHV, 1 OH)... with 1 FH at net
- 25 Forced (6 FH, 6 BH, 4 FHV, 3 FH1/2V, 6 BHV)... with 1 FH at net
- Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 50
(Note 1: All 1/2 volleys refer to such shots played at net. 1/2 volleys played from other parts of the court are included within relevant groundstroke numbers)
(Note 2: the Unforced Error Forcefulness Index is an indicator of how aggressive the average UE was. The numbers presented are keyed on 4 categories - 20 defensive, 40 neutral, 50 attacking and 60 winner attempt)
Net Points & Serve-Volley
Connors was...
- 28/44 (64%) at net, including...
- 22/32 (69%) serve-volleying, comprising...
- 20/28 (71%) off first serve and...
- 2/4 (50%) off second serve
- 1/2 forced back
Stockton was...
- 46/88 (52%) at net, including...
- 41/81 (51%) serve-volleying, comprising...
- 27/56 (48%) off first serve and...
- 14/25 (56%) off second serve
- 0/2 forced back
Match Report
Some good returning and passing from Connors highlights a routine win over a a weak serve-volleying Stockton
Connors mixes up serve-volleying and not (in all, serve-volleys 28/55 first serves and 4/22 seconds). Stockton does so 100% of the time
Both have harmless serves. Jimbo serving a little harder when serve-volleying than not. As far as blind test of whether any given serve is a first or second, by his flip-a-coin standard, there’s a difference between his 2 serves. Which has come out in stats
He wins 71% first serve points and 52% seconds. 66% in count is quite low for him too and hints at his actually putting his back into the first serves
Off first serves, wins 20/28 serve-volleying and 19/27 not, excluding his sole ace. Good 64% net points won but he volleys no more than adequately. Stockton is worse and faces far better passing (return and otherwise)
Jimbo on the volley has 12 winners, 5 UEs, 2 FEs. Not bad figures, needing some explanation
He faces very few strong passes and/or returns, so rarely has to make difficult volleys. 5 UEs isn’t great for 12 winners, and what’s more, he doesn’t volley with authority. Even dispatching the easy stuff is lower than his high norm, but on the regulation, net high volleys, just puts them in play a little to the side of Stockton, who can reach ball comfily. Stockton not good on the pass more accounting for Jimbo’s satisfactory net numbers than Jimbo’s volleying
Stockton on the pass has 5 winners (2 returns), with 12 ground FEs (about 8-9 of them passes). Not bad either, but he has good looks at passes (including returns) and usually leaves routine volley at most
The entire Jimbo volley vs Stockton pass contest is ordinary and forgettable
Flip side is dominated by Jimbo, who does return and pass well, though Stockton again is sub-par on the volley
‘Volleying’, Stockton with 15 winners, 11 UEs, 14 FEs (including groundshots and half-volleys at net)
Passing, Jimbo with 16 winners (7 returns), and 10 errors (1 UE), with background of 100% serve-volleying drawing 28% unreturned serves
When he makes the volley, Stockton makes it well and wide. Doesn’t leave Jimbo good look passes. Trouble is, he doesn’t make it a large lot of time
11 UEs is poor and he’s liable to miss routines. Just putting ball around net high would do to get breaks out of him. More FEs speaks to Jimbo returning/passing well, but also blackmark on Stockton there. He doesn’t just miss almost everything that’s difficult, but most anything that’s not-easy. A slightly wide, above average power, slightly under net ball is more likely than not to draw error from him
All that against back-drop of 28% unreturned. Average serve, a little stronger than Jimbo’s at most. He’s got 4 aces (couple of them tanked by Jimbo). Jimbo not all out hammer and tongs on every return as he can sometimes get. Always firm, often powerful and getting good lot down low. Which is more than enough to break Stockton. Just getting 71% returns back at net high would do to get breaks, and the extra low stuff and shoelace stuff is gravy that sees Jimbo break as often as not (he has 6 breaks, Stockton 6 holds)
Highlight is Jimbo’s non-return passing. As stated earlier, Stockton’s placement of volleys is very good and he’s also not being forced into weak volleys (he misses ball that have potential to to do that), so Jimbo not getting good looks on pass. Makes a few top notch running ones for winners. Excluding returns, Jimbo with 9 passing winners, 9 FEs… which is top notch against what he’s faced with. FH dtl has 5 winners and they tend to be on the run, sometimes full run. 2 BH cc winners are against very deep balls. High point of the match is Jimbo’s passing - excellent shots from difficult positions
Connors would go reach the semi-final where he would lose to 5 time defending champion Bjorn Borg for the fourth time in 5 years. He would go onto win the title the following year. The two had previously met in the semi-final in 1974, with Connors having won en route to the title
Connors won 100 points, Stockton 75
Connors serve-volleyed half the time off first serves, Stockton off all serves
Serve Stats
- 1st serve percentage (56/85) 66%
- 1st serve points won (40/56) 71%
- 2nd serve points won (15/29) 52%
- Aces 1
- Double Faults 2
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (19/85) 22%
- 1st serve percentage (60/90) 67%
- 1st serve points won (31/60) 52%
- 2nd serve points won (14/30) 47%
- Aces 4
- Double Faults 5
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (25/90) 28%
Serve Patterns
Connors served...
- to FH 41%
- to BH 54%
- to Body 5%
Stockton served...
- to FH 31%
- to BH 66%
- to Body 4%
Return Stats
Connors made...
- 60 (19 FH, 41 BH)
- 7 Winners (3 FH, 4 BH)
- 21 Errors, all forced...
- 21 Forced (9 FH, 12 BH)
- Return Rate (60/85) 71%
Stockton made...
- 64 (30 FH, 34 BH), including 1 runaround FH & 1 runaround BH
- 2 Winners (2 BH)
- 18 Errors, comprising...
- 11 Unforced (4 FH, 7 BH), including 1 return-approach attempt
- 7 Forced (7 BH)
- Return Rate (64/83) 77%
Break Points
Connors 6/12 (8 games)
Stockton 1/5 (3 games)
Winners (including returns, excluding serves)
Connors 30 (10 FH, 8 BH, 5 FHV, 3 BHV, 3 OH, 1 BHOH)
Stockton 22 (4 FH, 3 BH, 9 FHV, 5 BHV, 1 OH)
Connors had 9 from serve-volley points -
- 4 first volleys (2 FHV, 2 BHV)
- 5 second volleys (1 FHV, 1 BHV, 2 OH, 1 BHOH)
- 16 passes (9 FH, 7 BH)
- FHs - 1 cc, 6 dtl (1 return), 1 inside-out return, 1 inside-in return
- BHs - 3 cc (1 return - 1-handed), 2 dtl (1 return), 2 inside-out returns,
- regular FH - 1 running-down-drop-shot dtl at net
- regular BH - 1 dtl
Stockton had 13 from serve-volley points -
- 7 first 'volleys' (5 FHV, 1 BHV, 1 FH at net)... the FH at net was a drop shot
- 5 second volleys (1 FHV, 3 BHV, 1 OH)... 1 BHV can reasonably be said to have been played off FHV side
- 1 third volley (1 FHV)
- 5 passes (2 FH, 3 BH)
- FHs - 1 cc, 1 lob
- BHs - 1 cc, 1 dtl return, 1 inside-in return
- regular FH - 1 dtl
Errors (excluding serves and returns)
Connors 26
- 15 Unforced (5 FH, 5 BH, 2 FHV, 3 BHV)... with 1 BH pass attempt at net
- 11 Forced (6 FH, 3 BH, 2 FHV)
- Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 48
Stockton 46
- 21 Unforced (6 FH, 5 BH, 5 FHV, 4 BHV, 1 OH)... with 1 FH at net
- 25 Forced (6 FH, 6 BH, 4 FHV, 3 FH1/2V, 6 BHV)... with 1 FH at net
- Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 50
(Note 1: All 1/2 volleys refer to such shots played at net. 1/2 volleys played from other parts of the court are included within relevant groundstroke numbers)
(Note 2: the Unforced Error Forcefulness Index is an indicator of how aggressive the average UE was. The numbers presented are keyed on 4 categories - 20 defensive, 40 neutral, 50 attacking and 60 winner attempt)
Net Points & Serve-Volley
Connors was...
- 28/44 (64%) at net, including...
- 22/32 (69%) serve-volleying, comprising...
- 20/28 (71%) off first serve and...
- 2/4 (50%) off second serve
- 1/2 forced back
Stockton was...
- 46/88 (52%) at net, including...
- 41/81 (51%) serve-volleying, comprising...
- 27/56 (48%) off first serve and...
- 14/25 (56%) off second serve
- 0/2 forced back
Match Report
Some good returning and passing from Connors highlights a routine win over a a weak serve-volleying Stockton
Connors mixes up serve-volleying and not (in all, serve-volleys 28/55 first serves and 4/22 seconds). Stockton does so 100% of the time
Both have harmless serves. Jimbo serving a little harder when serve-volleying than not. As far as blind test of whether any given serve is a first or second, by his flip-a-coin standard, there’s a difference between his 2 serves. Which has come out in stats
He wins 71% first serve points and 52% seconds. 66% in count is quite low for him too and hints at his actually putting his back into the first serves
Off first serves, wins 20/28 serve-volleying and 19/27 not, excluding his sole ace. Good 64% net points won but he volleys no more than adequately. Stockton is worse and faces far better passing (return and otherwise)
Jimbo on the volley has 12 winners, 5 UEs, 2 FEs. Not bad figures, needing some explanation
He faces very few strong passes and/or returns, so rarely has to make difficult volleys. 5 UEs isn’t great for 12 winners, and what’s more, he doesn’t volley with authority. Even dispatching the easy stuff is lower than his high norm, but on the regulation, net high volleys, just puts them in play a little to the side of Stockton, who can reach ball comfily. Stockton not good on the pass more accounting for Jimbo’s satisfactory net numbers than Jimbo’s volleying
Stockton on the pass has 5 winners (2 returns), with 12 ground FEs (about 8-9 of them passes). Not bad either, but he has good looks at passes (including returns) and usually leaves routine volley at most
The entire Jimbo volley vs Stockton pass contest is ordinary and forgettable
Flip side is dominated by Jimbo, who does return and pass well, though Stockton again is sub-par on the volley
‘Volleying’, Stockton with 15 winners, 11 UEs, 14 FEs (including groundshots and half-volleys at net)
Passing, Jimbo with 16 winners (7 returns), and 10 errors (1 UE), with background of 100% serve-volleying drawing 28% unreturned serves
When he makes the volley, Stockton makes it well and wide. Doesn’t leave Jimbo good look passes. Trouble is, he doesn’t make it a large lot of time
11 UEs is poor and he’s liable to miss routines. Just putting ball around net high would do to get breaks out of him. More FEs speaks to Jimbo returning/passing well, but also blackmark on Stockton there. He doesn’t just miss almost everything that’s difficult, but most anything that’s not-easy. A slightly wide, above average power, slightly under net ball is more likely than not to draw error from him
All that against back-drop of 28% unreturned. Average serve, a little stronger than Jimbo’s at most. He’s got 4 aces (couple of them tanked by Jimbo). Jimbo not all out hammer and tongs on every return as he can sometimes get. Always firm, often powerful and getting good lot down low. Which is more than enough to break Stockton. Just getting 71% returns back at net high would do to get breaks, and the extra low stuff and shoelace stuff is gravy that sees Jimbo break as often as not (he has 6 breaks, Stockton 6 holds)
Highlight is Jimbo’s non-return passing. As stated earlier, Stockton’s placement of volleys is very good and he’s also not being forced into weak volleys (he misses ball that have potential to to do that), so Jimbo not getting good looks on pass. Makes a few top notch running ones for winners. Excluding returns, Jimbo with 9 passing winners, 9 FEs… which is top notch against what he’s faced with. FH dtl has 5 winners and they tend to be on the run, sometimes full run. 2 BH cc winners are against very deep balls. High point of the match is Jimbo’s passing - excellent shots from difficult positions