dunlop ag 300 vs. mfil 200 plus


ok this has been bugging me bad lately.........the specs are so close ...besides the paint how different can they feel

the mfil 200 plus has more static weight but the ag 300 is more evenly balanced so it has a higher will they swing comparatively and which one will be more shoulder asking because my current 200 ag is keeping my shoulder torn up( not blaming the racquet because i think i have a loose shoulder joint sure many ppl have fine shoulders while playing with the ag 200)

will the ag300 swing alittle faster but not feel as stable? please discuss im trying to decide on one or the other and the price difference is eye-opening


Currently, I have ag300 16x18 and m-fil 200 plus. The specs of both racquets are quite close to each other. However, the swing weight is higher on ag300. Hence, I strung the racquet at 55lbs while my m-fil at 58 lbs.


I've never tried the AG300, but I am currently using M-Fil 200 Pluses and had a few of M-Fil 300s (which is comparable to AG300) before. 300's felt little bit heavier because of the higher SW like you said, but felt quite a bit easier on your arm and shoulder because 200 is a pretty stiff frame. A thicker beam of 300 also makes it also more forgiving, IMO. I chose 200 over 300 because I like the stiff racquet, and the lighter SW of 200 makes me swing through the ball easier.

It's all personal preference.


ok this has been bugging me bad lately.........the specs are so close ...besides the paint how different can they feel

the mfil 200 plus has more static weight but the ag 300 is more evenly balanced so it has a higher will they swing comparatively and which one will be more shoulder asking because my current 200 ag is keeping my shoulder torn up( not blaming the racquet because i think i have a loose shoulder joint sure many ppl have fine shoulders while playing with the ag 200)

will the ag300 swing alittle faster but not feel as stable? please discuss im trying to decide on one or the other and the price difference is eye-opening

Try a ProKennex. They are really easy on your arm!


ok this has been bugging me bad lately.........the specs are so close ...besides the paint how different can they feel

the mfil 200 plus has more static weight but the ag 300 is more evenly balanced so it has a higher will they swing comparatively and which one will be more shoulder asking because my current 200 ag is keeping my shoulder torn up( not blaming the racquet because i think i have a loose shoulder joint sure many ppl have fine shoulders while playing with the ag 200)

will the ag300 swing alittle faster but not feel as stable? please discuss im trying to decide on one or the other and the price difference is eye-opening


Hi man.. the frames are very very close. If you do a search, there has been much talk about this... good luck... My votes goes to the 200.. and is better on the arm