I have a 4D 200 Tour and a demo Bio 200 Tour in front of me, Hidious. The 4D's butt cap is definitely more flared. TW has both types for sale:Guys, i really enjoy my Bio 200s but there's always something feeling wrong and weird with the grip. I kept re-wrapping it thinking it was my bad, an installation error but i came to a shocking conclusion tonight after receiving a second one: the Biomimetic has a smaller, different buttcap than my Aerogels and M-Fils which fit my hand like a glove. Has any ex-AG players also noticed this?
If you use a thick, cushioning type of grip with an overgrip, you may not notice this at all. It bugs me because i've been using a firm and thin grip (Bab skin feel) wrapped very tightly around the handle on all my frames. The subtle difference really annoys me; do you think i could get a hold of some old Dunlop buttcaps to install on my Biomimetics?
If any of you guys ever remove your grips, could you do me a favor and compare the buttcap with an Aerogel or M-Fil one? I swear i'm not crazy :shock: