Dunlop M-Fil 300


Thanks Jonolau for your feedback. I will try to smuggle out a case or two from the cellar for next club AGM. Not sure how well it will travel to Singapore though. Fine wine and Tropical climates do not mix!
Looking at different string combos now. Play mainly doubles so need to volley a lot. Read favourable reviews of Supex BA on here and was wondering how it volleys? Would I be better of trying their Multi or maybe a hybrid of the 2?Suck it and see I guess. Never used a Poly before. You recommend mid tension on the M-fil as a start point?

When it comes to strings, feel is a very subjective thing. To be fair, all strings would allow you to volley well. It is usually technique that let's us down. As the saying goes, "A good workman never blames his tools." ;)

Therefore, if you like a soft, comfortable feeling, then gut, multi or synthetic gut is the way to go. If you like a little more confidence on flat, hard and fast baselines (ie. hitting the ball as if there's no tomorrow), then full poly will help mask some of that brute force. If you're not sure, but want less string movement in the stringbed, then a hybrid of poly mains and nat gut/syn gut crosses is the middle road worth walking.

Spot on about tension. Start off with mid.

Hope this helps.
jonolau, as you know I am still trying to find a set up for my AG300.. I have read your last comments and was wondering what strings you would suggest for me.. I am a hard, flat hitter that can use spin when needed, and changes grips constantly depending on shot. I enjoy softer strings, I usually string at around 45lbs, and am forever having to readjust my string bed after each point. Feel and sit time is very important to me. I am currently strung at 50lbs, and although it isnt bad, want to go down a tad and see what works best..


jonolau, as you know I am still trying to find a set up for my AG300.. I have read your last comments and was wondering what strings you would suggest for me.. I am a hard, flat hitter that can use spin when needed, and changes grips constantly depending on shot. I enjoy softer strings, I usually string at around 45lbs, and am forever having to readjust my string bed after each point. Feel and sit time is very important to me. I am currently strung at 50lbs, and although it isnt bad, want to go down a tad and see what works best..

Hi buddy, do you have trouble keeping your balls in play on hard, flat shots? If you do, you may find that either ful poly or a hybrid will helop to tame some of that and add useful depth control. The PLUS factor is that it will eliminate almost all irritating string movement (on a full poly). Hybrid may reduce about 90-95% of string movement depending on tension.

I string all my full poly jobs at 60lbs and hybrids at 60/62 as I hit hard with lots of high racquet head speed.

Hope this helps.

Thanks mate, do you have a brand of string that you recommend that I may be able to get here in Japan?.. I have had trouble with over hitting, and is why I cant string in the high range.. I enjoy sit time, but need a string that will give me a full ball that is deep... I am thinking that I will be most comfortable from 45lbs to 50lbs..


New User
I have read about 10 pages but got tired. I am just getting back into playing after being off for over 2 years. I have a Dunlop Revelation Select Pro Midsize. I want something a little lighter. I am mostly a baseliner with a strong forehand with top spin, flat, slice and inside out. Backhand needs work so I do a lot of run-around. I was ranked a 3.5 lat year I played and I would say I was low end on that scale. I would say I got the rating because that particular day I killed all my serves and did not fault once. I can serve flat, spin, and to the corners with some power but....I turned 50 this year and I think I need a lighter racket to help my racket speed. Should I get this racket? And if so, what string and tension should I use? Thanks for a great forum thread to explore this racket.

I have 3 rackets out for demo to hit with:
Babolat Pure Drive
Dunlop AeroGel
Prince Speed Port Red <<< Feels really nice.... ;)

All of these are way too pricey for me but I needed some where to start. What do you guys think?

So far I like the Babolat the best. How does that compare to the M-fil which i have found for $55 unstrung. Want to make a jump while I can get that price.


i finally able to find the best tension for my mfil 300. it's true that this racquet feels best with lower tension string setup. 55-56 lbs is the best for me. btw i'm using tourna poly big hitter 17. give it a try :)


Thanks mate, do you have a brand of string that you recommend that I may be able to get here in Japan?.. I have had trouble with over hitting, and is why I cant string in the high range.. I enjoy sit time, but need a string that will give me a full ball that is deep... I am thinking that I will be most comfortable from 45lbs to 50lbs..

No worries, buddy. Though I'm not familiar with the string offerings in Japan, I can imagine that strings there would cost a bomb.

Perhaps you could try buying them online and find out how much stringing service would cost there if you provide your own strings.

Pro Supex strings are really good and I've switched over my customers and myself to this brand. By the way, I do not rn a pro shop, but do this out of home as a hobby and cheaper alternative for students.


New User
Just re-strung my m-fil 300, been using the "stock" string that mine came pre-strung with. I've had my m-fil for awhile and it is has been a racquet that was "good" at all aspects of the game, but not great at anything (for me). I've been through a few racquets during this time, not finding "the one" for me. I kept going back to the m-fil as a reliable stand-in. Just had it strung with Big Banger Ace 18g @55#. I was worried about the 18g. But this set-up is awesome, this racquet went from all-around "good" to flat out excellent. The most notable difference is in my serves; power, placement and spin. I do have it leaded up, 8 grams in the head ( 9 and 3 o'clock), leather grip, over grip, weight in the handle. Total weight 345 grams, approx. 10 pts, headlight.

Also, just picked up an Aerogel 300. Really intersted in how it will compare the the m-fil.


Hall of Fame
Just re-strung my m-fil 300, been using the "stock" string that mine came pre-strung with. I've had my m-fil for awhile and it is has been a racquet that was "good" at all aspects of the game, but not great at anything (for me). I've been through a few racquets during this time, not finding "the one" for me. I kept going back to the m-fil as a reliable stand-in. Just had it strung with Big Banger Ace 18g @55#. I was worried about the 18g. But this set-up is awesome, this racquet went from all-around "good" to flat out excellent. The most notable difference is in my serves; power, placement and spin. I do have it leaded up, 8 grams in the head ( 9 and 3 o'clock), leather grip, over grip, weight in the handle. Total weight 345 grams, approx. 10 pts, headlight.

Also, just picked up an Aerogel 300. Really intersted in how it will compare the the m-fil.

Akatim. See you have 2 m-fil 200's. Is the other one the 18x20? If so how does it play? Must be a similar weight stock to your leaded up 300. Thinking of leading one of my 300's. Do you find it makes much difference? I would like to make mine a bit more headlight as I need to be able to volley consistently. How much weight did you pop in the handle?
Cheers- Smirker


New User
Smirker, the 200-18x20 is fairly new to me...only played with twice. The weight is close to my leaded 300 (My 16x19 200 Plus is also @ 345g) but is the spec 6 pts jead light. I don't like the tighter string pattern, I couldn't generate enough spin for my preference. I seem to have something against 18x20 string patterns. It is very stable, it held up to hard serves and heavy shots. Backhand was accurate, slices stayed low. But I didn't get my forehand or my serve dialed in. Maybe if I got accustomed to it?

Leading up the 300 made a big difference. I liked how it hit in stock form, but it is more stable and the control is excellent at it's current weight. I had played with Redondos which were approx. 345, so I knew the weight worked for me. I keep playing with the head weight, moving it from 10 and 2, to 3 and 9, but I don't feel much of a difference. I'm not sure how much weight I added to the handle. I put the 8g in the head, added the grips that I wanted and kept adding weight until I reached 345g total. I did it in a temporary fashion until I knew that I wanted to keep it, then I glued it in. The added head weight makes a huge difference with heavy hit serves. The way it's set-up I have enough speed to get around on heavy hit shots (I'm not behind hard hit shots), it is manueverable and I don't have to play defensively. I have no more racquet twisting, the racquet plows through the ball with great stability. With the BB Ace string I'm getting an awesome amount of top-spin, I'm getting more accurate shot placement.
No worries, buddy. Though I'm not familiar with the string offerings in Japan, I can imagine that strings there would cost a bomb.

Perhaps you could try buying them online and find out how much stringing service would cost there if you provide your own strings.

Pro Supex strings are really good and I've switched over my customers and myself to this brand. By the way, I do not rn a pro shop, but do this out of home as a hobby and cheaper alternative for students.

Thanks mate appreciate the help.. Actually, I hit a hurdle in the quest to make the AG300 my stick.. I played a friend that is I guess a bit of a pusher, and doesnt usually generate alot of pace on the ball.. And so I found I was having to hit out in order to get the ball away, or just get into punching rallies with him where by I would punch or slice the ball back to him.. The problem I found with my AG300 was that when put to the task on hard hitting points and was able to use my opponents pace, it did well, but when I had to put the pace on the ball myself, I was over hitting "alot".. I also noticed that this frame is making me want to use a very western style grip, which I dont mind, but is taking a little to get used to.. I am now going to go back to my AG200 and see if after all it may be the better choice for me.. The Ag300 is currently strung at 50lbs, and I actually didnt mind that tension, and enjoyed the feel on hard hitting points. But just found when trying to flick the ball back, or put up lobs, it was waaayyy too powerfull at times.. :-( I really wanted this stick to work, but now I am not so sure...


New User
I'd like to join club. I've played with M-fil 300 for a couple of months now and I love it. I'm buying another. I play senior and adult doubles.

I've learned so much from this forum -- keep it up!


YO mil fil 300 is great

yeah i currently am using both a babolat and dunlop,but im letting my gf use it because shes adoring it so much.probably goin to end up givin her it and gettin her one or two more.but i was wondering what are some good string combos for it,cause i think she needs somethin with a little more power,but durable to.she hits fairly hard u guess.i love the dunlop mil fil and will be adding some new strings and lead tape to mine to see how much of a beast it is.

javier sergio

Hi Javier, are you still using the Fischer Pro Tour FT? I would like to hear from you soon how the M300 compares to that.


I had the chance to play just about 30 minutes (just hit from the baseline) with the M-Fil 300 and then started raining again(rainy season in Florida), it's raining every days lately.
What can I say? The M-fil is a sweet racquet, very easy to play. The Pro Tour comparing with the Dunlop is too demanding, you have to be more skilled player to play with it.

On the other hand I believe the M-Fil could be easily played for anyone.

If I had the chance to play tomorrow I will test in different areas of the game.



hey, im considering getting and mf200 16x19. im in the market for a new racket and this seems to fit my wants nicely. any thoughts on how it differs from the mf3?


New User

I had the chance to play just about 30 minutes (just hit from the baseline) with the M-Fil 300 and then started raining again(rainy season in Florida), it's raining every days lately.
What can I say? The M-fil is a sweet racquet, very easy to play. The Pro Tour comparing with the Dunlop is too demanding, you have to be more skilled player to play with it.

On the other hand I believe the M-Fil could be easily played for anyone.

If I had the chance to play tomorrow I will test in different areas of the game.



It has been raining quite a bit over here (Singapore) as well. Thanks for taking the time to do the comparison.

I'm currently using the Pro Tour (yellow/black). I'm around NTRP 2.5 to 3 thereabouts. I just completed my beginners tennis course last month. I guess I'm more of a baseliner, hitting with a bit of topspin. And yeah i use a single BH.

With the Pro Tour, I have already gotten quite used to the weight. But at times I do find that i struggle quite a bit. It could be my technique or maybe the Pro Tour is too demanding for my level. which is why i'm now looking at the MF300 :p

I'm not sure whether the MF300 being lighter will be a problem for me or not. And so yah, right now I am still thinking whether i should switch or stick to the Pro Tour. There's no demo programs available here else it would be an easier solution for me.

Looking forward to hear your views on other areas for the MF300 soon and thanks again!


javier sergio


It has been raining quite a bit over here (Singapore) as well. Thanks for taking the time to do the comparison.

I'm currently using the Pro Tour (yellow/black). I'm around NTRP 2.5 to 3 thereabouts. I just completed my beginners tennis course last month. I guess I'm more of a baseliner, hitting with a bit of topspin. And yeah i use a single BH.

With the Pro Tour, I have already gotten quite used to the weight. But at times I do find that i struggle quite a bit. It could be my technique or maybe the Pro Tour is too demanding for my level. which is why i'm now looking at the MF300 :p

I'm not sure whether the MF300 being lighter will be a problem for me or not. And so yah, right now I am still thinking whether i should switch or stick to the Pro Tour. There's no demo programs available here else it would be an easier solution for me.

Looking forward to hear your views on other areas for the MF300 soon and thanks again!


If you have not demo programs there try to borrow a racquet from a friend (in this case M_fil 300)
I believe definitely the Pro Tour is too demanding for your level. This 12 oz racquet it's kind of heavy unless you are really fit to swing it during a long match not affecting your game.

I switched lately to lighter racquets after playing all my (tennis) life with 12 oz racquets or even heavier.
I really get used to this lighter weight and doing great around 11/11.5 oz.

Good luck, Javier


Hall of Fame
Could someone post pics of where you placed your lead on the Mfil 300? I have added leather to mine and so far applied one layer of lead tape around the bottom of the buttcap. Haven't started any lead tape in the hoop yet though. Looking for feedback.


ok i have to admit
this thread is making me want to throw away my fxp pretige and use dunlop 300 either aero or m-fil....

im just gonna wait until aero drops it's price...


Could someone post pics of where you placed your lead on the Mfil 300? I have added leather to mine and so far applied one layer of lead tape around the bottom of the buttcap. Haven't started any lead tape in the hoop yet though. Looking for feedback.

I play doubles, so I had to maintain some manuverability, adding 3 grams each at 3 and 9 o'clock, 9 grams at the butt (through the trap door), and 1 gram at 12 o'clock. Very good feel overall, although it still has that small feeling where you feel you can swing a bit faster but can't.

My previous setup was 3 grams at 3 and 9 o'clock, with 5 grams at the butt. This time it did feel like you could swing well at the baseline, but it was very hard doing any touch shots and any volley shots. But it did feel like a baseliner's galore, although it probably didn't hit SW2.

I use the stock synthetic grip though with a wilson ntrap.
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What are the main differences. I've heard there's something different with the balance of aerogel300 and it might have a bigger sweetspot(is that correct?). Does it swing heavier and can you make them the same if you customize with some lead.


New User
Put me in the club! I bought 2 and have gotten one strung today with Prince Synthetic Gut 16 at 55#. Going to hit with it tomorrow night and see if I want the other one strung the same.


New User
I tried a m-fil 300 and fell in love...if you love to play net, you will really, really love this racquet! I bought a 2nd one from a nice forum member with lead tape but I promptly removed it as I have carpal tunnel (was worried about the extra bit of weight) but mainly, I removed the tape so that my 2 racquets were "interchaneable" during a match. I play 3.0 doubles on a travel club team.


Hall of Fame
I tried a m-fil 300 and fell in love...if you love to play net, you will really, really love this racquet! I bought a 2nd one from a nice forum member with lead tape but I promptly removed it as I have carpal tunnel (was worried about the extra bit of weight) but mainly, I removed the tape so that my 2 racquets were "interchaneable" during a match. I play 3.0 doubles on a travel club team.

I too love mine at the net and play mostly doubles. It's great for put aways and touch volleys. I added some weight to the handle of one of my sticks but it seems slower than my stock racket so I think I will go back to stock and play around with strings instead. A lot of people have leaded up their rackets to 11.5oz but it just didn't seem to work for me.


The problem I found with my AG300 was that when put to the task on hard hitting points and was able to use my opponents pace, it did well, but when I had to put the pace on the ball myself, I was over hitting "alot".. I also noticed that this frame is making me want to use a very western style grip, which I dont mind, but is taking a little to get used to..

Chris, I had the exact same problem except with my Mfil300. So much so that I went back to my POG mid (which doesn't suit my game anymore). I also tried the 200 (with full multi), but that didn't help at all. However, once I strung the 300 up with a poly/nylon hybrid, I was able to flatten out my strokes and not be forced to use such an extreme grip and racket face angle when hitting the ball just to keep it in the court. I play in a 3.5/4.0 league and had lost to a good pusher twice in a row. After the string switch, I beat the guy 1 and 3. I'm now sold on the 300 and poly. I like the combo of a flexible frame and poly string. I can't tell from your sig whether you use poly or not, but if you don't then it's worth a try - especially in the 300.

Oh yeah, I also really like the new thin TW leather grips with tournagrip. Gives the racket more feel.
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is it me or is the mfil 300 original grip pure shiet b/c it's pron to slipping?? the first stick i slapped 2 layers of over grip on it so i thought it was my over grip slipping. well i've just recently broke out another new mfil 300 to play and realized that the slipping is actually caused by the original grip itself. i'm replacing the grip tomorrow but was curious if others had the same issue??


Hall of Fame
hey, im considering getting and mf200 16x19. im in the market for a new racket and this seems to fit my wants nicely. any thoughts on how it differs from the mf3?

It is very similar to the MF3...I've been hitting the MF200 16x19 for the past few months as an extended demo. (Bought three, actually, as I was thinking at one point I was going to switch.)

The MF2 compared to MF3 feels more solid, when volleying or just putting your stick in front of a serve it does more work for you on its own. However, the MF2 isn't as easily spinny as the MF3, and has less pop than the MF3 (which I noticed the most on my serve). You give up a little bit on the sweet spot as well w/the MF2, but it isn't a huge difference.

Though their spec'd swing weights would indicate the MF2 is more maneuverable than the MF3, given their weight difference, I found that the MF3 works better for me overall when dealing w/big servers who throw in a lot of pace/spin...I can get the MF3 in position better and more consistently than the MF2.

I've completed my extended comparison of the MF200 16x19 and MF300 and have decided on the MF300...main reasons are that I missed the extra spin and pop I get from the 300 on my serve, and I return better w/the MF300 overall. One bonus from hitting w/the MF200 is that it appears to have helped me finally work out the remaining issues w/my 1HBH w/the MF300. So i'm settling back down w/my MF3s. :)
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Hall of Fame
is it me or is the mfil 300 original grip pure shiet b/c it's pron to slipping?? the first stick i slapped 2 layers of over grip on it so i thought it was my over grip slipping. well i've just recently broke out another new mfil 300 to play and realized that the slipping is actually caused by the original grip itself. i'm replacing the grip tomorrow but was curious if others had the same issue??

Never seen this...I actually found the stock grip (aside from the red stains it left on my hands - bad idea, Dunlop!) was one of the better ones I've used in terms of providing a good grip.
Chris, I had the exact same problem except with my Mfil300. So much so that I went back to my POG mid (which doesn't suit my game anymore). I also tried the 200 (with full multi), but that didn't help at all. However, once I strung the 300 up with a poly/nylon hybrid, I was able to flatten out my strokes and not be forced to use such an extreme grip and racket face angle when hitting the ball just to keep it in the court. I play in a 3.5/4.0 league and had lost to a good pusher twice in a row. After the string switch, I beat the guy 1 and 3. I'm now sold on the 300 and poly. I like the combo of a flexible frame and poly string. I can't tell from your sig whether you use poly or not, but if you don't then it's worth a try - especially in the 300.

Oh yeah, I also really like the new thin TW leather grips with tournagrip. Gives the racket more feel.

Hi Bengt, sorry I didnt get back.. thanks for your thoughts on the racquets.. I played a local comp yesterday and used my AG200's strung with Yonex Tough Brid 125 Hybrid, and well I was thinking the whole time I should pull out the AG300's.. Its strange. When I play with the AG200, I think that I would prefer the AG300, but then when I play the AG300, I want to go back to the AG200.. Its my own personal little nightmare at the moment.

The AG300 is great on serves and has that extra pop, but I just feel that the AG200 is a little more stable, but serving is a little more muted, and I dont feel like I am really getting a good go at the ball when I serve. The AG200 also makes me have to put that extra into the serve in order to get a result, and that was one of the reasons I decided to put all my player frames away and look for something a little more modern.

I really cant decide between the two.. And so have 2 of each, and cant decide what I want to stick with..


Hall of Fame
Chris...I recommend you do what I did when I was looking at the MF200 vs. one (and only one) for a couple of months. Gotta give yourself time to really settle down with it. Then try the other. When I switched back and forth between the 200 and 300 I had the same response that you are to the AG200/300.

Once I settled down and forced myself to use just one racquet at a time the choice became very clear.


I've asked this question before but didn't get an answer so far so will try once again.
Can anyone compare the m-fil300 against the yonex rds002 light?

-Power on the serve
-size of sweetspot
-power on groundstrokes
-and everything else you can think of


Hall of Fame
I've asked this question before but didn't get an answer so far so will try once again.
Can anyone compare the m-fil300 against the yonex rds002 light?

-Power on the serve
-size of sweetspot
-power on groundstrokes
-and everything else you can think of

Maybe none of us have hit both...I haven't hit the new RDS002 models yet. I'm a long-term Yonex user, but haven't had the time to try them out. You might have to start a new thread asking about it...


Never seen this...I actually found the stock grip (aside from the red stains it left on my hands - bad idea, Dunlop!) was one of the better ones I've used in terms of providing a good grip.

the texture of the grip itself was very good. i even liked the candied out look of the red stripes. However i think it's the glue under that grip itself to the wood pallet that slips. i can feel slight movements upon contact.

maybe it's the sports authority stock pile since i got both form them .


Hall of Fame
the texture of the grip itself was very good. i even liked the candied out look of the red stripes. However i think it's the glue under that grip itself to the wood pallet that slips. i can feel slight movements upon contact.

maybe it's the sports authority stock pile since i got both form them .

Ah, I misunderstood what you were commenting on the first time. If there was old stock lying around and not stored properly, I guess there might be some degradation of the glue and the grip could slip then.

I took mine off when I was adjusting the grip shape, and re-wrapped it, easy to do. You might just try that, wrapping it a little tighter could resolve things for you.


Hall of Fame
I've asked this question before but didn't get an answer so far so will try once again.
Can anyone compare the m-fil300 against the yonex rds002 light?

-Power on the serve
-size of sweetspot
-power on groundstrokes
-and everything else you can think of

BTW, Martin, saw your thread on the MF3 vs. rds002, etc.

You mentioned harshness when missing the sweetspot. I don't remember what tension you're using, but some of us have found nirvana w/the MF3 strung down on the low side. I'm using mine from 50 to 55 and find the pocketing/feel is just great, and it does not become a rocket launcher (and I hit a pretty flat ball the majority of the time).

You might consider playing w/tension a little while you're contemplating a switch to another racquet. :)
the texture of the grip itself was very good. i even liked the candied out look of the red stripes. However i think it's the glue under that grip itself to the wood pallet that slips. i can feel slight movements upon contact.

maybe it's the sports authority stock pile since i got both form them .

I've replaced my stock grips with the new tennis warehouse leather grips. the thin small ones are great, are very tacky and wrap tightly, giving great bevel feel. Love them! cheap too!


Hall of Fame
I have both my M-fil 300 wrapped in Tw leather right now and absolutely love the feel. Firms up the feel of the grip and really feels great when you crack the sweetspot. I have a 3/8 and a 1/2 and have settled on 1/2 grip with the thinner TW leather. Now I just have to swap my 3/8 grip frame for a 1/2.


i have a 1/2 and an 3/8th. the 3/8th is def too small but i was playing around with grip size and some ppl mentioned that the fed used a smaller grip and i figured, at $35 a racquet, why not.


BTW, Martin, saw your thread on the MF3 vs. rds002, etc.

You mentioned harshness when missing the sweetspot. I don't remember what tension you're using, but some of us have found nirvana w/the MF3 strung down on the low side. I'm using mine from 50 to 55 and find the pocketing/feel is just great, and it does not become a rocket launcher (and I hit a pretty flat ball the majority of the time).

You might consider playing w/tension a little while you're contemplating a switch to another racquet. :)

Thanks Redflea,

I will never sell my m-fil300. i've got nine in total and that's just a little bit too much but they're just too good but i might buy a rds002 though.
I string my m-fil around 57 so that's pretty high i guess.
I will string it lower and hopefully i wll find nirvana.
Chris...I recommend you do what I did when I was looking at the MF200 vs. one (and only one) for a couple of months. Gotta give yourself time to really settle down with it. Then try the other. When I switched back and forth between the 200 and 300 I had the same response that you are to the AG200/300.

Once I settled down and forced myself to use just one racquet at a time the choice became very clear.

yeah, I have decided to go with the AG200 and just get used to playing with it.. I now it is the right frame for me, but I expect alot when I play and so never give myself enough time to adjust.. You see, in my mind, I am the most talented player in the world, and I am not afraid to use any racquet. the reality is, that I have been chopping and changing so much that it has worked me over.. To make things worse, I have a friend swapping a brand new T-Fight 295 for one of my old player frames, and I am scared that I am going to like it.. But I must say I am having fun.. I also trying to get my hands on a 95inch 16x19 MFil200 aswell...


Hall of Fame
yeah, I have decided to go with the AG200 and just get used to playing with it.. I now it is the right frame for me, but I expect alot when I play and so never give myself enough time to adjust.. You see, in my mind, I am the most talented player in the world, and I am not afraid to use any racquet. the reality is, that I have been chopping and changing so much that it has worked me over.. To make things worse, I have a friend swapping a brand new T-Fight 295 for one of my old player frames, and I am scared that I am going to like it.. But I must say I am having fun.. I also trying to get my hands on a 95inch 16x19 MFil200 aswell...

Wait...I thought I was the most talented player in the world. Could we be twins?! :)

Just what you need, another racquet or two into the mix to keep things interesting. ;)

BTW, the MF200 16x19 (both extended length and standard) are 97. The MF200 95 is an 18x20.


Hall of Fame
Thanks Redflea,

I will never sell my m-fil300. i've got nine in total and that's just a little bit too much but they're just too good but i might buy a rds002 though.
I string my m-fil around 57 so that's pretty high i guess.
I will string it lower and hopefully i wll find nirvana.

Nine! And I thought i was compulsive. :)

Since you have so many I'd try one at 50, one at 51, one at 52, one at 53... ;)

Yeah...drop down at least five lbs and see how you like it!
I strung one that i'm currently playing alot with dunlop mfil16 mains at 56 and ashaway dynamite 17 crosses at 54. dream come true, sweet hitting, tons of pocketing and spins, plenty of control even on off shots, nice power, seems to last longer at holding tension too.

goign to do up the rest of my frames almost identical.


New User
Different Generations of M-Fil 300?

Hi guys;

I just received another M-Fil 300, this one I bought it from the bidding site e***, and although it is pretty much the same as the one that I purchased from TW, the lettering on the racket looks different. In the one from TW, the words Dunlop on the top part of the frame, wrap around the frame. But in the new one the words are smaller and don't wrap around the frame. Another thing different is that on the carrying case of the racket from TW only says Dunlop, and the other cover says Dunlop Sports. And last the vibration dampener, one is a long one with the words Dunlop across it and the new it is just a square with the Dunlop logo.

The question finally is: Are there different generations of M-Fil 300 out there or did I get a fake?

Thanks in advance


Hall of Fame
Hi guys;

I just received another M-Fil 300, this one I bought it from the bidding site e***, and although it is pretty much the same as the one that I purchased from TW, the lettering on the racket looks different. In the one from TW, the words Dunlop on the top part of the frame, wrap around the frame. But in the new one the words are smaller and don't wrap around the frame. Another thing different is that on the carrying case of the racket from TW only says Dunlop, and the other cover says Dunlop Sports. And last the vibration dampener, one is a long one with the words Dunlop across it and the new it is just a square with the Dunlop logo.

The question finally is: Are there different generations of M-Fil 300 out there or did I get a fake?

Thanks in advance

There are variations in lettering/font that we've discussed before. The "normal" dampener (the only type I've seen w/all of my MFils) is the square one w/the D logo on it. Post a pic of the new one if you're concerned, but most likely it's just one of the two variants we've seen....


New User
There are variations in lettering/font that we've discussed before. The "normal" dampener (the only type I've seen w/all of my MFils) is the square one w/the D logo on it. Post a pic of the new one if you're concerned, but most likely it's just one of the two variants we've seen....

Here the one on top is the one from TW.

Theone on the right is the one from TW.

The dampener that came with the racquet I bought from TW is the one at the bottom