Dunlop Max Comfort 17: Wow


I've tried many multifilaments over the years, and liked the Technifibre ones most NRG/X1/515.

That is, until I tried Dunlop Max Comfort 17. This string has the same level of power as the Technifibre multis but with more ball bite. The bite almost reminds me of Kevlar or aramid. The strings don't move much and seem to have good durability.

What's unusual is that the string has the power of a multi, yet the ball bite of kevlar. Feel and control is superb.

The only downside is that the strings eats up balls quickly. Even though I don't use alot of spin, a fresh can of balls will be worn out after 2 hours with the string. I noticed quite a bit of ball fuzz on the strings.


I just strung this up in my flexpoint prestige and really like it. Nice feel, good power, very soft - all the things I look for in my strings. The price is amazing, too. Having tried most of the expensive multifilaments I was expecting to be disappointed but, on the contrary, I was pleasantly surprised. Didn't notice anything out of the ordinary in spin production, however. To the OP - what tension do you have yours strung at?


I'm glad to see some good feedback on this string as it seems that it doesn't get a lot of love from the community here. Maybe it's because the string is from Dunlop, a company not known for its strings, but it seems to me a relatively cheap multi with good playing characteristics would find many fans. In this same vain, I also liked the ProKennex IQ Elite when I played with it.

More and more it seems to me that the more expensive multis just aren't worth the cost.


Hall of Fame
I'd still recommend everyone do a head-to-head with Prince's Synthetic Gut Multifilament, which is about the same price.


I'd still recommend everyone do a head-to-head with Prince's Synthetic Gut Multifilament, which is about the same price.

I haven't heard much about the PSGM but I'll definitely give it a try at some point in the future. Are you recommending the head to head trial because you think the Prince is a better string?


Hall of Fame
I have used PSGM as a cross string with Klip AP and Legend in the mains for the past three months and I'm very impressed with it. Feels soft, lasts long, good pop, etc...I'll probably try it in a full setup now that I'm going outdoors on clay and like to have a synthetic setup for when conditions are damp.


I have used PSGM as a cross string with Klip AP and Legend in the mains for the past three months and I'm very impressed with it. Feels soft, lasts long, good pop, etc...I'll probably try it in a full setup now that I'm going outdoors on clay and like to have a synthetic setup for when conditions are damp.

I would like to try this hybrid gut/multi next. I have them now to try.
Is the playability and durability with psgm crosses better than regular syngut from prince or gosen?


Hall of Fame
I would like to try this hybrid gut/multi next. I have them now to try.
Is the playability and durability with psgm crosses better than regular syngut from prince or gosen?

Jason- I find the PSGM much more durable than PSGD. (I've never tried Gosen.) As far as playability, I haven't done an apples to apples comparison. Nor have I done a full setup of PSGM for myself or anyone else for that matter. So I can't say with authority.