Durable women's shoe for bunion sufferer


New User
Hi all -

I'm am a recreational player. I play 4-5 times per week, an average of 8 hours per week, hard-court only.

I have a pretty severe bunion on my right foot. I had a bunionectomy on my left foot in 2000. But for the bunion, my feet are narrow.

The problem I'm having with tennis shoes is that the upper around the bunion wears out quickly. If it's mesh, it shreds apart. There's almost always a seam there, so if it's a leather shoe, I bust the seam open.

I've tried K-Swiss Tubes Tennis 100, and several styles of Asics. This has been a problem with regular athletic shoes as well. I also wear down the outsole in that area quite quickly on both feet. I've been in my current shoes (K-Swiss) for less than four months, and have already blown out the seam.

I purchased the K-Swiss at my local tennis store after trying on pretty much every women's shoe they stocked. TW has a much better selection. Does anyone have the same problem and can recommend a shoe?

Thanks in advance!