Earth's methane emissions are rising and we don't know why


Bionic Poster
We can't eat cars so I suggest halving the car population, starting with obsolete ICE vehicles.
For many, a marked reduction in the consumption of red meat will minimize the likelihood of cancer & heart disease.

Also, eating lab-grown meat would be more humane and result in considerably less methane production.

Thirdly, we should mandate that cows should drive EVs rather than ICE Vs
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Bionic Poster
Scientists are working on a fix for the methane cows produce, so lab-grown meat is unnecessary.

For many, a marked reduction in the consumption of red meat will minimize the likelihood of cancer & heart disease.

Also, eating lab-grown meat would be more humane and result in considerably less methane production.

Thirdly, we should mandate that cows should drive EVs rather than ICE Vs


Bionic Poster
And this is what the science says:

Methane is responsible for around 30% of the current rise in global temperature. Methane is responsible for around 30% of the rise in global temperatures since the industrial revolution, and rapid and sustained reductions in methane emissions are key to limit near-term warming and improve air quality.

Dan Lobb

And this is what the science says:

Methane is responsible for around 30% of the current rise in global temperature. Methane is responsible for around 30% of the rise in global temperatures since the industrial revolution, and rapid and sustained reductions in methane emissions are key to limit near-term warming and improve air quality.
Pure garbage. Methane is an insignificant contributor to global warming.


Bionic Poster
Scientists are working on a fix for the methane cows produce, so lab-grown meat is unnecessary.
No, not unnecessary. 1.5 billion cows on the planet, raised largely for human consumption (or to produce milk) require a humongous amount of feed and grazing land that could be better used for other things — like feeding the world’s hungry more efficiently / effectively.

And then there’s the lack of humane treatment of cows to be slaughtered to feed the inordinate red meat cravings of hardcore carnivores. Lab-grown meat does not require the killing or mistreatment of animals


Bionic Poster
We could eat less red meat for health and environmental reasons, but farm animals and humans have a long and interconnected history.

Looking out my car window at a lab is not my idea of a country drive.

No, not unnecessary. 1.5 billion cows on the planet, raised largely for human consumption (or to produce milk) require a humongous amount of feed and grazing land that could be better used for other things — like feeding the world’s hungry more efficiently / effectively.

And then there’s the lack of humane treatment of cows to be slaughtered to feed the inordinate red meat cravings of hardcore carnivores. Lab-grown meat does not require the killing or mistreatment of animals


Bionic Poster
Give a reference, actually methane is very small in terms of greenhouse gas significance.
I bet you can find it if you are really interested. I’ll get back to this later if you are really unable to find it.

Even tho methane is a relatively (very) small component of our atmosphere, it is something like 14x more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2


Bionic Poster

Talk about someone who has been are the prime on the list.
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Dan Lobb

I bet you can find it if you are really interested. I’ll get back to this later if you are really unable to find it.

Even tho methane is a relatively (very) small component of our atmosphere, it is something like 14x more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2
And CO2 is a very small contribution to the overall greenhouse gas effect.

If you can find a science paper which supports the idea that methane is a significant contributor to the greenhouse gas effect, show us.


Bionic Poster
So if you admit to the "overall greenhouse gas effect", then what's wrong with the AGW thesis?

And CO2 is a very small contribution to the overall greenhouse gas effect.

If you can find a science paper which supports the idea that methane is a significant contributor to the greenhouse gas effect, show us.
I bet you can find it if you are really interested. I’ll get back to this later if you are really unable to find it.

Even tho methane is a relatively (very) small component of our atmosphere, it is something like 14x more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2

srshs' demanded ur apologize as he's not impressed by the incorrect '14x' re. his output potency...........he said it's 84x n he refused to proceed after match interview until he n his fan receive ur official apologize:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D...........
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Dan Lobb

So if you admit to the "overall greenhouse gas effect", then what's wrong with the AGW thesis?
The contribution of anthropogenic CO2 is insignificant as a propotion of the overall global greenhouse effect.
You have been shown this many times, but it has gone over your head.

Now it is up to you to find some science evidence which contradicts this finding.


Bionic Poster
Your lies are indeed over the top, not over my head.

The contribution of anthropogenic CO2 is insignificant as a propotion of the overall global greenhouse effect.
You have been shown this many times, but it has gone over your head.

Now it is up to you to find some science evidence which contradicts this finding.


I don't buy the anti-meat propaganda. I'd have more confidence in the claims of meat causing health problems if fewer people doing nutritional science studies weren't vegan activists and if Hong Kong didn't have the world's highest per-capita meat consumption and the longest expected lifespans.

Also, does anyone really expect us to believe that large ruminants are destroying the planet. Are the people who wiped out the great buffalo herds of North America really heroes who were saving the earth?

This is world carnivore month. Hope everyone is having some delicious steaks.


Bionic Poster
I'd have more confidence in your claims if you weren't an activist.

I don't buy the anti-meat propaganda. I'd have more confidence in the claims of meat causing health problems if fewer people doing nutritional science studies weren't vegan activists and if Hong Kong didn't have the world's highest per-capita meat consumption and the longest expected lifespans.

Also, does anyone really expect us to believe that large ruminants are destroying the planet. Are the people who wiped out the great buffalo herds of North America really heroes who were saving the earth?

This is world carnivore month. Hope everyone is having some delicious steaks.


Bionic Poster
That's the way you described yourself once, but now you're pretending to be an expert in climate models so your imagination is unlimited.

Actually, an expert in mathematical statistics, such as used in climate models.

Was never a public servant. You have strange ideas, Bumpkin.

Dan Lobb

That's the way you described yourself once, but now you're pretending to be an expert in climate models so your imagination is unlimited.
I worked on government contracts, that is not the same thing as a "civil servant". I guess you never learned that, Bumpkin.

I have a background in mathematical statistics which allows me to evaluate statistical models, such as those used by climate scientists. Of which you know nothing.

Trump today announced that he will terminate EV government supports, we will have freedom of choice in buying fossil fuel cars. It appears that Trump is listening to the scientists who disagree with the CO2 hypothesis.


Bionic Poster
Enjoy your 25% Trump tariffs!

I worked on government contracts, that is not the same thing as a "civil servant". I guess you never learned that, Bumpkin.

I have a background in mathematical statistics which allows me to evaluate statistical models, such as those used by climate scientists. Of which you know nothing.

Trump today announced that he will terminate EV government supports, we will have freedom of choice in buying fossil fuel cars. It appears that Trump is listening to the scientists who disagree with the CO2 hypothesis.


Bionic Poster
You are not qualified in the area of climate science whatsoever.

I worked on government contracts, that is not the same thing as a "civil servant". I guess you never learned that, Bumpkin.

I have a background in mathematical statistics which allows me to evaluate statistical models, such as those used by climate scientists. Of which you know nothing.

Trump today announced that he will terminate EV government supports, we will have freedom of choice in buying fossil fuel cars. It appears that Trump is listening to the scientists who disagree with the CO2 hypothesis.

Dan Lobb

You are not qualified in the area of climate science whatsoever.
You are not qualified to give us your opinon, you not having any education.

I have a background in mathematical statistics which allows me to evaluate statistical models, such as those used by climate scientists. Of which you know nothing.

Trump today announced that he will terminate EV government supports, we will have freedom of choice in buying fossil fuel cars. It appears that Trump is listening to the scientists who disagree with the CO2 hypothesis.


Bionic Poster
You have no qualifications in climate science whatsoever. Enjoy your 25% Trump tariffs!

You are not qualified to give us your opinon, you not having any education.

I have a background in mathematical statistics which allows me to evaluate statistical models, such as those used by climate scientists. Of which you know nothing.

Trump today announced that he will terminate EV government supports, we will have freedom of choice in buying fossil fuel cars. It appears that Trump is listening to the scientists who disagree with the CO2 hypothesis.

Dan Lobb

You have no qualifications in climate science whatsoever. Enjoy your 25% Trump tariffs!
You are not qualified to give us your opinon, you not having any education.

I have a background in mathematical statistics which allows me to evaluate statistical models, such as those used by climate scientists. Of which you know nothing.

Trump today announced that he will terminate EV government supports, we will have freedom of choice in buying fossil fuel cars. It appears that Trump is listening to the scientists who disagree with the CO2 hypothesis.


Bionic Poster
Enjoy your 25% Trump tariffs!

You are not qualified to give us your opinon, you not having any education.

I have a background in mathematical statistics which allows me to evaluate statistical models, such as those used by climate scientists. Of which you know nothing.

Trump today announced that he will terminate EV government supports, we will have freedom of choice in buying fossil fuel cars. It appears that Trump is listening to the scientists who disagree with the CO2 hypothesis.


Enjoy your 25% Trump tariffs!
China has tariffs on European dairy and beef and not a word out of you;
China went much further with Australia putting an embargo on Australian imports due daring to ask a question about the Wuhan Institute of virology and the origins of the virus. We had our Australian brothers and sisters stuck out at sea for a whole year not being able to dock and unload that beautiful black coal - not a word from you.
When it comes to trade, environmental laws and climate agreements, China breaks all the rules.
Nobody enjoys tariffs accept governments and workers in danger of losing their jobs.
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Bionic Poster
Your friend Morrison was begging the Chinese to restrict Australian exports so he could tell the Americans what a good boy he was.

China has tariffs on European dairy and beef and not a word out of you;
China went much further with Australia putting an embargo on Australian imports due daring to ask a question about the Wuhan Institute of virology and the origins of the virus. We had our Australian brothers and sisters stuck out at sea for a whole year not being able to dock and unload that beautiful black coal - not a word from you.
When it comes to trade, environmental laws and climate agreements, China breaks all the rules.
Nobody enjoys tariffs accept governments and workers in danger of losing their jobs.


Your friend Morrison was begging the Chinese to restrict Australian exports so he could tell the Americans what a good boy he was.
He is not my friend suki. My friends are in the free system, the honourable system whereas you, like Morrison are trying to uphold the SH system of compliance and slavery to the centralised powers bratan.
The mistake you make repeatedly is thinking that just because a leftist lives his or her identity through their political allegiances that freedom people do the same and it’s simply not the case because many of us have the ability to live outside the system.
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Bionic Poster
You went into bat for your friend in your post, but now you're appealing to the third umpire against your dismissal.

He is not my friend suki. My friends are in the free system, the honourable system whereas you, like Morrison are trying to uphold the SH system of compliance and slavery to the centralised powers bratan.