The H manual I sent you had the older "cam-action" clamps in the picture--the Neos 1000 manual instructions should assist you with the later version/current version of the clamps. I think the last incarnation of the H (and the earliest generations of the Ektelon Neos) had an Ektelon clamp that was pretty much identical to that on the current Neos 1000 save for the fact that it was black. The earlier versions of the H had a different clamp--good for its time, but not as good as the current version. My H, bought new in the mid to late 80s, is still pretty much mint condition and had the black clamps I previously referenced (although as noted, my manual pictured a different, older version clamp). I finally had to replace them about 3-4 years ago with the current Neos 1000 version (the only differences I can tell is they are gray and say "Neos" instead of "Ektelon" but the original black clamps were good for 1000s of string jobs.