^^^ Just sent to you, Joosh. Good luck with your machine.
Thanks. Done.Tag Max Ply with a leading @ sign like so: @MAX PLY. This will get his attention. It is not email, so be patient.
I’ll send to you later this morning.Hello @MAX PLY ... I would also very much appreciate a copy of the Model H owners manual when you can email. TIA.
Just sentI’ll send to you later this morning.
^^^Your lucky 10 minutes . . . just sent to you.
I would like to have a copy of the Model H owners manual if you have a chance.
Hi @MAX PLY , please send me the manual for the model H at phillanthier@gmail.com thanks in advance !!^^^ just sent a copy to that address.
^^^ just sent to you.@MAX PLY Could you please send me a copy of the Ektelon Model H manual as well? I would really appreciate it. The Ektelon Model H Lives! rdoctor@yahoo.com
I have copies of the following PDF files if they would be of use to anybody:
1) Ektelon Model H owners manual (1987) - 25 pages
2) Ektelon clamp instructions (1988) - 3 pages
3) Ektelon Widebody guide and parts list (1989) - 8 pages
4) Ektelon NEOS manual (1994) - 21 pages
I started stringing at a tennis club in NC in 1974 at age 12 on an Ektelon Model D, moved to the Model H in the 80s, and bought my own brand new Model H in 1989, which still performs perfectly.
^^^looks to be an H in pretty good condition ( and with all of its parts). Nice find.
^^^I just sent you the H manual. Good luck with your machine.
Got the machine today and after checking and mounting all the parts I tried stringing a racket. I chose an old Wilson Pro staff classic 95 I used to play with 20 years ago...
I followed the manual for mounting and fixing the racket and started stringing the mains at low tension (around 50 pounds). After completing the mains I stopped because something seemed wrong. I unmounted the racket and noticed it was quiet deformed. It was wider and shorter. is it normal? would the racket have returned to normal shape if I had strung the crosses? is it common for a 2 point mounting stringing machine? how can I solve this?
NEVER take a racquet off the machine unless not strung at all, or fully strung.
Now, you may have had it mounted incorrectly, but you compounded the problem by removing it with only mains strung.
Without pics or a video, we here would likely never know, BUT we do know that removing it 1/2 strung was a BIG no no.
Agree with esgee48 but I suggest you actually call them for that part--they may have some additional recommendations (plus parts like that are not listed on the website but I suspect JC has them in his workshop). I think you have the Manual and the part number is 97 (clamp-self tightening assembly)--I think it's the same part number for the Neos. You might grab a new spring while you're at it. Good luck.Another question here...
Screenshot-2021-09-24-14-36-27-916-com-android-chrome-2 hosted at ImgBB
Image Screenshot-2021-09-24-14-36-27-916-com-android-chrome-2 hosted in ImgBBibb.co
Does anybody know what metal are these parts made of? The part with the hole for the bolt is broken and I would like to know if I can weld it.
Or do you know if these spare parts can be purchased alone?
Can someone please email me the manual for the Model H to george_yew at hotmail.com?
Just sent to you.For Del K, send to delkeeney@gmail.com
Looks just like my Model C.hello Jeff, may a have those manuals please? (my email is invio1@protonmail.com) thank you!
also can someone tell me what model is this Ektelon machine?