
Hall of Fame

Sales of EVs, which are more expensive than ICE vehicles, are still highly dependent on government incentives to entice wary buyers.

EV sales plunged by 27.4 percent in Germany last year as government incentives ended at the end of 2023.


Dan Lobb

Your own reference states that he is not a climate scientist:

Happer, who is not a climate scientist, rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.
Happer is a climate scientist, despite the claims of his critics who are not scientists. His publishing history confirms that (see above).

There are many scientists who disagree with climate alarmism or the CO2 theory.

From above,

"Case in point is the peer-reviewed analysis completed in June, 2020 by eminent physicists William Happer and William van Wijngaarden. Mr. Happer is Professor Emeritus at Princeton University and van Wijngaarden is a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at York University in Toronto, Both men are accomplished and renowned physicists with over 500 published papers to their credit. Mr. Happer is best known as the brilliant scientist whose insight into the physics of the atmosphere empowered the success of the Strategic Defense Initiative.

They applied highly detailed mathematical analytics to the physics of CO2 in the atmosphere and raised serious doubts about CO2’s ability to absorb heat after becoming “saturated” at current levels of 400 parts per million, and therefore unable to absorb significanty more heat from the Sun. Thus, any further increases in atmospheric CO2 – even doubling that amount to 800 parts per million – would only result in minimal increases in atmospheric temperature of 0.5C, or 1degree Fahrenheit.

This mathematically rigorous finding was validated through a controlled laboratory experiment conducted by a team of seven Viennese researchers in 2024. They measured the back infrared radiation of CO2 in a test chamber with increasing CO2 concentrations emulating realistic atmospheric conditions. They concluded that doubling CO2 from pre-industrial levels from 400 to 800 ppm “shows no measurable increase in infrared radiation absorption, and thus can lead to just 0.5C warming increase at most”.

This conclusion illustrates the reason why climate alarmists have never been able to explain the reason why the Earth has never experienced runaway warming in the past when CO2 levels were 5-10 times more concentrated than today, nor why the UN climate models based on linear warming theory have been proven to be so terribly wrong."


Bionic Poster
So where is the reference to the paper published by the Viennese?

Happer is a climate scientist, despite the claims of his critics who are not scientists. His publishing history confirms that (see above).

There are many scientists who disagree with climate alarmism or the CO2 theory.

From above,

"Case in point is the peer-reviewed analysis completed in June, 2020 by eminent physicists William Happer and William van Wijngaarden. Mr. Happer is Professor Emeritus at Princeton University and van Wijngaarden is a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at York University in Toronto, Both men are accomplished and renowned physicists with over 500 published papers to their credit. Mr. Happer is best known as the brilliant scientist whose insight into the physics of the atmosphere empowered the success of the Strategic Defense Initiative.

They applied highly detailed mathematical analytics to the physics of CO2 in the atmosphere and raised serious doubts about CO2’s ability to absorb heat after becoming “saturated” at current levels of 400 parts per million, and therefore unable to absorb significanty more heat from the Sun. Thus, any further increases in atmospheric CO2 – even doubling that amount to 800 parts per million – would only result in minimal increases in atmospheric temperature of 0.5C, or 1degree Fahrenheit.

This mathematically rigorous finding was validated through a controlled laboratory experiment conducted by a team of seven Viennese researchers in 2024. They measured the back infrared radiation of CO2 in a test chamber with increasing CO2 concentrations emulating realistic atmospheric conditions. They concluded that doubling CO2 from pre-industrial levels from 400 to 800 ppm “shows no measurable increase in infrared radiation absorption, and thus can lead to just 0.5C warming increase at most”.

This conclusion illustrates the reason why climate alarmists have never been able to explain the reason why the Earth has never experienced runaway warming in the past when CO2 levels were 5-10 times more concentrated than today, nor why the UN climate models based on linear warming theory have been proven to be so terribly wrong."


Bionic Poster
Just plain dumb:

"We don't want windmills in this country. We're putting an order on it. We don't want windmills ... you know what else people don't like? Those massive solar fields."


This is how the climate people roll - at Davos. All the Baropians arguing for and renewables agains the fossil fuels - you guys are being played. Many renewable projects are owned by the same people that own oil, coal and gas:
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Bionic Poster
Your beloved Trump turned up to Davos and he wants to tilt at windmills, not build renewables.

This is how the climate people roll - at Davos. All the Baropians arguing for and renewables agains the fossil fuels - you guys are being played. Many renewable projects are owned by the same people that own oil, coal and gas:


Interesting to watch many of the presentations from Davos so far seem to indicate that the biggest losers out of the woke, Marxist and climate agenda has been Europe and it’s 27 members with an exception of about 3 that don’t want to comply with the European Economic Commission’s agenda.
Currently Europe only emits 6 percent of the worlds global emissions however with all of Europe’s climate and economically socialist policies have made them economically impossible to deal with and do business and Europe is being left behind in the tech industry both by China and with Trumps new incentive programs money for innovations will flow into the United States plus their is a more decentralised entrepreneurial approach to things in the US compared to Europe and even Australia and the UK.
China also is becoming much easier to do business because their is less red and green tape:


Bionic Poster
What pro-Marxist agenda?

Interesting to watch many of the presentations from Davos so far seem to indicate that the biggest losers out of the woke, Marxist and climate agenda has been Europe and it’s 27 members with an exception of about 3 that don’t want to comply with the European Economic Commission’s agenda.
Currently Europe only emits 6 percent of the worlds global emissions however with all of Europe’s climate and economically socialist policies have made them economically impossible to deal with and do business and Europe is being left behind in the tech industry both by China and with Trumps new incentive programs money for innovations will flow into the United States plus their is a more decentralised entrepreneurial approach to things in the US compared to Europe and even Australia and the UK.
China also is becoming much easier to do business because their is less red and green tape:


Bionic Poster
Is China now business-friendly?

Interesting to watch many of the presentations from Davos so far seem to indicate that the biggest losers out of the woke, Marxist and climate agenda has been Europe and it’s 27 members with an exception of about 3 that don’t want to comply with the European Economic Commission’s agenda.
Currently Europe only emits 6 percent of the worlds global emissions however with all of Europe’s climate and economically socialist policies have made them economically impossible to deal with and do business and Europe is being left behind in the tech industry both by China and with Trumps new incentive programs money for innovations will flow into the United States plus their is a more decentralised entrepreneurial approach to things in the US compared to Europe and even Australia and the UK.
China also is becoming much easier to do business because their is less red and green tape:


Your beloved Trump turned up to Davos and he wants to tilt at windmills, not build renewables.
Trump only appeared via Skype.
It was Argentinas president who appeared in person to deliver the message to the international socialists.
Btw I don’t have beloved political figures because my types live independently in multiple countries. May I also remind you that Trump has only been in office for less than a week and it’s not so much about having a beloved Trump but more so about people rejecting a vision of the world being promoted by the far left - people don’t want it.
What I think Trump may have done while in waiting was to lure some of the rich elites away from Tedros, Guteeres and daddy Klaus to his team with the promise of less regulations and taxes and we know how much the the globalists and people like the Baropians like to squeeze the people with all sorts of regulations and taxes.
As far as renewables are concerned and innovation it will be decentralised low tax models that will flourish and this trend will be hard to stop. Even the European attendees at the WEF have admitted that Europe will need to simplify and decentralise if they want to get moving in the tech world that Klaus so much wanted to enforce on the world with his totalitarian vision.


Is China now business-friendly?
If you want to make things there it is - but that has nothing to do with climate change that you promote - it’s quite the opposite which is why I find it hypocritical that you support their manufacturing practices.


Bionic Poster
You are the one now praising China.

If you want to make things there it is - but that has nothing to do with climate change that you promote - it’s quite the opposite which is why I find it hypocritical that you support their manufacturing practices.


Bionic Poster
Trump appeared and gave a major speech, so your beloved Trump just endorsed Davos by that act.

Trump only appeared via Skype.
It was Argentinas president who appeared in person to deliver the message to the international socialists.
Btw I don’t have beloved political figures because my types live independently in multiple countries. May I also remind you that Trump has only been in office for less than a week and it’s not so much about having a beloved Trump but more so about people rejecting a vision of the world being promoted by the far left - people don’t want it.
What I think Trump may have done while in waiting was to lure some of the rich elites away from Tedros, Guteeres and daddy Klaus to his team with the promise of less regulations and taxes and we know how much the the globalists and people like the Baropians like to squeeze the people with all sorts of regulations and taxes.
As far as renewables are concerned and innovation it will be decentralised low tax models that will flourish and this trend will be hard to stop. Even the European attendees at the WEF have admitted that Europe will need to simplify and decentralise if they want to get moving in the tech world that Klaus so much wanted to enforce on the world with his totalitarian vision.


Trump appeared and gave a major speech, so your beloved Trump just endorsed Davos by that act.
No he just communicated to them what he wanted to tell them.
Your obsession with the word beloved could now be seen as a BDS - beloved derangement syndrome.


Bionic Poster
My chainsaw won't start, so I can't wade through this because you have no idea.

No what it means is that I don’t have the time to go through this with you over and over again. But maybe you could listen and watch this and that might give you an idea


You love Trump, but sad he endorsed Davos by his presence. You'll get over it
Trump always goes to Davos and has lots of friends there. You going to have a try and keep up with how the world works - because it’s not what you think while your are sitting and typing in your basement and at your local University.


Bionic Poster
It appears that an air of depression and the buzz of chainsaws hangs over Davos.

Trump always goes to Davos and has lots of friends there. You going to have a try and keep up with how the world works - because it’s not what you think while your are sitting and typing in your basement and at your local University.


It appears that an air of depression and the buzz of chainsaws hangs over Davos.
Davos has one think in common with you - TDS.
The crying and carrying on because their little evil globalist agenda has been disrupted is good to see and some of the Europeans are starting to see that what they did to themselves now means that China will have Europe’s breakfast. Sorry / but that’s how it works.


Bionic Poster
Europe and China are moving closer together economically because they realise that America's trade war is directed at them too.

Davos has one think in common with you - TDS.
The crying and carrying on because their little evil globalist agenda has been disrupted is good to see and some of the Europeans are starting to see that what they did to themselves now means that China will have Europe’s breakfast. Sorry / but that’s how it works.


Bionic Poster
I support parties that collectively obtain the support of over 40% of the Australian electorate whereas you support a far-right party with no support.

Coming from a far left totalitarian collectivist that you are is the reason people are running away and picking up chain saws


I support parties that collectively obtain the support of over 40% of the Australian electorate whereas you support a far-right party with no support.
That’s called being a sheeple. You would jump
over the cliff to be part of the collectivist group. You support the boot on the face.
You support the uni-party where as I follow ideas, principles and what is intellectually honest and truthful - big difference


Bionic Poster
You don't have the intelligence to follow ideas and principles. All your thinking comes from infantile propaganda videos.

That’s called being a sheeple. You would jump
over the cliff to be part of the collectivist group. You support the boot on the face.
You support the uni-party where as I follow ideas, principles and what is intellectually honest and truthful - big difference
The Trump executive order on EV stops individual states from banning gasoline powered cars.

The announcement comes days after Stellantis Chairman John Elkann met with President Donald Trump and shared that the carmaker plans to strengthen its U.S. manufacturing footprint and provide "stability" for its American workforce, according to an email sent from Stellantis North American leader Antonio Filosa to employees.

Good news for the US.


Bionic Poster
No states have banned gasoline cars so it's all symbolism from a fossil-fooler.

The Trump executive order on EV stops individual states from banning gasoline powered cars.

Good news for the US.


Bionic Poster
Here's you insulting me because I don't agree with your quasi-fascist views.

That’s called being a sheeple. You would jump
over the cliff to be part of the collectivist group. You support the boot on the face.
You support the uni-party where as I follow ideas, principles and what is intellectually honest and truthful - big difference


Here's you insulting me because I don't agree with your quasi-fascist views.
I said that light hearted comment after you insulted me about not supporting your uni party with 40 percent support collectively.
You have to understand that being in that 40 percent collective doesn’t make you right and I was pointing that out.
It is true that a lot of people follow the crowd. You have offered some information that suggests that you too follow the crowd;
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Bionic Poster
I didn't say being in the 40% made me right. I said it did not make me an extremist. You are the far-right extremist.

I said that light hearted comment after you insulted me about not supporting your uni party with 40 percent support collectively.
You have to understand that being in that 40 percent collective doesn’t make you right and I was pointing that out.
It is true that a lot of people follow the crowd. You have offered some information that suggests that you too follow the crowd;


I didn't say being in the 40% made me right. I said it did not make me an extremist. You are the far-right extremist.
The reality being played out in many counties is the rejection of the far left UN agenda which you have been pushing on this forum for a long time - and that’s you and that doesn’t bother me:
However because people disagree with you and there are a lot - you call them far right extremists. If having a preference for more personal freedom, less regulation, lower taxes and more privacy is far right to you then maybe it’s you that needs to re- assess and evaluate your attitude and beliefs.
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Bionic Poster
You think I'm far left whereas I think you're far right. I see you as an authoritarian nationalist with no interest in freedom.

You align yourself with some of the most politically and morally reprehensible figures of modern times who are creating a dystopian future.

The reality being played out in many counties is the rejection of the far left UN agenda which you have been pushing on this forum for a long time - and that’s you and that doesn’t bother me:
However because people disagree with you and there are a lot - you call them far right extremists. If having a preference for more personal freedom, less regulation, lower taxes and more privacy is far right to you then maybe it’s you that needs to re- assess and evaluate your attitude and beliefs.


You think I'm far left whereas I think you're far right. I see you as an authoritarian nationalist with no interest in freedom.

You align yourself with some of the most politically and morally reprehensible figures of modern times who are creating a dystopian future.
I follow the rules in which the country I reside in at the time and as long as they leave me be I have a good time.
To me you seem to constantly in agitation mode to what appears to be some Marxist agenda.
I don’t align myself with anybody because true success and change comes from within and not waiting for some government to fix my life.
It’s the intention of the globalist climate agenda that I don’t like because it attacks the existence of humanity by restricting what life could be with a hungrier world and making more people poor so that a few elite can make trillions out of solar panels and digital technologies.
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Hall of Fame
You think I'm far left whereas I think you're far right. I see you as an authoritarian nationalist with no interest in freedom.

You align yourself with some of the most politically and morally reprehensible figures of modern times who are creating a dystopian future.

makes no sense for a person who loves big brother to accuse someone of supporting authoritarianism if they clearly support freedom and independence from government


Bionic Poster
You've retreated into your apolitical mode. Such a phoney!

I follow the rules in which the country I reside in at the time and as long as they leave me be I have a good time.
To me you seem to constantly in agitation mode to what appears to be some Marxist agenda.
I don’t align myself with anybody because true success and change comes from within and not waiting for some government to fix my life.
It’s the intention of the globalist climate agenda that I don’t like because it attacks the existence of humanity by restricting what life could be with a hungrier world and making more people poor so that a few elite can make trillions out of solar panels and digital technologies.