Talk Tennis Guru
It seems like just the other day when I suggested to someone to look for practice rackets at the goodwill. Today I was taking some donation items to the goodwill and decided to take my own advice. I walking toward The back wall where the rackets are hung and could only see what I thought were trash tennis rackets and a few badminton rackets I wasn’t interested in. As I kept walking I started thinking I seen something I had not seen in a long time. An original ProStaff 84.6 si (aka ProStaff 85.) I took the racket off the off the wall and noticed there was no bumper guard. Then is when I realized I just found on of the very first ‘Chicago style’ ProStaffs. I’m not sure when they started putting bumper guards on the ProStaffs but I know all the St. Vincent models had bumper guards. Price was $4.09 for a classic antique racket. When I got up to the checkout I found out it was senior day so the price dropped to $3.07. I tried to talk them down because the strings weren’t straight but they were having any of that. Anyway here is my find for the day.
Check out you own goodwill and thrift stores. You‘ll never know what you might find until you go looking.
Check out you own goodwill and thrift stores. You‘ll never know what you might find until you go looking.