Extreme mp 2020 vs extreme mp 2024, is the upgrade worth it?


New User
I have 2 extreme mp 2020, the graphene 360+ ones, the 2022 extreme mp has a much more closed string pattern in the mains Which I dont like. the 2024 extreme mp string pattern seemed to open up a bit more which I like, was wondering if anyone has had experience with both to comment whether there’s a big enough change or positive enough change to upgrade. From tenniswarehouse database it seems the balance is a bit different too.


If you have the extra money to spend, then buy the new version as you will have new rackets with the most recent recipe.
I don't see the term upgrade being applicable as with each generation only slight changes are being offered with the Extremes.
Upgrade definition would apply to the differences between the 2022 and 2023 Yonex Vcore line where they improved significantly..